SSDD F2 BX1 Seed Run **Closed**



Out of curiosity where are you doing outdoors? I’m around 42n myself and trying to improve my outdoor game. Thank you


I’m in southern Colorado outside of Trinidad. 37.1695° N.

It’s dry and very low humidities in summer. Things grow good here, but it’s a challenge at times. I’m at a pretty high elevation, too (6400’, or 1950m), so the sun can be too intense in June. A shade screen would be perfect, but too pricy for me atm.

We also get some pretty gnarly hail storms in summer and can take a grow down quick. Shade screens would protect the crop from that. High winds, unexpected freezes in spring and fall, and PM can also complicate things, lol… other than that, lmao.

It’s a good place and plants can and will grow really tall and big if you can just be on the lookout for the other stuff.


Shout out! I’m around 42n. Gotta pick the right cultivars for sure.
We mostly grow full sun outdoor with success, pulling around the 2nd week of october. Last year I moved a couple fabric pots into a small greenhouse and let them go until around Oct 20. That extra week made a huge difference in bud density and potency. Hopefully the weather cooperates for 2022!


SSDD F2 BX1 #14 - Day 34

Nutes a little too hot for this girl but she’s bulking up just fine :heart_eyes: Smells are right so far too!

And a sneak peak of what else I’m working on…

SSDD F2 #1 Momma on the left at day 21, SSDD F1 #7 I found on the right at day 2

Same branching structure as my f2! Strangely, the seed plant didn’t show it! I had to take a clone and grow the clone out in order to see this branching structure :thinking: Leaves are similar to my F2 and she’s got the same stem rub. Now to find a freaking male! One F1 pack left to go :tired_face:


:pray: :pray: hoping you find a male you are looking for, the girls are looking great!


Wanted to thank you both @GMan and @BorderTownBud finding the right outdoor plant had been a challenge.
Normally need to be done first week of October. Possible frost, but rain causing bud root is more of a consideration


splashed 3 last night…like to get a good boy or girl here. :slight_smile:

I have to say that this method of running beans and delivering them was stellar. Much preferred over the spring/fall box thing. Very fast and totally accurate and excellent communication!!! Very nicely done man!


Good luck to everyone on finding their keeper cuts!


day 5 of my 5 ssdd bx group and individual shots will post back in about a week with updates much love everyone :seedling:


@DesertHeartGardens Looking great! Off to a wonderful start… good garden vibes heading your way!
Love & Light ☆ DJSF


Sending positive vibrations your way @DesertHeartGardens


Green above brown, it’s a beautiful sight. Good luck to you!


We’ve been discussing this topic in the background. That was my idea, to let individuals do their own thing, and limit the boxes to the special, discontinued, or other special reason. We used to get them on time regularly but it was just a few strains.

The other thing, if people don’t want to send their seeds out, you could donate them to @Sebring and he can let peeps purchase them (free except for shipping), if @Sebring is still up to fooling with it. That man mailed out more free seeds in the last few years than I could calculate. He may be ready for new things. He’s got a lot of irons in the fire, too.

I agree, @HolyAngel handled his seed run tip top. I have to agree, that sometimes, on certain strains, like the best pheno of the SSDD(imo), I’d rather not wait on the box. I think I may have missed more than I got this last year. Not that I need any.

Just wanted to let you know we’re already talking about ideas and solutions, and that anyone is welcome to do these how they please. It may be less hassle for the grower, too, in the long run. Thanks again @HolyAngel! I have 4 pretty babies growing daily!


Lots of people do send out theirs. I know I have done it for a few for them.

I can now take the current/new co-op seeds. I received shipping supplies from Sebring today. I haven’t received any seeds from him yet. He was going to a week and a half ago but, things got messed up for him. He is getting his wife to help him pack them up. I think he is so caring, he gets overwhelmed when he tries.

At this point I am his apprentice catch up person.

Thanks for all the support you are giving in the discussion group.

:green_heart: :seedling:


@G-paS I’m sure others have said it, but thank you for stepping in to help Sebring like you have, the whole OG community benefits from your efforts. :heart::v:t2:


Wow, yeah @G-paS, i wasn’t really aware you had already initiated that. How’s our “OG guru of caring”, doing?

Prayers and vibes sent your way @Sebring! Hope you get to take a few breaths in the future. Man, you touched a lot of peoples lives in the last 4 years. Much respect. Tell your wonderful wife we said hello and sending her the best as well.

And, remember… keep an eye on those beavers. :grimacing: :grin:

Oh, and hit me up anytime @Sebring! I live alone unfortunately and usually always around. If you ever need or want to, hit me up for a phone # too. I’m always tinkering around this place. Gonna try and shift over to KNF this year as I use up the rest of my Roots dry stuff. I gotta go back and write down a few of your recipes, in your thread, too. Peace out brother man! Thanks for all you do and did. You’re much respected.

Thanks @G-paS, for picking up the ball. Please tell us what makes sense for you and how we can best keep from overloading our distributors. The co-op thing was never this big before. So, feel free to voice to us what you need and we’ll respect it. peace all


I’ve only been here for two box runs. Both were 50% short.
“and limit the boxes to the special, discontinued, or other special reason”
Based on what I have seen, sending anything that’s “special” into the current system is risky, and may not show up even if your box does.


Not Good at all but, he is working He did say to let every know that even when he wasn’t responding at first he was reading them. But it go to the point he couldn’t handle reading the messages. All the work with the co-op boxes spiraled down. He cares so much about this adventure and this community and that it had snowballed it would cause him too much stress.

His wife is helping him get things boxed to send. But, He puts in so much work and research into these seeds that I, and I am sure most here, don’t realize.

Any private none co-op seeds need to be packaged. If a breeder dosen’t want to do this they can ask somebody to do that for them. There are many that want to help Sebring and that is what they can do to help.


The majority of the work is packaging those seeds in individual flips or containers. If that was done before the distributors received them, the process would go much quicker.