Spillz907 grow diary 2024

Dang, the orange sunshine ended up being male :sob:
Other three look to be female though :ok_hand:

I’m gonna veg these out for awhile while I let the star dawg catch up

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Staying tuned for your adventures spillz — may your plants be health and happy!

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Thanks man. If it wasn’t for this community, I’d probably be looking at two years of trial and error to get this stuff all dialed in, but it’s pretty much there at this point.

Didn’t even lose a single plant.

The only big thing left to measure is pH and nutrient levels/ppm.

Should be all fine-tuning from there :pray::seedling:


Though I do still have to figure cloning out. Any ideas why this thing hasn’t grown roots yet it’s almost 3 weeks cut?? Using clonex and root riots… The stem has gotten super fat … looks like roots are starting tho.

It’s in a germination/clone humidity dome set at 77° F There’s a heat mat underneath it and there’s always a little bit of water at the bottom to make sure it’s near 100% humidity.

It’s weird the plant is actually surviving and even grown a set of leaves, but as you can see no roots.

Redipped it and put it in a new cube

@ifish what am I doing wrong?? I feel like maybe it’s because it’s a top… Not sure why that would make a difference though …I’ve cloned faster in water and peroxide lol


There are little white nubs there so it’s imminent ( roots )

Either plug too wet
Or not good contact

Healthy cuts come from healthly mums

Just got to wait it out

They will come

Maybe open vents half way , force it to fire roots ie lower rh

Could be happily surviving in the 100% rh so not as much a rush to fire roots


I had to cram that thing back in the hole now that the stem is so fat so there’s plenty of contact now. I bet it was too wet. Vents are open. It’s a nice little cloning dome by AC Infinity. It’s under about 40 PPFD.

This plant has been fighting me the whole way I don’t think it was best genetics.

It should survive then tho I bet with the nubs showing


Yes it will ( I think )

: )

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The plug will be the same ish as the rh

So yes too wet

I’ve got a CONFIRMED male now so I’m sweating…

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Need to pop more seeds
: )

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Seeds popping is a myth.

JK. @sober star dawg cracked in about 16 hours… got 5 comin.

I know,… I’m starting to understand what you’re saying about just pop pop pop

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Hahaha : )

The more you pop the more you learn

Mutants males runts no shows

They hit us hard so we be sure to pop enough to cover it
Better lookin at them than looking for them

Juggling act : )

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To be fair I probably went through 60 seeds to get these four sprouts, I was aiming for 12.

But, yeah I hear you man you’ve taught me so much in the last month :pray:

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You got good seeds now and more knolage so that ratio will deffo be changed

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Yes I do. I’m still mad at myself for leaving for six days but it’s another learning experience

My purple berry Kush currently looks like a palm tree, cause I had to cut everything out

I don’t know if that’s the right move, but it makes logical sense to me to cut out a leaf that is so sick it has no green left on it. It can’t recover at that point and I don’t see why the plant should be supporting it. Correct me if I’m wrong.

No more holidays for you

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I’ve seen a lot worse

Yes chop them off is good move

I still see some fans I would remove
: )

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Yeah, I took off a few more just a few minutes ago. It literally looks like a palm tree right now lol.

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@sober seeds will be super fire
I can feel it

: )


So far they’ve germinated faster than anything I’ve ever seen

Palm tree: