SSDD F2 BX1 Seed Run **Closed**

Hi @HolyAngel! Morning! Any other sources you could lead me to? Regarding longer dark time such as the way you use!? Intriguing, if not generous to our electricity bills! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Come to think of it, everything is in constant transition, movement and ever changing state. If a sliver of light could disrupt the flow of flowering, triggering it back to vegging, why wouldn’t the opposite hang true, right!? Ever considered pushing this a bit further, say, 10/14dark!? Thanks!! I simply love the look of those buds!!! You’re surely doing IT right!! :pray:


Eh, I don’t have any scientific papers or anything :sweat_smile:
I haven’t noticed a difference in yield… I see a lot of blue/purple come in on my plants but that could be the led’s… Definite power savings though… possibly quicker finishes.

A quick search seems to also give the same general results.
Seems like it does depend on the plant if there’s any real difference though between 11/13 and 12/12

There’s also the Pot Cast episodes with DJ Short and Swerve from Cali Connection that both talk about it.

Again, I don’t think it’s some end-all be-all thing, but I haven’t noticed a negative by doing it so I’ve just stuck with it.


From my understanding on the 11/13 cycle - it’s very beneficial for plants with a decent amount of sativa heritage in them to bring out some more expressions from them, as well as for mostly sativa varieties it can assist with helping them finish flowering - some just keep flowering at 12/12. Sometimes 10/14 is used to finish these sativas. I use 11/13 - little bit of power saving and I do like blueberry varieties so I try to follow what’s recommended for them as they are finicky!


That’s what I have always used when running photos indoors 11/13


Hi there HA I was always told more night time = shorter flowering time but smaller harvest

I’ve never did a side by side so I really can’t prove it

I also do 11/13 from the start


I :100:% agree it’s the best way to flower satie dom hybrids it kicks them in the ass so to speak to finish


I read DJ Short’s take on 11/13, and ran that for several years. I really didn’t see much difference, even in the pheno expressions.

I’ve been running 10/14 for a few years since. I run most of my plants for 10 weeks, even back in the 12/12 days, and I’ve noticed no differences in either yield, or quality. Nothing scientific, just stoner observations :slight_smile:


Hey @HorseBadorites!!! Thanks!! Good to know… I will try to learn more about the subject, yet it looks interesting to say the least!! Perpetual grows do demand some overall cost and yield considerations!! I’ll be listening to DJ Short as well!! :pray:


I believe that flowering at 11/13 was even on DJ’s seed packets


i also flower at 10/14, have been for years now
no differences here either aside from the electricity bill


SSDD F2 #1 Mom @ Day 57 and just about ready to come down

Clone’s always run like a week faster than seed plants :sweat_smile:

Lower branch of the SSDD F2 BX1 #14 @ Day 70

Not much longer. Already spotted some amber

@minitiger You’ll be sad to know, my cat that was giving me the signature cat hair on the buds, passed away last thursday. So likely last run I’ll have these white cat hairs on there :cry:


Those look fantastic! Sorry to hear about your cat! Im always noticing random cat hairs in my photos! Lol


Fuck! I’m so sorry your cat passed away! Cats are great companions.
Pets are wonderful in the love and peacefulness they bring my wife and i.

Edit. You can tell from the following photos, that she was loved, loved You and lived an awesome life!


Thanks guys! Yeah, she was my pretty princess and she definitely knew it :cry: Still got 3 boys in the house and they’re doing okay, only the oldest is concerned at least. Wife and I are making it through okay, but it’s still pretty rough going in the room and she not be there to harass me and demand pets… and shed her hair everywhere :joy: Or even just popping a jar to find her hair on a bud :sob: Too soon!
RIP Alice Mau


Oh, nooooooo… I am sad to know that. That sucks, man, I’m really sorry to hear that. Plants look good, but who cares? Maybe you’re better than I am at dealing with stuff like that, but whenever a person or a pet that I love dies, I always get like,”Who fucking cares about the grow…?” and get all depressed for a while.

I’m gonna miss that cat hair…


I’m sorry your cat passed away :sob: :sob:

I have 2 here and I can’t imagine without them.

It’s very sad to lose a pet we love. :frowning_face: :frowning_face:

I hope you get well!!


Aww, sorry to hear about Alice :frowning: We have a old man with the same length hair, and looks like the fondness for belly rubs. I know his hairs will be around long after he is gone :slight_smile:


Cute posing was definitely her thing ^^
Could only get a few belly rubs on her and then kicks and bites. it was mostly a trap :joy:


RIP Alice :pray:

Plants are looking amazing and fast finishing too?!


Yeah the mom of the bx1 is a quick finisher! I think the BX1 pheno I picked out to flower may lean more towards the starlite since it seems to have a bit longer flower time :thinking: I’d expect most of these should come out finishing closer to the mom’s time. 56-63 days, with some outliers around 70-77 days.