Sour Bubble from the man, the legend, BOG

Most definitely plan on collecting pollen. Managed to send pollen to almost 100 people on my PPP run, just have to collect some this time.


Doug is that one of the Vivosun clip fans I see in that photo?? Did yours stop oscillating too if it is??


Yes it is and yes it did. They are total crap. Vivosun did give me my money back so not a total loss but still would not buy another.


Dude I had myself convinced that I could get it working again, took the whole thing apart, was an exercise in frustration. But good for you for getting your money back man. I’m on the waiting list for one of the growbuds fans that were supposed to ship like 19 years ago :joy::joy:


I couldn’t agree more. The vivosun clip on fans are a real POS. They have replaced 6 of mine 3 times now and within a month or so, they quit. Some just quit oscillating and some just quit all together. I have spoken and had email correspondence with them many times. Each time, I tell them what a disappointment their company is and that I have friends that buy fans from Wally World, that last longer. I’m not even gonna bother having them replace these last ones. I have been able to get some of the ones, that just quit, working again but, unable to get the oscillating feature to work again. I bought 2 16" vivosun fans, for when I shed my tent. I am now thinking about getting something else, instead of even attempting to use their products. Just my humble opinion and experience :v:t4:


Agreed. I’ve avoided vivosun but have bought a pile of 6" wind devil clip fans and only had 1 burn out on me over a few years of near constant use.

Personal favourite is to mount these “:canada: Cottage Classics” on a board and then mount the board to the roof of my tent as these things move a lot of air for such a small footprint:


That mofo kicks


I want to try and mount 3 in my 4x4 to create a “tornadoeque swirl” of wind!


I got 3 of these back in July for like $15 ea at Price has risen like $10 because of supply shortages with the damn cargo ships off shore (GF works at wally world as an asst mgr, prices on everything are going up across the board because of the supply chain issues).

Holmes Lil Blizzard Oscillating Table Fan (HAOF87) -

Had em in the past as well, and they lasted quite a few years. The oscillating mechanisms don’t like to be forced, thats when ya break em, but generally they hold up well… just sucks they have a round flat base and not a clip, but thats what zip ties are useful for :wink:


I have 8 of these in my house, absolutely amazing little fans, last forever too, tough to clean though (drives my OCD NUTS!) but I recommend these constantly. If you don’t need oscillation these are a must IMO. Even to bring in or expel air from rooms/tents these are exceptional. I use them to circulate cool air in the summer and warm air in the winter throughout my home too. For 20$ (Canadian Tire has sales constantly for them) these cannot be beat.


In our HUGE mom room (off site) we have 4 mounted on the ceiling in order to create airflow throughout and the way they are positioned it actually creates a tornado style that sucks all the air from the floor upward around and around until it’s exhausted out the top centre by an 8” vortex. Works exceptionally, the air movement is unmatched in there.


All you have to do is take them to the kitchen. Plug it in. May need an extension cord. Turn it on and gently run it in a out of a sink full of water and Dawn. It pretty much cleans itself. Hawhaw. This is some of that BRO-SCIENCE you always hear about. Don’t try this at home kiddies.


I just have such a hard time with the fact that you can’t find a reliable 6” oscillating fan these days. I’d much prefer to have two moving fans in place of like 4 stationary ones. Makes me wish I was a product designer, seems like there’s a captive market here


I haven’t found a good wall whipper yet there all junk . I’ve had good luck with industrial barn fans from a farm supply store there big but built to last.


Haha I’m in!


I’ve used hurricane for a few years, still going strong. Think I have 3. I have also been running a wind devil for about a year now in my 4 by 8 I actually love that one because it’s absolutely perfect on low oscillation for my needs.


I had to add the disclaimer, because of guys like @Slick1
Nice grow Doug!!!


What, to make sure he wants to do it more? :stuck_out_tongue:


Hey all, kind of busy tonight but here is a couple pics for you.


Looking like some nice fellas
Carry on the stellar work.