Spider Farm 4000

Is the SF-4000 worth the money or is there another route I can go. I’m looking to get a real 1000w in my tent, but not have the heat issues. I was going to go with this light, plus the led’s I already have

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Good article I think, should answer your questions better than I can.
Yours is 2x more of the same type of LED.


Well I can’t speak to the 4000 but I do have the 1000 and for my space it does a great job. I’ve heard nothing but great t things about the 4000 right here on these forums bud. I personally don’t think you will be disappointed if you get it


Yeah I’m wanting some better looking light. The Blurple LEDs are okay, but I’m wanting to go more of the full spectrum white light style


Well i love the spider farmer. My next tent is a spider farmer kit that comes with the 2000 model. I mean other than these i would step up to commercial models but as we all know you’re at that level you are basically doubling the price of the sf 4000 at a minimum. Definitely a real deal product for sure

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Yeah it it wasn’t a hobby, I’d definitely go all out. I just need good light or lights for my 4×4.


Yeah I’m right there with you man. I’d say pull the trigger on it and hey if you don’t like it you can give it to me :joy::smiley:

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Haha yeah i think once i leave Colorado and head back to Texas i will

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Love my 4000…grows some tight solid bud


What size tent are you using it in? Care to shoot me some pics.


Last grow was 6 plants and these were the last 3 to finish. My room is about 4’ x 5’


I’ve mentioned this in other threads, but I run two SF2000s instead of a single SF4000 in a 5x5 tent. They produce the same amount of light but I can spread them apart for better coverage around the outside and also run them at different heights when the canopy isn’t even. There’s also the thought that if one light dies, you’d at least have the other to limp along until you repair or replace the broken one instead of having an emergency where your plants were potentially plunged into darkness for days.

I haven’t completed a harvest with these lights - probably have a month to go - but I’m extremely happy with the purchase.


My buddy and neighbor bought a couple of sf2000 a couple of months ago. He was running them in his veg room next to some hps and T5’s. The plants under the sf2000 have an entirely different appearance. He is so impressed that he is going to move the 2 sf2000’s from veg to his flower room. AND he just bought the sf4000, based on how well the sf2000’s have been crushing it. I am going to buy the sf2000 to use to flower a 2 x 4 tent, which I also havent bought yet.


Hey amazon has a full blown spider farmer kit with their 2000 model and a 4x2x80 tent and all the stuff you need for like 570. Thats whT I’m going to order for my second tent. Pretty good overall deal consideri g all the stuff you get


In the same vein as the Spider-Farmer, there’s an even cheaper chinese knock-off brand using Samsung LM301B diodes, https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B085DF13XZ. I haven’t tried them yet, but thinking about getting two of these for a 4x4 space. Figure, for the price, it’s worth a shot to replace an older blurple Mars light.


Those numbers indicate that it will certainly outperform an old Mars blurple.



Those are some chubby buds, @anon81143130! OK, so is 4x5 the whole room, or the grow footprint? I’m guessing it’s the whole room, and if so, what is the size of the space where you actually have plants? Also, do you rotate the plants during the flowering period, or leave them in one place for the whole time? Last question, if you leave them in one place, do you see much variation in bud size and density on the edges versus in the middle?

Yes, I’m now considering LED & have a few questions. Sorry for the 3rd degree!

My room is actually 3.7 wide x 6ft long but I dont use all 6ft prob more like 4.5 to 5 ft. I do usually rotate plants though.
My last grow i put 1 plant on each side up against the walls and kept them there for the entire grow just to see how they would grow just to test.

As you can see they got plenty of light


This is my current grow of 13 plants. The 3 in the back are in 3 gal pots and 2 weeks further along than the front 10 that are in 1.5 gal containers.

After these past couple grows and doing some testing I think all of my future grows will be 6 plants in 3 gal containers. That should constantly pull over a pound per harvest.

As you can see from these picks 13 plants is definitely do able but gets a little crowded to say the least


You grow some big fat nugs bro. It seems like every picture I see you post of buds are just top shelf man