SSDD F2 BX1 Seed Run **Closed**

I doesn’t seem like it. Looks pretty normal. Man, I wish I could speed mine up. heh


Yeah… Still think I might get a few beans from that bud but overall, I think that pollen was just too old. That male is already long gone too. Not a big deal though, I’m happy with my first selection and still got 3 beans left if I really need them. Just means I might have to pop some of the Starlite beans myself to find a nice male to keep around and use later :wink:


Beautiful flowers! Looks like the wizard hat has carried over into the offspring, really great job and thank you for all your effort. Just F2ing something is enough work, let alone working the line and making selections to get your desired outcome. Big ups and gratitude to you sir.


“Well, shit happens and usually to me” lol…I ended up 1 for 3 on my pops. All three were spitting tails overnight. Two of them never moved from that point and one went off under the soil line. That one I saved with some TLC and fulvic
Looking good now!


I got 16 of 18 going strong. And in all honesty I was ripped when I planted these…,so I may have dropped 2 seeds. Lol.

thanks @HolyAngel . Your work is cherished here


Nice!! Was gonna say, im pretty sure I only put 16 beans in each pack :joy: off to a strong start! :muscle:


SSDD F2 BX1 - Day 62 from seed, still a bit longer to go

SSDD F2 #1 - Mom - Day 49 from clone
With signature cat hair @minitiger :joy:


Oh my, those are gorgeous!!! Well done!


Thanks! Quite the difference between the two, this particular BX1 freakin yields, my god :heart_eyes: but all of the bx1’s should be coming out somewhere between these two phenos ^^

edit: the bx1 is smelling just like the mom. sweet sour butter, berries, muffins, and kush, all layered together. berry section is a little more pronounced and fruity but otherwise all the same as the mom. Fantastic, I’m happy :heart_eyes:


I flipped mine last night to get the sexes so I can move the female to larger pots. Yours are beautiful.


Here are my two SSDD females. Up potted, trimmed and topped a couple of days ago. They are in 4 gallon pots with an organic soil mix. I’ll probably flip them this weekend. Really easy strain to grow so far


NICE!! that left one looks similar to the pheno I’m running currently. The right one looks very much like the mom but improved! Lookin great!

Any difference on stem rub or smells in general?


Thanks. They both have a chem/diesel smell with a little sweetness. Stems are nice an solid with pretty good spacing. Branches really like to lay out sideways opening up the middle in a good way. I’m looking forward to see what they can do. Probably going put a little pollen on them from a couple of my males


:drooling_face: Sounds perfect and exactly what I was after!

If the right girl is indeed closer to the mom’s pheno, there’s a good chance those side branches may extend out 1-2ft during the first couple weeks of flower and end up looking more like an OG type plant with big flowers. I haven’t flowered out that pheno myself yet to check. The left one will still stretch too, but will likely end up more like the one I’m running currently, shorter christmas tree with huge flowers.
I think these are the two main phenos in this line, though there might be a third. Find out more as everyone gets to growing them ^^.


Awesome! I love having a bit of a jungle in my little room. I’ll post updates after a couple of weeks into flower. Thanks for the info


I’m hoping to get mine started in larger pots today. I think I have at least two female, maybe more. Nice to read about the pheno traits.


Man! And, like, right at the tip of those flowers, too, for all the world to see haha. Plants are looking really fucking good, though. Kinda making me be like,”Shiiiiiit, maybe I should hit up holy for some of those seeds…” haha.


You know I gotchu if you ever do :wink:


Looks like I have 2 female out of the four so they go into bigger pots today, yea! It’s been a slow go to now.


my 5 ssdd update little over month old going to be taking cuts in about a week or so to determine sex happy growing everyone