Sour Bubble from the man, the legend, BOG

Hell yeah, me too! Love that scene! Forever Ingrained in my brain!


Cool, thanks for your input @corgitron !!!


So sorry to see this doug! You made the right choice re: the herms. Way to keep positive and hoping for the best with these new seed pops!!! :four_leaf_clover:


Man I’m so sorry @DougDawson. I just scrolled through the whole thread with those beautiful plants and now this. I think it was the right decision. Good luck for the new attempt! :seedling:


Thanks, it was sad but.not much one can do. Remaining Bubbles are doing good and new seeds germinating.



A few questions I have about this is, in theory if those seeds came from the same plant and you found herms in the resulting seeds, what’s gonna be different that those same herm genetics arent gonna be present again in the same batch of seeds? Goes back to genotype and phenotype, the Hermie trait is def present in the genotype even if all or few don’t express it in their phenotype. Next thing to think about is I see u mentioned lights got left on one of the days during nighttime hours, that’s a major stressor for a plant in flower, there’s a lot that happens for a plant in those nighttime hours. What’s the difference with stressing out a plant with collidal silver to throw up intersex? I guess I’m questioning if those plants had perfect conditions without that stressor would the same thing resulted? And knowing it did have a major stressor that resulted in a intersex pheno to come out why is it now a risk to use the pollen from it as it was a result from inducing stress not much different than pissing a plant off with CS. Ive made many s1 seeds just pissing off the plants without chemicals and those resulting seeds didn’t show any issues with herms when I grew em out so that’s why I bring this up for discussion. Light leaks at night are the fastest way to get a plant to naturally throw up sacks because it’s not letting the plants sleep, imagine how exhausted and tired you would be if someone forced u to do an all nighter and keep u up till darkness the next day, I’m sure u wouldn’t be a happy camper either. If I was in those shoes, I think the two options would have been ditch the project entirely and start over with something else knowing a genotype may contain the herms or I would have continued the run knowing the intersex was caused by human error and wouldn’t be using any of the seeds that were found in those males as they would be 100% males, tough call to make for either I think. I know ur were pretty set on this project but maybe some things to think about and consider… Just my $.02


The problem is your questions cannot be answered. Was it the stress from that one day which caused this? The only answer that can be given is maybe. The fact is that I just have no way to know. With 10 seeds, 3 from this batch and 7 from a different source, there is no reason not to carry on. Certainly not just going to drop this project on a maybe. Could I have just continued and ignored it, of course, but with other seeds I see no reason to mess with hermied plants. I will keep growing the females for bud. Ordered a small propagater and will likely monster crop a few cuts to see if I can get them to root and reveg. I am germinating more seeds and onward we go. All I can do now is see how it goes and try to look at the bright side which is I will have some Sour Bubble smoke so in the end it may end up as a win:)


Look at it this way, the seeds are only getting older at this point and serving no good just sitting. Might as well crack em and see if there are stable genetics to be used to make more for the community. If not, then our boy Doug gets himself some much deserved classic smoke. Win win from where I’m sitting!


Well the fact u have another set of seeds from another source def is a great variable, but still wonder if they came off the same original plant bog was raising, guess only one way to find out! def need to put a warning label on whatever results though that they might be sensitive to stress. Whats in a genotype isn’t always expressed in the pheno but doesn’t mean it’s not still sitting there in the genetics. Most recently I had an la confidential I harvested around Halloween successfully without issues and had another one I threw into flower couple weeks before halloween and that thing intersexed bad. Even though I had a successful plant, after seeing the extreme herm come out of the same batch of seeds im extremely hesitant to run the cultivar again and why I’m in a round about way trying to see other views on the topic


Fair enough. These are my first hermies so a new experience for me but having a second seed source is defiantly a bonus. I don’t there are too many issues with Bog Sour Bubble since it was the backbone strain of almost all his lines. We shall see how it all turns out together :slight_smile:


Def look forward to seeing how the project turns out! Hoping this next round they can pick a gender and stick with it!


There “it” was, u can see that was no random balls appearing here or there, def a full on herm


For me everything looked perfect to my eye and than just before they started dropping pollen they stared throwing listils on top. Went over females and they show no issues. Fingers crossed for next batch


Are u keeping the girls then and just gonna shoot for new males? Maybe do some fem seeds reversing the girls?

Was it also multiple males that Hermed or just the one?

all of them bro scroll up

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No interest in fem seeds unless it’s a last resort. Being a preservation run I want to make regs. All 3 males started throwing pistils. Here is hoping it was just that 1 day of stress that caused it.


The thing about making fems, is that it takes additional time (several weeks) to flip the girls into boys.
I’d be happy to send you anhydrous sodium thiosulfate and silver nitrate to make STS. I have both in abundance. Tony Green experimented with different concentrations/timing and detailed his experiences on icmag.

Just in case. :grinning:


That’s such an odd trait to have the males herming and the girls not, I mean technically for growers and not breeders I wouldnt see that a concern, def sounds like a huge stress issue or it’s a dominant trait in the line, can really only be one of those two