SSDD F2 BX1 Seed Run **Closed**

Yeah no joke. Packing the seeds felt just as bad as shucking the seeds. All in all, it took me as long to shuck, pack, and ship all the seeds, as it did to make the seeds in the first place :joy: all 3 felt about the same level of work, for what its worth.


I agree with you 100% I feel the same, Shucking, packing and shipping are as much work as the grow. So when you are the grower, the shucker and the pack and shipping. You are…just awesome and over the top.

:green_heart: :seedling:


@G-paS i just wanted to say thank you for stepping up and helping out. That’s awesome :clap:. Well wishes for @Sebring


Thank you for the kind words.

:green_heart: :seedling:


@HolyAngel I want to say thanks and to tell you I’ve never seen a seed that wanted to open as fast as these did​:+1::clap::clap::clap::clap:
12 hours in a shot glass and maybe 12 hours in a paper towel if that and the tap root on all 4 seeds I cracked
Where at least 1/2 in long and thick as all hell ( never before have I seen a tap root as fat )
Damn they practically cracked them selves lol

Lol :joy: I bet if I look this morning they may be ready to harvest lol just joking

All kidding aside thank you they are all above ground and happy

The gray haired bandito


Nice!! That’s what I like to hear :muscle: lol

I definitely try to make these as best I can so i’m glad they’re coming up easy for ya ^^

Now to see what all we get :yum:


SSDD F2 BX1 #14 - Day 39

Starting to get fat :heart_eyes: She looks a bit leafier than she actually is. I started flowering her with late flower nute ratios so I think she’d actually stretch out a bit more if done correctly from the get-go. Either way, lot of dense buds on this girl.


Thank you for keeping us informed. I hate to hear that about @Sebring. Man, he’s been giving and giving since I joined 4 years ago.

It would be neat if he could find other like minded people and have his on co-op of sorts, with other members so maybe he could have a group of people that could all be a part of what he was doing.

I know he touched a ton of people by himself. I’m super glad to know him. I hope he really knows how much he means to us, and I hope he can get a rest from the stress. I suffer with that, too. A project like our seed runs would put me down, too. Let him know he’s welcome to contact me any time for anything. If I can help I will.

I know for a fct that the world is just a little bit better today than it would have been otherwise, without his caring. No shame for getting tired and stressed from all of what he was doing. He did it!

Love you brother! Hope you and the wife can get some “you time” for each other. I know she must be one wonderful person from the little he told us about her. She deserves a huge thanks from us as well.

I hope we can still hear from you on occasion. You need to take a couple of years and just enjoy talking to people, without the stress. I’m hoping you’ll get to come by and just hang out like the rest of us stoners and talk crap. Hope to hear from you in the not too distant future. peace brother… one day at a time. It took a while but I’m finally learning to live fully in the present and let the tomorrows and yesterdays deal with themselves. :pray:


Agree with literally every point @GMan just made. Big :heart: Sebring


Wow, they look good. My four are finally moving into some real leaves They all looked like carbon copies of each other starting up. They’re mostly identical so far. I’ll grab a quick pic.


Most of mine are real uniform squat little things will post up my weekly update picture in a day or 2 they are 11 days from sprout right now going to up pot to 1 gallons in the next few days till I can sex then in 20 gallons to flower out :grin: @gman


Here are my 4 little buggers. They were the last seeds I dropped so they’re the smallest of the group. I’m all out of ProMix and EWC, but get paid next week, so It should work out good for up potting them.

I was going to flip them all right about now for some quick smoke, but, if I get new soil I may move them all up to larger pots. They’re all in 1 gal atm.


:heart_eyes: Man you weren’t kidding, they do all look almost identical! :fire:


day 12 from sprout getting put in 1 gallons in the next day or so happy 4/20 everyone have a awesome day :seedling::v: Will post back in a week with growth updates


Yours look like mine did from the start… they all look the same. Pretty cool.


Oooh very nice guys!! :muscle: :fire:

I imagine if we’re not seeing much, if any, variation in overall structure right now, we might see the variation when it comes to the flowers. Guess we’ll be finding out here in a month or so, can’t wait :yum:


Day 42 for F2 BX1 #14

Smells are getting really complex! She definitely has the sour butter smell up front but that back end… is like rotten fruit, berries, incense, and kush, all blending together :drooling_face: Think she’s starting to swell up now too.


What @MrWizard said! You @HolyAngel are a real inspiration. Another OG Champion.




Getting started on the memorial to honor @HolyAngel. Coming along nicely.



Ooh how did you know!? :wink: