Spillz907 grow diary 2024

Ah 250W I see you mistyped them as 150W earlier haha. The closest in measurement I can get you is my veg tent then but the lights are a bit more spread out

That’d make a lot more sense though.

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No those are 150w each light. Oh, I see where I misspelled. Fixed.

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Oh I see okay

Well I remeasured with the photone app on a 15 pro max and instead of 263 I got 173.

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Weird I’d figure it’d have been the opposite… well, I guess the best thing I can do is move the lights based on the plants response.

You probably think I should drop them down a few inches?

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I’ll test 11” 50% on both in one second here

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Definitely not going that low it burned the leaves at like 12 inches… they were seedling though… I’m just happy they finally look happy lmao… but yeah don’t want to short them on light

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Definitely don’t go that low my reading is in the 1000s for 11"

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Lol. Interesting that Photone is reading so much lower than the more precise device.

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I’ll measure out again later to see what would be an ideal height but my guess would be 30-40% at 24"

Edit: for the center at least.

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Thank you man. So these dimmers only increase at 25% interval so I can go 5% to 25% to 75% to 100%. I’ll probably stick with 50% for now and then just crank it up to 75 whenever the plants get a little bigger.


Strange @spillz907 @resimax

@misterbee said he posted to me twice but nothing arrived here also


I mean he doesn’t owe me a thing obviously but Itd be cool if he followed up after taking an address.


Another og scam ? Lol

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Anyone who uses Clonex gel- Do you apply it more than once to a clone or just once and let it sit until it roots?

I’m trying to clone the first top of my plant and its crazy how much its actually grown since I cut it… dipped it in the gel and put it in a root riot in a dome at about 78 degrees, low light… I read that tops are hard to clone but we’ll see. i’m assuming you just dip it once and don’t mess with it.

I believe it’s once. If the clone is growing put it somewhere with sub 50 ppfd. I’d recommend putting two sheets of paper on all areas of the humidity dome and clip the leaves if needed. If you’re having trouble cloning w/ your medium do 50/50 vermiculite/perlite and they should root within two weeks or less.

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Finally got the free time to measure and 22" at 150W total gave me 434 PPFD.

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That’s pretty much the same reading I’m getting :+1: thanks @sober

Plants finally look happy

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With the paper tent it’s about 25 to 30 PPFD And without it, it’s around 100 PPFD with the light on 10% dim. looking forward to germinating and growing sprouts in that thing and not having to keep the entire tent at that temp/humidity and deal with high powered lights next time.

That top cut has basically popped out a new node since I cut it… Kind of crazy. Supplies used are below. I used the clonex with a root riot instead of the foop gel this time.

I’ve read nothing but good things about those root riots.

Root riots should be fine. I personally have lower rates with them. How long have the cuts been in the dome for? I don’t get nodal growth until around the 2nd week.

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It will be cool to start experimenting with different techniques, like the perlite/vermiculite versus root riots. It’s a fun hobby…

I cloned that top 3 1/2 days ago. I wouldn’t say full nodal growth, but it’s impressive how much it’s grown vertically considering it doesn’t have any roots… It is opening a new set of leaves that wasn’t there before :man_shrugging:

we’ll see what happens, it was already fairly yellow due to the light burn so I wasn’t really expecting it to survive but doing OK so far… Would be nice to get roots as it’s my only feminized seed From this batch.

@sober The perlite/vermiculite does make sense logically if you think about it. The perlite gives it space to breathe and the vermiculate holds the water close simultaneously