Sour Bluetooth, Swazi Gold, Point Break CBD, Ghost Candy, San Pedro, Blueberry TrainMAC… hobby tent grow in MO

Here’s some photos of my little tent grow. It’s all just for fun and personal use for me and my close friends and family🤙🏻 The girls in the two flower tents are sleeping at this time but I’ll add photos later on!

I’ve got clones of Blueberry TrainMAC from Brandon Rust of Bokashi Earthworks, Chocolate Marshmallow from Exotic Genetix, and Undertow that I got from Sebring but was bred by someone called Baked Beans 🫘 I’ve also started some seeds. I’ve got one going from a hermed out Gwalk, which was from my second grow a few years back, but still one of the best plants I’ve grown(if memory serves me correctly) and threw tons of weight. Also a sour blue tooth that was sent to me from @Indoornesian a couple years ago for a photo contest here on OG, some Point Break(cbd) which is also from Sebring and bred by Baked Beans @SamwellBB (it’s half in the undertow), and a Swazi Gold from Soul Rebel Seeds because I feel I’ve never really smoked a true sativa, and I don’t know where to buy any, so I’ll just have to grow it myself!

I use one 4x4 with and 460w spider farmer for veg, and two 4x4s for flower. One with an old 600w HPS from the old 215 days out west, and a brand new HLG r-spec that I’m running for my first time.


Nice, welcome! That choc/marshmallow really intrigues me, been looking for a true marshmallow terp for years, always dissapointed. Also wanted to point out Baked Beanz is on here @SamwellBB is his name here. I’m sure he’d love to see more people popping his gear, definitely a great choice! I have beans from him I’m dying to pop I was recently hooked up . Looking forward to the show


CORRECTION!! - UNDERTOW was produced by OG’s own @SamwellBB, Owner/Operator/Breeder of the “Baked Beanz”…that a z. There’s no connection with the Baked Beans Brand. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you for setting me straight! :call_me_hand:t2:


Flower Tent Photos :sunglasses:

The first one is the LED tent and they’re all Blueberry TrainMAC. The second set, is the HPS tent and one is blueberry trainmac and one is chocolate marshmallow. I know they don’t look so good, they were a bit neglected and were in veg too long in the pot they were in and blah blah blah. It happens. They’ll still give me some good material to wash into hash at the very least. :call_me_hand:t2:
Also have a little Abula drying from Pacific NW Roots which is a cross of strawberry diesel x alien Kush. Took it just shy of 70 days.


Veg tent with some Blueberry TrainMAC, undertow, Point Break cbd, sour blue tooth, Florida og x grease monkey, and a little Swazi seedling
Sour blue tooth is super short and squat!


Update on the tents! The Florida Og x Grease monkey is a female! And looking great. I’ve taken some cuts and am flowering one out now. Update coming on the smells. Going to flip the Sour Bluetooth soon. Looking like a female but not positive yet. Very short and bushy! Also sexing the Point Break CBD plants now and transplanted the Swazi gold into 5 gallon pots. Happy frog soil amended with worm castings, compost, and roots organic uprising. Tell me what ya’ll think!