sprouted feb 8th and still no sign of pre-flower!

Yo, I’ve been giving her all the love and care she needs, ensuring she gets the right light, nutrients, and environment. Despite my efforts, she’s yet to show any signs of transitioning into the next stage of growth. It’s got me wondering if there’s something I could be missing or if she’s just following her own timeline.


Can you provide any details?


Is this an auto? If not, you may want to reduce your light schedule to 12 hours on, 12 hours off.


If its an autoflower… sometimes autoflowers won’t behave and require a period of 12/12 to start them flowering. Once you see buds forming its usually safe to switch back to your original schedule for the remainder of the grow. :v:


So 48 days above ground? Not an auto then I guess. It looks happy!


Welcome to the OG community :raising_hand_woman:t3: :wave:t3:

:green_heart: :seedling:


I’d not say it’s not an auto. Some plants just need a kick to get them going. Flip to 12/12 for a week or two then once in flower switch back to the autoflower schedule. Most autoflower strains are created using a photoperiod strain crossed with a ruderalis (autoflower) strain. So makes them slightly unstable. They often lean towards the photoperiod side of things so need a little help. I had a White Widow auto do this year’s ago. It took for me to flip to 12/12 to get it going but once it went into flower it just grew and grew. Be prepared for the stretch as they often become uncontrollable when this happens. Good luck. :+1:


Just be patient, I started some on Feb 10 and im just now starting to look for signs. The 6 week thing is just a suggested minimum. You could switch to 12/12 to speed it up but I feel like it slows down growth going back and forth. If it’s an auto idk lol


Usually they show in 4-5 weeks, but some strains take longer.

What light cycle are you on? try 16/8 or a longer dark period if you aren’t already… the longer the dark period the quicker they should show…
and don’t be scared to flip to 12/12 to find out,(i do that all the time as i have limited space) but if you are planning on a further up-pot if it’s a girl then you need to do that as soon as it has shown.

After all said and read, you have a keeper, you can make it bigger if you want. That’s nice.

So, I’m growing this beautiful lady with LED lights, using a mix of organic and synthetic nutrients. Temperature and humidity are maintained at optimal levels, and I’ve been monitoring her closely for any signs of stress or deficiencies.


Thanks for the tip! I’ll definitely give that a shot.

It totally makes sense now that you mention it. I’ll keep a close eye and maybe switch up the lighting schedule to see if that nudges her along.


Maybe she’s just enjoying the comfort of her vegetative state a bit too much


Thanks for the welcome

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She’s looking good man. Keep doing what ya doin. It’s obviously working.

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How’s she looking now @FrostyFellow?


first post welcom from a fellow green horn to sn other

id duggest running 16/8 or 15/9 if sex is not showing or if you have dedicated veg snd bloom areas i clone to sex faster

i mainline when i get 6-7 nodes and root what i cut off and flower the cline to have a definitive answer to its sex