Spillz907 grow diary 2024

Yeah, nice base to start out.

Do you think I should go with straight sunshine out of the bag? Mixing a little bit of oceans forest for the nutrients? Perlite?

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It’s very hot

Sunshine 4 is a substrate i don’t like to mix anything with it
@Jetdro uses it and only adds perlite and worm castings and let it cook for like 3 weeks or a month to Incorporate the worm castings

I choose not to add any additional ingredients
And feed just what the plant needs

I use jacks but I custom blend mine


I’ve got Fox Farm nutes on the way and then some kelp feed I can give them for nitrogen in the meantime. Probably hold off on ocean Forest until they’re few months out.

No matter how hard you plan man it’s crazy how much you forget after almost 10 years of not growing

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In the early stages low feed keep ppms
Here’s a chart we all live by. Mostly

I always feed on the light side

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We’re cooking with fire today :partying_face:


Remember , that bag and pots have been outside ( even if it’s just walk-in to car ) and so have you lol

In regards to what? Bugs?

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How far away is your light and what dimming percentage do you have it at?

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it’s measuring about 400 umol at the canopy. It’s way further away than I would’ve expected. It’s probably 2 1/2 feet away at 50%.

@ThirdStone I struggled for the first month having it between 12 and 18 inches and these plants just couldn’t take it… I think they were too young and I didn’t have the light figured out yet. It seems really far away man, but I’ve measured it over and over with the Photone app on my phone and the canopy is right at 400.

And it explains why the leaves are all burned and dried out for the first month… i’m surprised that one on the bottom right even made it at all. It’s still having root issues. It’s the one I want most to make it too. It’s an orange sunshine f2 from about eight years ago.

This is what they looked like with the light at 16 inches 50% - leaves like sandpaper. Not a whole lot of difference really ha ha… That was about a week ago though, and the leaves have spread out at least a little bit since raising it and measuring the par

I don’t know what else that really could be besides Lightburn. Everything I’ve read, though says to have the light way closer. 🤷



Hey man I ordered these to have on hand but I’m not married to organic or anything… do you have any better recommendations for nutrients delivered through soil?

This hasn’t shipped yet so I can still switch it.

Next time I’m gonna mix my own soil, etc… but I think I’ll need something to feed them in the meantime:

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Jack’s classic 20-20-20 25lb bag.


Here’s some plants at 12-13 days where I ran them at 600-650 24/7. The leaves usually get that weird crinkly look. I’d guess the soil is drying too fast for that level of light.

Nine cardinal parameters start at 2:50

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Fox farm fertilizer is some good stuff use less then the bottle says I did use if a great deal before the switch to jacks

I do a custom feed of jacks

Using the following

20/20/20 slow veg for moms and the 2 weeks of transition npk 1/1/1 in transition to boost nitrogen

10/30/20 both for veg (3 weeks before flip it )
Added 15.5/0/0 and Epson salts) npk 2.5/3/2
As well as in the Flowering stage at weeks 3 and 5 and a booster ( canna boost accelerator)
( I push ppms a bit here ) no 15.5/0/0 or Epson here npk 1/3/2

weeks 5 .5 ish through to the end of week 7 equal parts of each 10/30/20 and 5/12/26 this = an npk of 1/4/5 roughly Epson salts if needed
Then week 8 to finish 5/12/26 no Epson at all
Start ppms at like 900 and dilute as you go to lessen ppms npk .5/ 2/3.5 here you can add a P and a K booster canna 13/14 I use

Now this is what I do
It my style of growing, it may not work for you,

It’s designed to grow in a substrate
It adds what it needs
We call it growing forward it covers the needed before issues develop

Range between 6 to 6.3 I fine great
Remember less is more
Keep it simple
And most importantly

@ifish and @Jetdro also myself

We watched tweeked for our own needs

Jacks is cheap

Good luck
This is proven and works extremely well

Ps I get 2 pounds of each last a long time


pH meter something I don’t have. Depending on who you talk to it’s either vital or not necessary at all.

I think I’ll have to get one of those if I’m gonna be mixing my own stuff.

Thanks for all the information, man. I’ll be prepping for my next grow soon enough.

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Lol mine are over a month old and they don’t even look that big yet.


@spillz907 Hey brother, we’re actually doing similar grows. Same lights, same size tents, same medium, although I had to use FFHP, that’s all I had available at the time. Seedlings, I usually have at about 30" at 25% for the first 2 weeks, around 250 par. Somewhere between 2-3 weeks I’ll drop light down to about 18" at 50%, that’ll give me a par of about 400-425. The growth is explosive. This run I’m actually doing auto’s for the first time, so we shall see… :seedling: Oh, I usually use Dyna-Gro Bloom but I’m running low
stopped at local farm store and bought FF Grow and Tiger bloom. I’ve used it before, it works… :slightly_smiling_face:


Man, thank God this has been driving me effing crazy- even the instructions on the lights say to keep them 11 inches from the plants at 50%… I finally had the nerve to move them down to 24 inches today and I’m sitting here stressed out about it lol

If I hadn’t paid $6.50 for that phone app, I’d be completely reading the plants and lost.



I’d for sure grab one if you’re going to use jacks or fox farms. Things can go bad realllllly quickly if you don’t know the pH of the water you use, and the pH after adding the nutes.

It’s gotta be the soil brotha cos I blasted those right out of the gate. I’ve had similar issues as you when the soil dried up too fast and I had to water often. You should be fine at your wattage at 11 inches since as you said it’s 400 ppfd. If you can measure ppfd it makes no difference if it’s 400 ppfd at 11" or 400 ppfd at 24". The only change would be the amount of power you’d run through + the area of coverage.


Below pic is at 12 inches at 50%

I’m also running two of the same light in a 2 x 4 so that’s about 300 W at 50% which brings up the par a little even way off to the side… I have it on to keep the heat up in there… Won’t be long before the plants are too big to be under one light anyway.

Could be the soil I don’t know. They seem to be doing much better now that I backed the light up to about 24 inches and got the PAR around 425. I have root riots now so I won’t be using that soil again :raised_hands: … Haven’t decided what I’m gonna use to transfer the root riots into yet. I also have the perlite and vermiculite mix.

Reptted them yesterday so hopefully that will help!

@sober you had the same lights and had them that close?


If it’s 827 i’d either turn the light down or raise it up for sure.

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Yeah, that’s I was saying man I had those poor plants under that for almost 2 weeks before I finally figured the lights out

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