Sour Bubble from the man, the legend, BOG

You’re doing it like a Boss bro
Don’t doubt youself… :+1:



It’s a true bummer about them males!

But feel 100% in your decision in binning them! I’ve ran Sourbubble a few times and seen hermi issues along with a bunch of others on ICMAG…personally feel as BOG further BX’ed the line it got more unstable…moving this line forward stability should be paramount imo.

Also if you need more SB I’ve got about 40 original BOG to work with.

Happy growing



Chiming in with my dime store opinion here Doug, definitely don’t beat yourself up like everyone else here said. 80% of us woulda done the same. @lefthandseeds and others thank you for shedding some light on stuff though, that’s really interesting stuff, so would the protocol be of seeing pistils on a male to isolate, collect and observe the females to know if you’re seeing intersex instability vs. feminine hormone males? Asking because I’m just about to flip a seed run and this info feels pertinent


It kinda depends on your setup I guess. The easiest thing to do is always have your males in a separate tent. I am always making seeds, but usually only on 1-2 branches per female. Then you can delay your decisions until the end of the grow.

In a single tent, it’s harder. If you can isolate the males, it’ll make your life easier. If you can’t, then it just depends on how committed you are to the strain. There’s always the option of taking clones and starting it over after you see the females. If the strain has a good reputation, you could just let everything pollinate and then wait to find out if the seeds are worth keeping. But you might also just have to throw away seeds at the end.

You have to sacrifice something any time you make seeds. There’s just no way around it. So if it’s something you like doing, eventually you just settle into some methods that allow you to adapt as you need to.


Hey Brian, I would love to trade for some of those Sour Bubble if you are up for it. It was a real kick in the pants when those 3 started throwing pistils but I am dedicated to making this run work so it would be great to have some more original BOG SB to work with. How many are you willing to part with and what can I give you for them if you are interested? Thanks.

EDIT: Hey @Alaskagrown , meant to PM you and somehow put this on my thread. Fire me a PM if you wish to discuss or put it here. Either way works :slight_smile:


Good luck brother !!

Screw them hermies don’t pass germies :sweat_smile:

Jurassic leafs be weary


Hey all. So all 3 seeds that went into coco have broken the surface. The 2 from the other pack I got are not near as vigorous but have cracked and tails are forming. I went and grabbed more coco and perlite. One thing, when you ask the gardening store to put aside a big bag of perlite for you be sure you know what you are asking for, lol.


It looks like you’re back in the saddle again. :slight_smile: :v:


Yes sir and working on getting some more seeds from some other OGers. This run will get done if I have to do it 10 times, what can I say, I am not one to give up once I am set on a path. There will be BOB Sour Bubble seeds no matter what it takes :slight_smile:


New thread… “Free Seeds, Clones and Perlite”


LOL, yeah, when I asked for a large bag I did not expect 115L bag. Gonna have lots of perlite for some time :slight_smile:


Update good folks of OG!

To help @DougDawson move this project forward I’ll be donating a full 13 pack or original BOG Sourbubble BX1-4. I received these from BOG about 10 years ago(when he started breeding again) These are before his re-releases of his strains…and I believe are a mix of Sourbubble BX1 through BX4. I’d have to look through some old emails but I believe these were old stock mixed together…though they were BX4…almost positive they are his mixed SB he sold very briefly. Last time I grew these I remember a bunch of phenotypes is why I believe this…Either way…

Hoping some good keepers will present themselves…

Here they are in all their glory!! :heart_eyes:

Happy hunting Doug!!



Can’t thank you enough @Alaskagrown , this is going to be awesome. Can’t wait to see what pops up out of the pack you send. Really looking forward to it.


Amazingly generous of you, and a great variety to really kickstart this repro into overdrive! Sounds excellent, though the tough part will be selecting keepers. :wink:


Coin flip washers get in this Tuesday…so will be in the mail Tuesday/Wednesday. :slight_smile:

Glad I’m able to help!



Selection will be in the future…personally for a preservation I’d keep every single phenotype I could find(as long as “stable”…)that way in the future we have a larger gene pool for hopefully some very special phenotypes. :star_struck:


That is what I am thinking. Open pollination and create as many seeds as I can. I will take clones from any that I really want to explore and let the tent ride. As you say, someone can do a pheno hunt with the seeds created if they like.


Awesome generosity brother

I know Doug is on a mission to set forth the task and accomplish it

You sir have lead him down the path of almost certainty this time !!


Oh, I thought you were doing selections because of space limitations, open pollination from all four BX generations definitely sounds better. :slight_smile:


No, I want to keep as many phenos around as possible. I do have space limits but I am sure I can fit plenty into the space I have. People can be more selective down the road with different phenos if they choose to work them. For me it’s more about keeping these genetics around and available to everyone.