Something on the leafs

Before i sprayed

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did it seem to eat the white stuff off the plant? under the microscope the mildew disintegrates. I’m still wondering if it really was mildew lol! never seen growth patterns like that. It’s usually more of a white fuzzy patch that slowly covers the entire plant.


I’m beggin’ ya… LOL …get rid of them damn leaves, its a breeding station for bad news, keep the leaf in a cup of water somewhere else if you want to observe what happens, don’t let it spread.

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Leafs™ all are gone and everything sprayed… wrestling with rHHumidity atrn


I use a large dehumidifier, you have to achieve 40-60% RH.

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I ended up getting one at lowes with a auto pump. Will push water 16ft up vert. I got it dumping into a large cooler atm… Wasn’t too bad $289.00 i think it was. Inside of the tent is now at 50% Thanks everyone for the help!.

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