SSDD F2 BX1 Seed Run **Closed**

Yeah! That’s kinda what I was trying to get at haha. It’d be cool to know if that “leaning” thing is an indicator of any sorta something good or something to look for if you’re looking for specific qualities, either in growth characteristics like bigger yields or smells/flavors or whatever or even in the way the flowers smoke. Kinda like how the Apollo “Genius” pheno has the tell-tale zig-zag trait and the Cuban Black Haze has that kinda “twisted” leaf morphology, things like that.

Just this one Imperial Majesty. I dunno what its deal is. I dunno what any of their deals are, actually. They’re laaaaaaagggiiiiinggg… The “leaning” seedling is actually the most vigorous-looking of the four I have growing right now. The other three… I’m not really impressed haha. But it’s early. I’m sure they’ll take off here soon enough and catch up with the other stuff.


Yeah this, exactly! I don’t have any idea what it means tho for now. Still quantizing information currently :sweat_smile:


Going out of town today until Monday afternoon so here’s some Day 50 shots of my SSDD F2 BX1 #14



Smelling like Sweet Berries right now :drooling_face:
The “sweet” is the same sweet that is the Sour Butter smell from the SSDD F2 Mom.
The “berries” smell is extremely reminiscent of the rotten fruit/berries from the Starlite.
Smells delicious :drooling_face:


That’s interesting cause between the 4 SSDD females I recently grew, one of them had a bit of a lean that turned into more of a curve but I didn’t really think much of it.


@HolyAngel… all 3 seeds popped are female.
Your doing something right :+1::+1:


Can we have an award for funniest mfer on OG @oleskool830 never ceases to make me laugh


Thanks for the love. You made my day @HunnaGodHunna.




Ooh nice, thats awesome! Do a gender test I take it?

From the two packs I’ve popped its been female heavy, somewhere between 60 and 75 percent females.


Yes, Farmer Freeman.
Would recommend, super fast and top notch service!!


You just send a tissue sample? That’s pretty cool. I was reading another member talking about it. I visited the site but can remember the name now… D??? Leaf or something. I think it was $10-12 a plant.


Yup, .25-.5” leaf material and your good to go.
They all seem to be about the same price.
Farmer Freeman’s service was stellar though.

I forgot to put my contact info on the form you send back. They tracked my number down from the courier, called me to make sure I would get my results. Ended up having a nice little chat.
If your on the east coast I would highly recommend FF!


Wow, that’s impressive. You mean they have people that think for themselves? heh… That’s very good to hear. Everyone respects a business that earns our respect.


Right! It is rare now a days!


Here are my youngsters. They’re almost 4 months old. They grew up under a 600w with a small humidifier, and i take them outside all day if it’s nice. Trying to save elec., too.

Three of the four have that leaning thing. I thought it was the wind, and I always try and straighten them, but they have always done that, ha. It bugs you if you have a little OCD, lol. I’ll try and get pics of them. One is straight. They’ve been great plants so far!


Nice and healthy! Will you flower them inside? Man those are pretty.



They do look good, but,

Did you mean four weeks? Cuz those’d be some pretty slow veggers otherwise haha.

I do the same thing for the same reason. Plus, weed plants just look better outside.


RutRow, I meant 4 weeks. Some took more babying to bring them back from death’s doorway. Not the SSDD.

I was going to try a flower from seed, but after a thread about it recently, I just want them to be mature. They’re close now.

I would like to get them into flower soon. But, since I’m thinking of flowering them in the 1 gal pots, I want to have clones. In addition to the SSDDf2 bx1, I have 2-Marauder, 3-Thai x Stardawg, 1-Space Monkey, 2- Death Row Runtz, 3-Candy Cake Punch, and 3-Bubblegum Runtz, oh, and my clone I got on 4/20 week, The Read Headed Stranger. :sunglasses:

None have sexed yet, but a few seem to point to male. If I get a low number of female, I may repot to at least a 2 gal.

I have to make some decisions in the next day or so for summer’s crew and start popping them, at least the sativa. peace out


Day 54, still got another two weeks to go imo

Starting to swell tho ^^


Oh man, she is chunking up! Very pretty work :yum:


Here’s the top of the F2 mom at 41 days for reference

Side branch hit with OG’ers pollen from @Gpaw

Can definitely tell seeds are being made :heart_eyes:

Other side branch hit with Starlite pollen from @Rocketboy

Not sure that pollen was viable on this one :thinking: