Spillz907 grow diary 2024

I’ll check what height / power gives me 400-800 when I get home. The lights I run are 2 240W in my veg tent 2’x4’ and 2 320w in my flower tent 2’x4’.

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Oh my bad I misunderstood you. I thought you said you blasted your plants with the same lights at 11 inches.

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All good I misread thirdstone’s reply with 400-425 ppfd as yours haha.

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I’m also dabbing :face_with_monocle:

But yeah, looking back on this thread dude look at this the lights should’ve been on 25% and even further up… They were probably in 700 ppfd right there:



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Did seeds arrive from @misterbee yet ?
Mine are on the way to you
: )

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Got the measurements.



Both with the door open.

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20% at 13-14 inches should be fine in your case.

Edit: if you are running an 18/6 light schedule. Otherwise 15% 24/7.

Oh wait i’ll have to check my other tent since you’re running 600w panels

My other tent’s LED’s with warmer light has lower ppfd. 20% gives me about 550 at 11"

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No I never heard back from him after he said they were shipping out 4 weeks ago :man_shrugging:

Thank you man. I’m so excited to get that.

I’m running two 150 W panels. I’ve got them about 24 inches away at 50% right now they are hitting about 450 ppfd at canopy.

Once the plants get a little bit bigger, I’ll move them down, but they’re still just getting over recovering from too much light.

I’ve had a few users reach out about seeds now. The generosity here is crazy. I’m getting everything organized to store in the fridge long-term.

My plan is to grow one from each person who sent me seeds next run and then keep running them from here on out.


I already starting to plan out my second tent :face_in_clouds::melting_face:

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Two 150W’s at 50% would bring you to 150W so i’ll measure there.

150W LM301H AT 24" gives me 263 ppfd.

Edit: 11" gives me about 540

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Keep in mind I’ve got two side-by-side 150 W so even off to the side that second one is going to add some… skews it a little. Close enough, though I guess. I don’t know how accurate this Photone app is, but the plant seem to be much happier.

These ones also have lenses over them so I don’t know if that makes a difference

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Is that a quantum board? Oh never mind those are the Samsung diodes…

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The data should still be relevant my led’s take up the whole tent.

Edit: not sure how much the lenses do but i’d assume 5% difference either side of the range.

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So you’re saying either my reading is off or my light is putting out more ppfd at that distance then.

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Same thing happened to me when they offered to help me with some CBD seeds a few weeks ago. I hope they are just busy. But for the record, I don’t really need any seeds anymore if you’re watching @misterbee, so it’s all cool. Take care!


What are you using to measure? If it’s a phone app I can use mine to see if there’s a difference. Usually apogees are as accurate as it gets especially for led as I have E-PAR meters.

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If you’re using two 150W QB boards next to each other that also makes a difference but I can measure that as well by turning one set of boards off.

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The phone apps vary wildly in accuracy any given moment, must be calibrated, and require the use of a diffuser for more accurate readings. But it all depends on the phone’s photoreceptor and other factors.

+1 for the quantum sensor.


I don’t have any CBD seeds to share atm but if you want stardawg kush f2s I should have some left.


Make sure you are measuring with 4 walls (tent closed) and as few obstructions as possible. Most LED boards have their diodes arranged specifically to minimize central hot spots and diffuse light in a frustum shape, taking advantage of high reflectance for an even distribution.


Yeah, I mean I don’t know if you read the whole thread but for the first few weeks my plants are doing terrible due to VPD issues and light burn so I just downloaded that app to use for something…

If you think you can get a better idea on perfect distance for them than sure. Yes I have 150W lights. Vivarspectra xspro 1500:

I’d have them an equal distance but I’ve been moving the lights up and down so much. That’s just how they are right now - as you can see I’ve lowered the right one by about 2 inches since earlier today and it’s reading about 400 on the canopy maybe 425.

Leaves are finally starting to spread out on the plant that was super curled up

I was considering buying a lux meter and then just converting the result, but this Photone app was highly recommended for home use

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