This will be a thread for all discussion on the Spring ’23 box.
Everybody please read your Sections.
I need to have all the seeds in hand By March 1st please if bulk and April 1st if individually packed. Early receipt is really appreciated.
This is the place for all you growers to update where you are at in your runs.
Results of strains submitted Spring '23
Alien apparition: 62 Accepted - Grower @Kushking902 Spring '23
BOG Blue Kush: 11 : Accepted - Grower @DougDawson Spring '23
Cobra Lips Accepted. Grower @Budderton Spring "23
Congolese @PlantShepherd Spring '23
Romulan@j @Jinglepot Spring '23
Sheelavathi Indian Heirloom Accepted. Grower - @Oldjoints Spring '23
DJ Shorts Temple Flo Accepted. Grower - @Kavman Spring '23
Tiger Berry@BasementBeans Spring '23
Mother’s Milk: 42 Accepted - Grower @catapult No go
Holy Crack 37: Accepted - Grower @Jinglepot FALL
Malberry Seeds/Holy Smoke Seeds strain Peshawar : Accepted - Grower @Upstate Delayed
Snowhigh’s Quicksilver: Accepted - Grower @Elpolloloco
Blockberry: Accepted - Grower @bassman5420
Sign-up at;
DIY Green Life
Member | # of strains signed up for |
2grwlife | 4 |
420noob | 4 |
4ftfarmer | 8 |
503BudMan | 7 |
7ANJA7OD | 4 |
ABUShOfKUSh | 4 |
alwaysnoob | 1 |
anhthormap | 7 |
anonymoUS4289 | 5 |
antheis | 4 |
api312 | 5 |
BarefootAndBlazed | 3 |
bassman5420 | 4 |
BCC | 4 |
BeagleZ | 7 |
beardedvet222 | 1 |
BeeLady | 1 |
Big_Yeloe | 4 |
bigbluedog360 | 1 |
BIGJ | 5 |
BigMike55 | 9 |
BirD | 4 |
Bizzaro | 3 |
BlazeUno423 | 1 |
blendmedmedman | 4 |
blkmetal | 4 |
Blueridge | 2 |
BlueSun | 4 |
Boatbum325 : US | 4 |
Bobgrows | 9 |
boogn1sh | 1 |
bordertownbud | 1 |
Bow4Buck | 5 |
BRMTreefarmer | 4 |
BRokehoe | 3 |
BubbaRay | 5 |
buck90 | 4 |
buckaroobonsai | 7 |
BuckeyeBeanz | 3 |
BudWhisperer | 3 |
Bullskinner | 1 |
ButUStank | 3 |
bytheKasiz | 1 |
Cannaology | 3 |
CapnCannabis | 3 |
carbon | 4 |
CARE_giver | 1 |
Cartwright | 4 |
Carty | 2 |
catapult | 9 |
caucasiancrip | 4 |
Cbizzle | 5 |
ChickenCutlets :USa: | 1 |
ChongoBongo | 5 |
ChronicMcBudz | 3 |
ciganomarola | 1 |
ColeLennon | 3 |
comacUS | 4 |
corey | 1 |
Cormoran | 9 |
CornbreadJunior | 3 |
CruJones | 3 |
CrunchBerries | 8 |
Cyr_grow | 5 |
Danonly | 4 |
darkillUSion | 5 |
deeez99 | 8 |
DefNSmokn | 7 |
DesertHeartGardens | 8 |
DGCloud | 4 |
Dirt_Wizard | 5 |
Dirtron | 7 |
District_Flora | 5 |
donuchee | 7 |
Dr.VitaminGreen | 2 |
Draig | 4 |
DrGonzo13 | 9 |
drgreensleeves | 3 |
E5_Wilk | 4 |
Eagles009 | 1 |
ElGalloBlanco | 1 |
Elpolloloco | 5 |
Emeraldgreen | 10 |
Enjoi802 | 1 |
FieldEffect | 4 |
firehead | 2 |
FirstCavApache64 | 4 |
Forest_Organic | 4 |
Franknberry | 2 |
fullcircle | 4 |
G1900 | 4 |
GCBudz | 3 |
Gizmo | 1 |
Gman | 3 |
goatrock | 1 |
gonzo | 4 |
G-paS | 5 |
gratefulned | 5 |
Green_Light | 6 |
Greenfingers | 4 |
Greenup | 4 |
GregOG | 4 |
GrouchyOldMan | 1 |
GrowTheAtlas | 3 |
