Spider mite hell

I had mites for years and i tried a lot of ways that kill on contact and as it always got them under control i was tired from having to apply so many times i looked for a way to eradicate the problem and i admit that i used a systemic pesticide to eliminate the problem. I made sure to use it well before flowering on small plants and i timed my applications 3 days apart, i dunked the entire plant upside down for 3 times then i sprayed them another 2 times. I did that in hot weather when the mites are not hibernating and i made sure there was no vegetation close by where they can survive and re-infest my grow. This eliminated my problem and the pesticide acts on aphids as well. Also a good thing to use is ant bait. I use a tube that has gel that you place drops around and the ants take that to the queen and kill the queen and the colony that is nearby. Ants although do not feed on the plants are very destructive as they herd aphids for their honeydew secretions.

Iā€™m not so sure about that. Itā€™s my understanding 2-spotted mites can go into a stasis, when stressed, for up to a year.

I have a very hard space to sanitize, impossible really. I half-heartedly fought the little fuckers for a year, just treating when I saw them. I knew the trick was to break their life cycle, but I was only keeping them at bay, but not eradicating.

Finally got rid of them by spraying/soaking the plants with a neem extract 3x in 10 days, every month for 10 months. Total pain, and probably overkill, but it worked. I donā€™t know if you can have overkill with mites :slight_smile:


Mites - theyā€™re coming for your green babiesā€¦.


food grade diatomaceous earth


That dunk killed those mites I never got them back.I will add a correction and that insecticide soap is the way to go my dish soap was out of desperation and Iā€™m lucky I didnā€™t burn up my leaves but it was a a light dose and I didnā€™t see too much waxy damage on he leaves.Aphids on the other hand the Safers End all @PhilCuisine told me about wiped them out those little fuckers dead as dead.I spray my interior tent floor with light 2 spray mist of it just to be safe around my pots.