Spider mite hell

Chinese food with garlic eh

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Iā€™m pretty sure I can do almost anything by watching 6-10 youtube videos and make my onslaught. Now Iā€™m not saying I will do it correctly but I will go down tryin.


Do you spray dr zymes in late flower as well? Iā€™ve heard its okay but iā€™ve always been weary.


All the way through harvest if neededā€¦ its safe as can be.

I take macrophotography and am crazy about my trichomesā€¦ it doesnt damage anything.


After reading your 1st post about Dr. Zymes I ordered some. Be here later today.

Pretty excitedā€¦
Thanks for the heads upā€¦


Thatā€™s called real seed breeding. Iā€™m just a hobby breeder. But WOW totally cool. And if you go against the grain people will crucify you today. I think they are trained in school to do this or something. As I said Iā€™m only a hobby breeder with no serious knowledge but I was a leader in my field of building machine before I retired. I love to try something new and have some wild ideas. One Iā€™ve been thinking about is tricking the plant into thinking itā€™s being invaded by critters in the 5-7thth week of flower, possibly low level electricity? Any ideas? Is it possible?

You could get some of those giant rubber spiders.

Why? To create a stress response?


The plants probably get stress out when a guy is drooling while doing a trichome check.

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Yeah man just being in my tent is enough to trigger a stress response :rofl:


I smoke in my Flower Room and tell the plants this is what happens to the ones with low resin counts.


Really, my nose picks up rancid garlic from it :confused:

Hereā€™s three miticides derived from commercial (Ag) products available in small affordable packaging.


Youā€™ll note that the top one (Tetrasan) is not even a ā€˜pesticideā€™, itā€™s actually an insect growth regulator

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I think spider mite is a bad choice of name. The Borg is more suitable but in the interests of accuracyā€¦something like Satan Spawn would be more appropriate

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It depends on how big a fight you want to get into :thinking:


Yeah, that was the other impression I got from reading, that it was sort of like bringing a nuke to a knife fight?


Some here react badly to the A word :grin:


Pesticide = poison = bad = Monsanto etc etc etc.

Personally I wouldnā€™t use the stuff but I wouldnā€™t call you a bad hippy if you made that choice.


My Plants about a week or two away from harvest.

I started noticing spider mites on the bottom of the leaves a few days ago.

I donā€™t see any webs or even bugs crawling around, but I know thereā€™s spider mites. I see the signs on the leaves.

I cut all the leaves off that I saw the mites on and sprayed some Dr. zymes.

Should I let it go for the next two weeks, battle the problem until the plantā€™s done and harvest, and if I do what happens to the mites after I harvest and the plants hanging to dry?

Itā€™s outdoor and I think they mites came from my tomato plants that are next to my marijuana plant. The mites are all over the tomatoes.


Iā€™m afraid being so far in flower thereā€™s nothing much to do :disappointed:, perhaps harvesting earlier, but you may find this:

happened to me and I had to toss all, as you mentioned if they have already reached the buds they would start to build webs while drying ā€¦

Having near those infested tomato plants makes even harder to actually fight them, sometimes these tough experiences are just a lesson to learn on what to avoid in next grows, sorry for not being more optimistic ā€¦ :roll_eyes:


Take them early. Trim, wash then hang the plants.