Spillz907 grow diary 2024

From my very limited experience it seems like the good old paper towel to solo cup or straight to solo cup seems a happy start. The rockwool cubes and coco pucks seem more used for clones?


They all work when it’s dailed in
All have pluses all have negatives

For ease of use and cost it’s generally accepted pucks plugs cubes for clones
Soil for seeds

For clones you generally look for roots , so pucks plugs etc allow you to see roots easier ( clear view down sides etc ) for clones it’s all about seeing roots as success

For seeds you watching the top surface for growth so only soil needed ( no need to look down sides ) for seeds it’s all about seeing top growth for success

: )


I’ll save the peet for clones going forward :ok_hand: thanks.

So far the one that has popped up looks good at least.


[quote=“spillz907, post:307, topic:153630”]
impression that root riots were good for germination

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Star dawg f2 coming along (@sober genes):
