Sour Bubble from the man, the legend, BOG

i made the switch to lights off during the day for my last run, mostly for temp purposes, but yea, the cost savings is nice too!


I’m having flashbacks to when the PPP started exploding in growth. Looking primed and ready to push out some beautiful flowers bro!! Nice work :grinning:

I’ve been doing lights at night in flower for years, definitely makes a huge difference on the hydro bill. Only issue I’ve had is having to use a separate veg area for starting the outdoor stuff early in spring, to keep it on the same schedule as daylight hours.


Plants happy after first 12hr dark period. Good things will be happening soon. They are drinking more the last few days.


Girls (?) are looking grand!! Congrats!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :hugs: :pray:


Somehow at 4am I’m out of likes but YEES! Stoked to watch these things perform. Good luck Doug!


I hear ya brother :100: % I’m always checking hydro rates/times when needed. I’ve also got mine 7pm on to 7am off lol :laughing: only works in my favor when I work nights to tending to plants :potted_plant:


Looking good my friend


I feel this hard since switching most of my indoor garden (cannabis + tropicals) to evenings as well. Our house is electronically heated… so the lights ON at night also provide radiant heating for the winter dark season. My upstairs grow room also has an aquarium; the bedroom gets to 18c at night where THAT room stays at 23-25c due to the lights + water retaining the heat.

Talking about your plants: PURE GARDENER’S PORN YOU GOT GOING THERE!!!


Ya I haven’t looked into this since the days of running 4 1000w HPS , and a couple 400 mh, but as my electronic footprint keeps growing and expanding I may have to look into this myself, my hours are weird 8:30 Am -12:30am could definitely benefit from this as those are surely mostly peak hours. Thanks for this as I haven’t thought of that in ages. (Could buy me a few more packs a year for sure!) :thinking:


In the end Hydro is over double between 7am and 7pm so it is definable worth looking at. Why give those crooks any more than you have to.


Thanks all, once I get these sexed I will aim at a sign up sheet :slight_smile:


My sentiments EXACTLY! seeing the numbers you posted really made me realize, I can only imagine what that would translate out to over the course of an entire year. Seeds, new equipment, whatever…. Everyone loves saving cash . I appreciate you posting that, really do.


Pretty stoked to see how these turn out! And extra stoked for some fresh SB beans! Those had to be 5-9 years old so VERY WELL DONE. Gotta few f2 projects planned for 2022 myself for some super elusive strains/beans. Love this OG spirit and the joy it brings too so many. :raised_hands:t2:


Thanks bud.


I can’t wait to see what the runt does!


So just got done doing all the waybills for the auction lots so I figured it was time to peek at the plants, some nice smells coming out of that tent now.


Out of likes as usual :angry:


Let the stretching begin!


Lookin LUSH AF! BOG Jungle :deciduous_tree: :herb:


Nice BOG Sourbubble thread you got going on! Can’t wait so see these come to fruition!! You know what version you have? I’m guessing the BX4…

BOG was one of the first cats I met when I joined the original OG back in the day…a solid guy without question!! The first strain’s of his I ran was the original Bogbubble(Bubblegum), and Bogglegum(Bubblegum x NL)…Classics that have changed over the years. The older generations I found to be his best works.

In my prized possession is one of the original first run Bonanza of Green signed copies I picked up from Chris aka Meduser years back(with print shift and photo issues included…lol) I’ve grow BOG style more than a few time’s back in the day… :wink:

I remember the HUGE debate regarding the Bubblegum, Bubba Kush question…(I remember when he was gifted those BK clones that supposedly got “mixed up”)…I would have to say there is definitely something to be said about it not being a pure bubblegum line. The Sourbubble does have some definite similarities to Bubba Kush! I’ve had phenotypes that looked almost identical to BK. Either way some of my favorite smoke of all time came from the SB BX3 gene pool!

Still have a nice stock of most of his original strains in the seed fridge(30+ of each)…personally I feel his SB hit a high point with the SB BX3…at least for me these were the best of all I’ve tried from him by far! From BX1-4 all were different with the BX4 my least favorite and was prone to hermi issues that I have found…best tasting was BX3, most potent BX2…don’t get me wrong the 3’s and 4’s were definitely NOT lacking in potency in any way, shape, or form…all good just different!

Found memories came flooding back while going through this post…THANK YOU!

Happy growing
