Something is eating my baby plants at night

:laughing: I know that feeling of visiting the garden to finding out some little varmint basically said, “Fuck yo couch” and destroyed all the hard work. Seeds don’t always come easy, that next one you plant might be a real treasure chest. That’s why the first harvest smoke is extra special to me.


Veg Table/area babies All BAGGED UP LIL BUG OR RODENT MITCHES! O Im ready for them now and I dropped 20 or so seed ringers in the blue cup to plant and leave out so I can catch them in the act . Chess moves… it’s all chess moves.


Had my pet rabbits break into a tent one time, through the bottom vent hole. Let me tell ya what 6 baby bunnies can clear out a grow in no time. Had a mw herm, 10 rabbits ate a four foot tall lst’d monster in less then 8 minutes. If your not legal, get a fluffle! (Herd of rabbits) evidence gone in no time!


I also have experienced Earwigs being the culprit in eliminating seedlings. I started sprinkling chili powder around the area and most bugs left the area.
I went to $store, got couple bottles of cayenne and sprinkled in the yard. Works great temporarily.


You can create a protective defensive line with Diatomaceus Earth in the entrance, that would work for slugs, slimes and any reptant insect. The mouse would leave traces, I prefer the Texas style :cowboy_hat_face: to get rid of them … frech|nullxnull



Got that PTG pollen today and hit it to the Silver Haze il let u know thanks. Mail on the way for you


Put out some nicotine treats


Neat trap. I am guessing that the cans spins and the mouse falls into the pail? Good live trap


Except the pail is usually filled with water so they drown…

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we prefer them alive but…ok


Live traps for mice is like bailing out a boat filled with water using a sieve lol


So funny. They can be aggravating. I was out west one time just moved into this old ranch house they were everywhere we all sat around putting out mouse traps. 420 bake and kill.


I come here to (cry a little :cry:) and remind y’all to stay vigilant against these pests! :fist_right::boom: I sprouted some beans in paper towels. About 48 hours, 5 were showing tap roots so I planted them in containers. It was supposed to be kinda cool last night so I took them in the garage. I’m guessing a mouse ransacked the sprouts cause holes were dug in and the seeds taken-only where they were planted :sob: I’ll have to do hardware cloth over them now I reckon. keep your babies safe out there! :heart::smiley:


For sure mice. Thats a bummer. They got me before too. Window screen works great or keep them up off the floor.


My problem ended up being a 6 pack of meeses. I got 2 with the kill traps then got the live capture traps and got the rest. Took away to a field in a faraway land.


I have a crew of wild rabbits that live in my back yard in some thicket. I watched them come out and make their way over to the herb garden. We have some flowers planted out there too. This little son of a gun started mowing down one of these flowers from the top leaving just the stalk poking out of the ground. My wife usually hits them with the hose when she sees them.

I happened to be watching him through the sunroom window. He was no more than 4 ft away from me through some glass. I started banging on the window loud. He looked up at me and then continued on eating. I banged some more and he didn’t stop. So I got the jump on him and sprung out the door. He looked at me and said “oh shit, son,” and started to take off. I chased his ass real good.


@Upstate Thanks for the echo, man. I was pretty sure it was them - I’ve had problems in the past with em (just being in the garage) but dang was it disappointing. Didn’t dig in the rest of the soil…ONLY where I had planted.

@SkunkHunt101 i love that - please tell me you made that yourself LOL

@Indicana_Jones buddy, I literally laughed out loud this morning at work reading that. I needed it too cause people at work today not doing their job done pissed me off :joy: :rofl::joy:-


Haha. This was the first time I broke out into a full on sprint in probably a decade. I surprised myself and I think I surprised the rabbit too. I think I was actually gaining on the rabbit. I still got it.


Oh yeahhhh LOL still got it


I hate mice. In everything.

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