SOS any intel!?

Yep, I hate them little bastids!!!


HOLY mackerel I wanna THANK all of YOU

Definitely all of you have solid advice and the best part is everyone has their own way but you can take their methods and create your own from others findings !

Sick so now In about two hours I will be able to choose what I want to do ā€¦

Imagine I donā€™t do anything :sweat_smile:
ā€œā€Iā€™m surely going to do something but I have to choose one thing ā€œā€


If one plant got them the whole grow is afected and must be treated chaances are all other grow rooms too


What ever you use spray the underside as well

At least 2 x a day


Next question is how they got there so you can Stop it from happening again


Ladybugsā€¦ ordered now you could have them mid next week. Iv had good luck with ordering 1500 and releasing in two week increments.

Not on mites, but worked real well on thrips twice last season. I swore Iā€™d use them as preventive measures with a new roomā€¦ but it slipped my mind.

Dr Zymes can knock them down on non flowering plants but they werenā€™t eliminated that way for me.

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I agree

Last grow I brought some in from my veg / flower garden a small rosebush was infected and I was cleaning it out even though I changed my clothes i didnā€™t shower and I myself was to blame I infected my girls took forever to clean out

Best wishes



I feed my girls in my underwear and give my hair and body a dry towel rub
If Iā€™m in contact with plants outside I deffo shower and use /wear clean undried outside clothes
Shoes pets phones and cameras , everything brought into grow room should be scrutinised and elvaluated for possible contamination ( where have they been )

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Thanks fellas the most affected plant got a bath and sprayed with soap water think she might just stay outside ā€¦

I spent a literal hour flipping leafs and looking a couple exoskeletons but no mites like I seen on this plant and they have a healthy appearance

No Iā€™m not in denial about it being on the other plants just hoping they r not :innocent:

With limited days Iā€™m almost tempted to cut the scrog defoliate some leafs and then spray
With soap water

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Getting deep

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Do not forget the floors, walk ways, walls, equipment, soles of shoes, fuckin borg.


Its good to keep one of these bottles around. I use it for foliar feeding but you can use it to kill those insurgents quick


throw a few hundred live lady bugs in there. Homedepot usually has them lady bugs will thinks it hometown buffet


I throw a fit when Mrs Foreigner wears her shoes in the house.


I fought these little fuckers recently. They spread quickly. I added predator mites to the tent and they did sweet FA. I ended up using an organic spray thatā€™s good to spray anytime as long as you wash the plants before ingestion.
It didnā€™t stop them but it kept them at bay enough to get a harvest.


Iā€™ve gone to battle with those little bitchesā€¦almost wiped out a 30 plant mother room on me. It was intense but about a month after trying everything under the sunā€¦I won. It was glorious. They spread so quick and they are so vicious under the scope. Best of luck my friend!


If it was me at this latter stage of the grow I would lower temps and up power on ocilaating fan around tops to slow them down and sort out room after chop


Tell them you are their friend and you would appreciate it if they only ate a few leaves of your plant. Remind them of this whenever you get the chance but if they get out of control you know what to doā€¦:face_with_monocle::wink::grin:.



@Kabuddha This is the route Iā€™m taking but a little more stern :crazy_face:I told them I understand their biological makeup I know they did not intentionally come inside to reek havoc ā€¦they have been very conservative where they r eating ā€¦I showed them a bottle of lemongrass and the dawn dish soap and told them I am ready to take you fuckers out at a moments notice :crazy_face: I brought the most infected one out gave her a wash and a soap shower ā€¦
Sheā€™s staying outside

My last grow I had pillbugs black crickets millipedes and some micro bugs in the soil but it seemed to all work itself out


Is it odd Iā€™ve seen these all my life and now just figured out exactly what they r .

I could gather some lady bugs from the flowers a small army ā€¦

Not sure how to gather up them mites though .
Awesome to know they r a good asset !

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