Spillz907 grow diary 2024

Might need a little feed or foliar spray but otherwise should be alright. I’d guess it’s opening up more since it’s under light intensity which is fine.

The vermiculite/perlite has done wonders for me. I don’t use any rooting gel and they all root within two weeks. I’ll try some hormones on the next batch of cuts and see how it does.


I got done nice foliar spray I’m using… A little expensive, but it came highly recommended.

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Finally starting to rest easy a little bit. Plants are looking decent after a rough first month of learning this technology and tuning things in.

The one on the left is an XJ cross bred by @99PerCent back in 2017 and right is a single seed I got out of a really nice bud of either OG18 or Purple berry (Granddaddy purple x blueberry) … awesome relaxing strain… can’t remember… Should be easy enough to tell once the flowers start growing out. Pretty sure it’s purple berry, but we’ll see.

Two others they are doing OK but not quite ready for pictures yet :slight_smile:

Thanks @resimax @ifish @Papalag

Still got ways to go, but things are getting on track.


That’s more like it : )
Great turnaround


Are the seeds you get out of those really nice nugs… The seemingly random ones, are they 50% chance of male vs. female just like normal seeds?

Like I doubt it was pollinated type of seed… I thought I had read that ‘stressed out’ female plants can create their own seeds, but I wasn’t sure.

Depends what pollinated them

Most likley fem as it was probably a slight herm in grow

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I mean, the kind of seed that most likely wasn’t pollinated because there was just one random seed in a huge batch of nugs

Fem then : )

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Nice. That purple berry should be fem then… I should clone the first top… I almost don’t want to top it though it’s looking so good now… that thing was drooping so bad it was curling tightly inward less than a week ago

I would let it enjoy greening up for a bit
Thennn take a cut or three
: )

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Yeah, the only issue with that is if I’m gonna grow it in this round, I need to take it now. I’ll probably just wait and see if I can pull off a second tent or something later.

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If you need it go for it : )
I’ll cross my fingers and toes for you

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I mean, it’s not gonna hurt the plant really. I just feel bad because it’s just now feeling good… I’ll think about it. :seedling:🤷🤌

You and that plant catching feelings for eachother haha

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lol we’ve been through a lot the last month… :green_heart:

My germination problems are also catching up to me here because I only have four plants and only one of them is feminized. The clone I have going right now is a cut from that one so hopefully it’ll root.

this is kinda the spot I was dreading only getting four tap roots out of like 50 seeds.

Plenty seeds comin
Be comming out your ears
: )

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I can’t wait but what would you do in this spot do this current run if you were me? Try to get clone ASAP or just roll with whatever fems I get and not get caught up on four plants in the 2 x 4 tent … maybe just two.

I’m just curious on other perspectives

It’s 300 W LED in a 2x4 tent

Never grown under LED before, so I’m not sure what I prefer as far as number of plants at that wattage

You can train one plant longer veg time
Or you can do more with shorter veg time
Taking into concideration strain characteristics also

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In other words I dont know haha

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True… I guess 4 is max pretty much anyway… 2-3 should be okay with training