Spillz907 grow diary 2024

I see your plants are thriving nicely :+1::+1::+1::+1::+1:


@Papalag @ifish @sober @resimax

For this clone- (only guaranteed feminize plant I have so I’d like to save it if I can ) Do you think the yellow leaves are doing the plant Any good or should I cut them off completely?

I’m using a foliar spray about once every other day… Don’t wanna get it too wet. It’s in a root riot and I use clonex gel when I cut it about a week ago. You can tell when you look at the stem it’s about three times girth as it was when I cut it due to the growth hormones… Don’t see any roots yet.

Those little green leaves are completely new since cutting the plant… I wonder if the yellow leaves aren’t doing the plant any good at this point but I’m not sure.

It’s in about 40 ppfd under this paper tent:


Definitely cut off the 2 lower branches

Open the vents a little

Don’t spray the leaves spray above

She’s only a week old give her time

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Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. My understanding is that if they’re completely yellow, they’re basically just costing the plant wasted energy.

Cutting them off now.
Not gonna be much left

I’m sure she’ll be fine after another week. She’s about one week into cloning.

I just wanted to check on those yellow leaves if I should cut them off or not…

OK, so spray above so the mist settles onto the leaves. Makes sense.

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Just those 2 lower leaves

Foop is some good stuff

Don’t over wet the clone or the rooter

I always take 2 cuts just in case


Yeah, normally I would man, but this was just the first top of this little seedling. Since I had so many germination issues, I was hoping to get this clone in on this run to flower with these plants.

If I was just normal cloning, I’d wait another month and cut off a solid branch, but then these plants will probably be way too far into veg to include it on the same flower cycle.

Thanks for the feedback as usual. I cut them off.

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The stem fattening on new cut is good sign : ) things are happening

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There we go. I bet she’ll have roots inside of the next week.

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Your puck is not super dark and shiney wet , looks good


I picked it up and squeezed it out. It had a lot of water in it so hopefully that’ll air it out a little bit.

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Good call , roots hate wet and won’t grow , balancing act

If you have to remove water just set puck on kitchen roll or dab top or sides etc of puck with kitchen roll to absorb /remove excess water


It’s so interesting man all the different techniques and then boiling down the efficiency. Some people root in straight water :man_shrugging:

This is a fun hobby for people that like to learn. Especially with the payoff you get for your effort at the end. I’ve probably learned more on here than I did in high school… it helps to be interested :grimacing::joy:

Such a satisfying loop.


I was learning the other day , it never stops , it’s great so fascinating

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Today’s fuel:


Nice one : )


I left town for a week and my plants went from this:

To this:

My guess is a combination of overwatering by my mom who was taking care of them and nutrient/nitrogen deficiency. I’ve since fed them cal mag and a small dose of organic veg food. And cut all that rot out.

Any thoughts on what happened ? Seemed kind of extreme for 6 days away… mom watered twice.

Germinating five of the star dawg now :raised_hands:

Will post progress here.


Maybe twice was not enough def look hungry. Best of luck and look forward to updates🍻

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That’s quite a bit of damage within 6 days. What’s the run off pH/ppm looking like?

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Also, if you run into any trouble with those lmk. I’ve been letting the remainder dry this whole time so they should be at their peak.


@sober They’re already opening up less than 24 hours :raised_hands:

I don’t know what the pH is. I don’t have a pH tester yet. It’s on its way in the mail now.

Combination of overwatering and lack of nutrient is my guess :man_shrugging:They hadn’t really been given any nutrients up until yesterday was their first proper feeding.

Yeah, it’s a little troubling to see that much damage in six days.

They are sitting in 77° F at 65% Rh so I don’t think it’s the environment