Guitarzan | 4 |
habitt | 5 |
Hammerheadlake | 1 |
Hapi | 7 |
HappyTrees23s | 4 |
Hashton_KUSha | 1 |
hawkman | 4 |
HeadyBearAdventures | 9 |
HeadyMcDank | 1 |
Heavenlygoo | 6 |
Herbie | 2 |
Heritagefarms | 1 |
herojuana.tom | 7 |
Hidden | 4 |
HolyAngel | 8 |
HorseBadorites | 4 |
humblepie420 | 8 |
Hydro921 | 4 |
iggypuffs | 3 |
Igrowdirt | 1 |
Illicitmango | 6 |
imstinky | 9 |
Indoornesian | 4 |
Islayhearts | 4 |
ItsintheGenetics | 4 |
itza419 | 1 |
JBow918 | 1 |
Jdem075 | 4 |
J-Icky | 4 |
Jimdoors | 4 |
joecool | 4 |
Jog | 1 |
joheimgrohen | 6 |
JohnnyPotseed | 2 |
Jpiper | 2 |
Judsbuds | 4 |
Juicyfruitman | 3 |
justdrew | 1 |
Kabuddha | 8 |
Kami | 3 |
Kasper0909 | 7 |
Kavman | 5 |
Kcity87 | 6 |
keene | 3 |
Kgrim | 4 |
khaoohs | 1 |
killabud | 4 |
knifeman | 3 |
Kronnkk | 3 |
Lady.Zandra63 | 3 |
laquiqa | 6 |
LegsMahoney | 4 |
LivingBlackSoil | 6 |
LonelyOC | 1 |
Longtooth | 8 |
lostinmyhome | 5 |
LoveDaAutos | 4 |
lunarmog | 5 |
maddawg | 7 |
Magrowers | 5 |
mainerJ | 3 |
MantisTobogganMD | 5 |
MaryJane13 | 1 |
Meesh | 4 |
metz2 | 4 |
middleman | 9 |
mike28086 :US | 4 |
mimirkush | 1 |
misterbee | 7 |
MisticHaze | 2 |
MoBilly | 7 |
Moka | 6 |
MonsterDrank | 4 |
Motaco | 3 |
Mr.Christmas | 4 |
Mr.greenbee | 4 |
Mrgreenthumb | 4 |
MrMayhem1134 | 1 |
MrWizard | 8 |
MyLittleGrundle | 4 |
Nagel420 | 1 |
Naptown916 | 3 |
natea | 4 |
Needsomebeans | 2 |
NO_CHEM | 3 |
Northern_Loki | 3 |
numbskull | 4 |
OGBohab | 5 |
OGSince03 | 1 |
ogtreeslayer | 7 |
OldGator | 3 |
Oldjoints | 3 |
olschool | 4 |
OriginalDankmaster96 | 4 |
Orison | 1 |
other_barry | 8 |
overgr0w | 3 |
Panamajock | 4 |
Papalag | 5 |
Parttime | 4 |
patsnumone | 8 |
Pawsfodocaws | 6 |
PCC5rivers | 4 |
PetalPowerseed | 6 |
pharmerfil | 5 |
PineByrd | 1 |
PineTarBastard | 4 |
PlantShepherd | 1 |
Pleasantrees420 | 4 |
potpotpot | 8 |
Purple-N-Hairy | 2 |
Rabeats2093 | 4 |
ramblinrose | 9 |
RandomCalyxDB0 | 2 |
RedRock | 2 |
repins12 | 8 |
Rhai88 | 6 |
Rhino_buddy | 6 |
Rhinobucket1 | 4 |
Ris | 5 |
Rmevet | 1 |
rooted | 1 |
RoryBorealis | 5 |
SaintAliasKnife | 3 |
Sasquatch | 1 |
Sbeanonnamellow | 3 |
schmarmpit | 5 |
Sdd420 | 4 |
SEMOActivist | 3 |
SerialSquishy | 6 |
shag | 4 |
Sincitytoker | 5 |
skunkhunt101 | 5 |
Skunkworks | 4 |
Slammedsonoma420 | 8 |
SleepySails | 4 |
Slick1 | 4 |
Smoklahoma | 4 |
Smooth | 4 |
Sodapop | 4 |
Spitfire | 4 |
stanknugzz77 | 6 |
Stankonia | 2 |
SweetLeaf | 3 |
Tao | 4 |
Tejas | 3 |
TestOfOath | 4 |
Thats_bank | 4 |
thecrazster | 6 |
ThemoUSe1967 | 6 |
thenasty1 | 4 |
THRESH | 1 |
Tracker | 7 |
tresbundles | 9 |
Tripl3fastaction | 4 |
UncleLemur | 2 |
unomas | 4 |
Upstate | 4 |
urbs | 4 |
US3RNAM3 | 5 |
VAhomegrown | 7 |
Vesti | 3 |
wadar | 3 |
Weednerd.Anthony | 4 |
willie | 4 |
wny61 | 3 |
Wuachuma | 4 |
WVMountainGhost | 3 |
yardgrazer | 5 |
yobigdaddy | 7 |
zephyr | 6 |
zett | 6 |
Zolorp | 7 |