Sour Bubble from the man, the legend, BOG

Them plants are looking so damn delicious cuz!


Flawless plants . I think I can spot the male


Jesus that boy in the back left is getting tall. I realize that I’m assuming this plants gender at this point but I feel pretty confident haha


Stellar grow brother!


That is just amazing, gonna have to hang that pic at the lake. Can’t wait for my wife to see she has now been immortalized , you sir are amazing.


Hey all. So not a great report today. The tallest one all of a sudden started getting some clawing happening and there are some leaves with some yellow in them. Oddly it’s only a couple while the others look fine. Very strange since they are in the same tent getting the same feed. Now the clawing looked like overwatering and the RH in the room has been going up for a week now. In the summer I exhausted the filter into the room with no issues but now it seems to be driving the RH way up and was at 70% today. This is clearly too high so even if it’s not the main issue I have set the exhaust up to go out the window. After a couple hours of this the RH dropped to 60% and is falling. Now I will leave them for a day or 2 to see how they respond. I also turned the light down a bit since turning it up to 50% coincided with the tallest plant clawing which it was not doing before. Run is not in any danger but defiantly want to get this under control before we head to the flip. Thankfully I can always veg these longer until they are better. On a positive note that little one in the bottom left which seemed to top itself is looking nice and health so that is pretty cool.


What size pot is the big guy in? I feel like I’ve run into this before myself and I attributed it to too small a pot size. Whether or not that’s the case is anyone’s guess but it could be something to consider, especially if that one has been hulking out on you above the others he may be wanting some new shoes

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I am not really sure of the size but I used the pots for the PPP plants with no issues and they were much bigger. The clawing started as soon as I turned up lights so it could just be a coincidence or perhaps not. Now that I have turned the light down a bit and lowered the RH I will see how it responds in the next day or so. Plant is nowhere near a lost cause and can defiantly bounce back. Hopefully a day with less light intensity and much lower RH will show signs of improvement. If not I will pull it out of the pot and see what the roots look like but not right now as it is stressed enough.

I promised you all the good, the bad and the ugly, seemed appropriate to show things don’t always go as smoothly as we hope :slight_smile:


:+1: This is what we all need! Collective minds collaborating together!


I hear you there man, I feel like I experience stuff like this all the time. Hopefully having multiple heads in the room is more of a help than a hindrance, hopefully the lighting change does it. Fingers crossed for you Doug :v:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:


Thanks @LegsMahoney , multiple opinions are always encouraged and welcomed. This run will be successful one way or another. My biggest issue can be patience. I have to be carful to switch things one or two at a time so I can figure out what the issue is. If someone changes too much at once they never get the underlying issues. Thankfully these little ones got plenty life in them to allow me some breathing room. Good things are a comin :slight_smile:


Preaching to the choir buddy, I’m guilty of “oh no something wrongs. CHANGE EVERYTHING!!”


Had similar things happening when my plants were not drying out, and was having poor root development. Meanwhile other plants I was treating exactly the same were completely happy and healthy.

Hope you are able to correct the issue. I know for me it can be stressful. The plants are looking great though Doug! Keep up the good ass work!


Thanks bud. I am thinking that really high RH was an issue, just checked the and it is down to 57% RH, much happier about that. Would like to see it drop some more and hopefully it will. All will be well.


Lol could not check the babies this morning since the lights are out but the pouring rain wont be helping the RH :frowning:


Likewise! rh at 75 -79% in flower is not a joke!!! Worried!! Raining as well around here!
Plants are looking happy @DougDawson!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :hugs:

Now that I’ve said it dawned on me a while back when you were having problems with the PPA due to them having wide leaves causing them to show excess of water, so, do you recall that!? :thinking:

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With my growing concerns I ordered a new and better PH pen. Gotta make sure I got accurate readings. Bye bye Dr. Meter

Apera Instruments PH60 Premium Waterproof pH Pocket Tester, Replaceable Probe, ±0.01 pH Accuracy, -2.00-16.00 pH Range


I’ve been looking at this one also. Maybe a review in a couple months? I’ve been using the drops since I started.


I have a Dr. Meter but mainly use drops myself. I did not want to invest in a more expensive unit but with the current issues I figured it was time. The thing I like about this one is it’s a good name brand, is a complete kit with storage and calibration solutions (not packets to mix) as well as it has replaceable probes. I will check it out and provide a review for folks.


Good choice Doug there a great meter and cheaper than blue lab .