SSDD F2 BX1 Seed Run **Closed**

Whoa! I hope mine look close to that! That’s a beast!

@oleskool830, did you have any luck with the PM? I get paid on Wednesday if it’ll still help. Nothing worked out as I had hoped.

Man, day before yesterday we had mid 80’s for the highs two days in a row. Last night it snowed 6 inches of wet snow that is stuck to everything. Even my neighbor’s clothesline has 4 inches stuck to the wire, and, it’s still snowing lightly. It’s supposed to warm up so it’ll all be melting by afternoon. I haven’t seen a single car outside yet. It’s beautiful though. It’s the biggest snow we got this season. Sort of weird, but we need it bad. It’s only 30º so it’s not gonna get worse. Poor little birdies can’t even find anything to land on. It sure looks cool.


That’s how I enjoy snow. Inside looking out at the beauty! Warm with a joint and a buttered rum.



Good Morning @GMan! That weather sounds like you got the best of both worlds! We’ve had some cooler temps (low 80s) with intermittent rain and perpetual cloudiness. I need some sunshine for my soul. With the invasion of the LS/SBT males I’ve been busy transplanting and moving things around. I’m spraying with the sample I got again today. This follow up spray should do the trick. Fortunately I caught it early and the disease hadn’t progressed as much as I thought. With some defoliation and diligent spraying I think I’ll be able to harvest these girls in 2 -3 weeks. The best thing was it inspired me to do some much needed housekeeping in the Shitkicker Shed. Everything is back in its place, dead leaves cleaned up, dirt filled pots removed…yes it was much needed. Have a great day my friend.




Whoa! I thread hijacked inadvertently. Sorry, I thought I was in mine. Good wakenbake this AM



No worries bro :wink:





I just realized the name Sunshine Daydream Bodhi gave this strain is from a Grateful Dead song. :man_facepalming:

Really hoping to start these soon…started popping my bean horde a few months ago…started with 43 :sweat_smile: … down to 34 to go… but I may sneak 1/2 the HolySSDDF2BX1(:laughing: ) in before the 43rd strain.

:evergreen_tree: :sun_with_face: :zzz:


This one from @HolyAngel has the real chance of getting that sour butter pheno that you’ll remember. I got it once.

Hey @oleskool830, I thought that sounded like you were answering my last post in your thread, ha. But, then I couldn’t remember if I mentioned snow in this thread. :yawning_face: More like stoned for the show. Glad you are getting that PM. Picking the infected stuff is always best, and then spray. It gets most off first and then there is less leaf space to have to cover when you spray. Be careful with spraying your plants with that LCPT. It will burn if not allowed to dry overnight or away from bright lights for a day. 1oz/gal won’t be as prone to do it but the strong dose of 2oz/gal will, ime.

My SSDDf2 bx1 sure are looking nice. They’re catching up to the other plants. Almost looking like 4 female, but I won’t jump the gun. Pics soon.


No new pics today, but wanted to update that every single person on the signup list has been shipped out as of this morning. Sasquatch got back to me :wink:


So awesome of you holy, and thanks again.


group and individual shot update got them in there new shoes topping them all tomorrow should start taking off soon :relieved: day 20 since sprout


:heart_eyes: beautiful! Assuming the light is overhead, it looks like you got a couple leaners? The mom does the lean like that. And I think I see one with double serrations? :eyes:


Overhead light hlg 600r set at around 20-30percent going to start ramping the wattage up soon thought it was the leaf weight at first but they been staying with that slight lean :rofl:


ah then yeah, they’re likely leaning just like the mom does, hint hint ^^

I’ve also seen that trait in the F1’s so it’s coming from something in the SSDD parentage…


Next traits to look at are gonna be stem rubs. The mom is a spicy-citrusy smell in veg, sometimes lemony. The male used was straight citrus-lemon stem rub.

I’ve seen some acrid stem rubs in these but that’s only other smell I’ve seen so far.


I would like to thank you again @HolyAngel. You are a great OG’er. I am going to try to get these meds going. I have to get done with all these seed runs for OG. I have two more this fall. I don’t grow any thing while I have plants in flower so I don’t have contamination.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Is this is a thing? I’ve got a little (not SSDD) seedling right now that’s fully leeeeeaning to the right, very noticeable, never seen anything like it. I’ve even made sure to keep it in the the middle of the tray to try to get it to start growing straight up, but it hasn’t made a difference.


As long as you know its not light intensity related, like blasting seedlings and they wanna bend over to hide type thing, nor from physical training/stress, then yes I think it’s a genetic trait. I’ve only noticed it specifically in the SSDD line so far. Nothing else I’ve grown in numbers has really shown it. Most stuff just stands straight up, sans the odd runt or mutant. But I think it was something like 40% of the SSDD F1’s had this stem bend/lean thing going on that happens regardless of light intensity.


Oh, wow, that’s pretty fucking interesting. I wonder what it is. I’m certain it’s not my light intensity, just because everything that I’ve grown, ever, hasn’t done anything like what I’m seeing with this one seedling. And nothing else in the trays looks like this one plant. The rest are growing totally normal. I’ve even moved that one pot to the very farthest right of the tray to see if I could get it to start growing back to the left, but it won’t.

Have you noticed if, like, the “leaning trait” or whatever you wanna call it is an indicator of any kind of unique or different, uh… I’m not sure exactly how to put this, I’m fucking faded right now haha! But you know what I’m getting at. Is that “leaning” thing any kind of special something?

Uuggghhhhh…. I feel super-dumb right now. Everybody just ignore anything I might post for the next eighteen hours or so.


I’m not sure honestly. All I know is its from a particular pheno in the parental lineage. What that is exactly, I don’t have any idea :joy: I just know my keeper has it/does it so it’s something I’d look for in the offspring, and its something I selected for in the F1’s that I’m flowering out now too. Should know within a couple months if those traits also mean the effects will be there or not. Between that, the stem rub, the leaf morphology, I think it’s fairly straight forward to identify the pheno’s that are hers.

What are you growing that’s leaning?