GM’s tent city.

Disclaimer: no holding back here. Open to all comments/questions/debates/ or whatever may come up.
New here but been growing as a caregiver for years and now get to spend most my days tending a commercial op. Small scale but still keeps me busy most days.

Since the market is difficult to say the least I’ve decided to spend some time hunting deep for special genetics. So far I have made a few crosses which I’m thrilled thus far with but excited to learn deeper how to work a line, and breeding cannibus in general. So as a greenhorn chucker I’m all ears to call out some retarded shit I’m doing. Or any and all advice welcome!

I’m into soil. Always have been. Love castings and no tilling and recycling soils long term. Been on the deep dive into organics for some time so let’s chat about that! Alright folks here’s some plants.

To keep things simple I think I’ll try to focus on this particular strain for this thread for now.

“Blue beam”
(salmon river og x river song) x thin mint Girl Scout cookies.

I’ve been growing the mom for years, known as BB15 orginallly looking for blue berry bud. It was found. What a girl. Here’s the mom.

Here’s the blue beam. Couple phenos mixed in. But this run was just a test out. I plan to see what can be found with 32 moms. I think that’s the max I can fit in the 4x8


nice, interested in seeing what you further develop


A very nice garden.


Beautiful flowers

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Awesome garden :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

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Frosty, nice!

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Garden looks great mate! I’ll be following to see what else your working on.

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Thanks everyone! I’ll do my best to update often.
Here’s my attempt at selfing my bb15. I sprayed with CS for approx 2 weeks. Starting s week before flower.

Ended up with alot more male branches than I anticipate.

And pregos I think!


Outta likes but your tent looks amazing!


Thanks @HighTilliDie !
Believe it or not I popped those seeds sept 1. Most males showed at 3-4 weeks from getting wet. Flipped October 15 and now riding the downhill slope!

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Amazing results! I follow a buddy on instagram and he started using 12/12 from seed to find males

Heck yeah. I’ve heard of that. Been thinking about how to put more small plants in the tent instead of and handful of bigger ones.

My other plan was to just clone the tops of all the seeds by the time the root should be able to cull the males and snd put into small containers and flip right away. But I might try the 12/12 from seed option too. Not sure yeT.

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Sounds killer ! I absolutely love salmon River OG! Looking forward to watching these grown out too! Very cool

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Welcome mate. Beautiful looking work :ok_hand:


Blue beam in the paper. This eeed puts you down. Not a great daytime, almost too strong.

Smoked at work and everyone dead silent and so zoned out for hours. Strong indica lock.


Here she is pre chop


A stunner!


Looking amazing! Wish I could taste it! I imagine she taste better than she looks

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Hasn’t been in a jar long but I’ve been sneaking tokes off the branches. She’s special:). Thinking I want to hunt through more of see what else is hidden in there.

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