Spillz907 grow diary 2024

Nothing out of the ordinary there.

It was in rough shape pre-clone so it’d take a bit longer than usual but you got nubs so it should be okay.

Heck yeah! The F1s I used to make those took forever to pop too. Glad to hear they’re nice and healthy.

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Yeah man it was like Christmas morning seeing that. :pray:


I would remove last two bottom fans as well

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Four out of five of the star dawg have popped and moved to peet plugs… I push them down about 1cm after see a tiny bit of taproot

I might just germ straight in the plugs next time if the rates stay like this :raised_hands:


I would normally wait till tap root is half inch long in towels
Then straight to solo cup ( only filled half way )
Saving plugs for clones

Save you some money : )

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I don’t really have a good germ mix yet… I could use sunshine #4… I could also get something ordered.

I’ll tell you what though this is a lot more fun when the seeds germinate

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I would fill them squares with you original soil

It was only bad as it was in too big a pot and compacted

It’s meant for them squares in prop

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Oh yeah, good idea and then I can go straight from there to sunshine/plant food.

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Do you think I should break these peat Moss plugs up a little bit? They seem to grip the seed kind of tight.

I’m sure they will make it out. I’m just hesitant with germination and all that.

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Pre wet mix till dark but not shiney wet ( in container )

Fill squares

Lift seeds out of puck

Set on top of soil
Then sprinkle some soil on top


You can skip the towel with this method , when you pop next seeds ( still scuff tho )


Not sure but I’m not getting notifications on this thread
Switching it to watching

Great learning experience on al things makes us a better grower

I see things are progressing nicely



Yeah, man had a little bit of a setback when I left town but recovering

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You could also take a pinch out of the puck ( to make hole bigger )

Place seed , sprinkle soil on top


The plugs just keep for clones

Fill squares with soil for seeds

If you going to be dailing things in ie trying different feed strengths etc

Then I would pop more seeds , save yourself some time and also give you plenty to experiment without worry

The next 5 leave in towels till taps are half inch for the experience then into half filled solo

May as well have fun : )


I use soil to crack seeds and rapid rooters for my clones

I myself have had trouble with peat pucks

Them staying way too wet

Clone will root in anything I feel


@Papalag im gonna have to dig out more seeds , to send him , he must not like the last ones I sent
: )


Oh stop I have plenty … I don’t like that these things come pre-soaked makes me feel like I need to use them up real quick… the peat plugs.

The only reason I hesitate to keep popping is because I want to put that tent into 12/12 eventually!!

Yeah, I might toss another five in there and do soil… Gotta pick out another strain :grin:

Dang clone is going into week three now hopefully it’ll get rooted here soon…

If I didn’t have such a rough start, I’d be cutting clones right now, but I don’t have anything to cut lol.

3 confirmed females. The orange sunshine didn’t make it :sob: … male


Your further along than most first grows
And learning fast too

To learn plants will die so the more the merrier


They should be fine I have started many seeds in peat moss plugs with no problem other than them staying too wet.


That’s what I did…

Darn, for some reason I was under the impression that root riots were good for germination.