SSDD F2 BX1 Seed Run **Closed**

Sadly I only got one female from four. It’s up potted and I’m gonna flower it out after getting clones. Looking forward to it Sorry about Alice. I’m a softy when it comes to animals and pets, too. peace


got one SSDD from this thread going and it is a really special plant so far. Different than all the rest. Im excited to see how this goes


Sorry to hear about your cat Holy, losing a pet is terrible man, my heart goes out to you and your family.


I sort of want to veg my small SSDD a week more or so. But, I flipped them about 5 days ago to sex and it was slow. But I did leave them outside one night. Then brought them in again last night. And tonight they are inside with lights out.

I wonder if I put them back under 15 hours of light if it would cause problems? They’re not super old yet anyway. Maybe 6 weeks. I take them outside every day and in at night.

I just put it into a 3 gal felt pot from a hard 1 gal. pot.

Any thoughts? Think it would cause problems being this young still?


I don’t think it’d cause any issue :thinking: Both parents have been completely stable, especially the mom.


Sorry to hear about Alice Mau. Saying goodbye is the hardest part.
I’m sure you gave her a great run.
Hang in there. :pray: :pray:


My condolences on your loss @HolyAngel so sorry to hear about your fur baby it’s never easy, got cutting taken a few days ago of my ssdd bx and got one confirmed female showing so far should know the rest in a few days time then will be tossed into my 20 gallons to veg for a few weeks before flowering them out much love everyone and good vibes :seedling::v:


@HolyAngel , I am deeply sorry to hear you cat passed away. I used to have signature cat hairs also. I had “Smokey” my Russian blue mix I rescued from a crack house in the late 90’s. I was young (16) and she was with me on all my adventures and grows. I had to put her down a few years ago. she was 20 and had a tumor in her face/sinuses. she was struggling the last few months. I felt like i lost part of myself at first but am at peace and thankful she was my companion for so long. (wiping tears from my eyes as I type this.
Your SSDD looks amazing, wanting to try some as I have nerve pain in my back (l4-s1) and unforneatley going to have to surgery after a year of pt, steroid injections and the most horrible Gabbapentin. I’m 38 and going to have to deal with changes it has caused to my life for the foreseeable future. Changing my normal growing desires of mostly sativa hybrids. (for energy and clarity) but now focusing on finding those nerve pain killing strains.


Aww I’m sorry to hear about Smokey! :cry: Definitely where I’m at too.

I literally just found out my now-oldest boy, Merlin, is blocked and can’t pee.

I suspected when he didn’t come out for breakfast this morning… Convinced the wife to run him down to the vet and sure enough, blocked. They’re sedating him, putting in a catheter, gonna watch him for the day and then we have to take him to the emergency vet tonight for overnight observation. Poor guy :cry: He’s only 8 and this is the third time he’s been blocked. Have already had him and the others on special Rx food for it too. ugh… Just hope he gets to feeling better soon :pray:

In other news, I chopped down the BX1 last night at 71 days. Already a decent amount of amber on there and she’s foxtailing a bunch from the added heat of summer coming in so figured just take her down now. She smells like Mango’s while I was taking her down and hanging her up :drooling_face:

I hear ya on the pain. I’m 36 and have tendonitis, carpel tunnel, and then a herniated disc around T6. The SSDD takes care of most of it so I hope you’re able to find something in these that helps you. The mom doesn’t make me sleepy at all, and the added Starlite should keep it more up too ^^


Sorry to hear about your cat man - it’s tough to place just how much pet buddies mean to you until they’re gone. Hope everything goes well with Merlin - seems like this kind of stuff all happens at once, can be overwhelming.


Ah, that sucks. I had a cat who had the same issue when he was about 2 years old. On the phone, the vet tried to walk me through pressing on his bladder to open his flow, but that didn’t work. So the vet met me at his clinic very late at night on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving (thankfully). They also gave him a catheter, which was immediately successful. However, they said if it happened again, they may have to perform surgery that would make any man cringe :grimacing:

The vet said the problem was likely due to the food I was feeding him. I was young and stupid, so I just bought 9Lives or Friskies or whatever. But the vet said to get Hill’s Science Diet for Urinary Tract Health (or whatever it was called) and feed him that for several months. After that, if there were no more problems, I could feed him the normal Hill’s Science Diet. Fortunately, there were no other issues with his urinary tract and he kept his kibbles and bits until the very end! (RIP Alex :pray:)


Looks like he’s out of the Anesthesia, they got him unblocked. We caught it early so he wasn’t backed up anything, just some bacteria in there from a UTI type infection. No crystals or anything which is great news. They’re still keeping him overnight and if he’s good on his own we’ll be able to bring him home in the morning.

I think this is the 3rd time he’s been blocked of some sort. Second time was also a UTI. The first time he had a huge crystal in his bladder and DID have to get surgery. They said since it happened so early (he was like 3 or 4 years old) that he’s likely going to have issues with it for his entire life. We’ve had him and the other cats on this Hill’s Prescription Diet S/D Dry cat food, plus a big selection of wet food as he’s picky and likes variety :joy: It’s seemed to make a big difference. No crystals lately from any of them.


Ugh…it sucks that your family and your little guy will have to deal with it for the rest of his life, but at least things are improving. Also, it’s GREAT news that he’s doing OK now. Thanks for the ‘good news’ update, and hope he’ll be able to come back home tomorrow :crossed_fingers:


Sorry to hear about your cat’s man, glad they got him unblocked. Always a rough go dealing with a sick pet.


I never thought I’d miss finding hairs on my buds… but I opened up a jar of old weed the other day and found big ol’ dog hair from our pup we lost last year. It brought back some good memories…

Sorry for your loss, Alice looked incredibly sweet. Hope all turns out well for Merlin too.

Oh and those latest buds shots… drool… :astonished:


Sorry to hear that @HolyAngel… Life has a way of putting us into delight as well as suffering! Yet we still must keep on going! Whenever suffering hits too hard, weigh in by focusing on all the wonderful moments Alice, your wife and you had deliciously enjoyed and lived together!! She’d certainly want you both to be sharing a great mood by simply thinking of her!! What a snowy beauty!!
Her eyes do show how much you loved her and cared for her!!

One can see in her eyes!!


Just checked them again tonight and so far 4/5 ssdd are showing pre flowers :grin:


I lost a cat to this and also had another starting with the same problem. I gave the 2nd one cranberry from a cranberry supplement capsule, wrapped in meat and it worked. They can snip off a piece of his penis (ouch) also. It’s the damn dry food or at least partially.


Oh man, super ouch! Hopefully none of that lol.

We stay up on feeding them wet food at least, 3 times a day. Dry food is mainly for overnight or in between meals as sometimes one might miss a meal here and there with naps and outside time. 3 of them had been perfect, its just something with Merlin’s physiology that is making him prone to blocking :confused: possibly damage from the first time with the crystals+surgery has caused his bladder and urethra to catch UTI’s easier. I’m not sure. He did fine overnight at the emergency vet, said they’re pulling his catheter soon and if he’s still fine on his own than we can pick him up here in a few hours :crossed_fingers:


So sorry their our babies and it’s sad when they leave us
