SSDD F2 BX1 Seed Run **Closed**

ty brother, u r awesome
a true OG


If anyone in the states finds a nice male that they can’t keep, let me know :slight_smile:


Early samples on my bx1 #14 are about all I could have hoped for! Smell and taste are extremely similar to the mom, nerve pain relief is there(possibly increased), added power/daytime effects from the Starlite… It’s definitely :fire: :fire: :fire: :heart_eyes:

Hopefully everyone finds something similar to this one, looks like it should be pretty easy :wink:

Later today I’ll get to check on the other girls I pulled out from the first couple packs I popped of these beans. Will try and take some pics and post them. They’re in a different setup managed by my FIL.


Alright no pics sadly but structure on this other girl looks much more like the mom instead of the Christmas tree I got with #14. Smells are the same tho :relaxed:


Awesome! Soo stoked to hear this, I knew these were gonna be killer . Cannot wait to get mine .


Gah!!! I wanna burn through the list of shit I have in front of these, I want to pop these things sooo bad!!


Do it Legs Do It! For me, so I may live vicariously through you….


Definitely want the plants with the spicy/citrus stem rubs. Those seem to for sure carry the mom’s smells. The stem lean, and some double serrations seem to be other main traits.

I’ve seen a couple skunky/acrid stem rub plants in here but I’ve not gotten to look at those in flower yet. I picked the ones I thought would carry the moms traits and flowered them first :sweat_smile:


I can give you some day 60 pics of the mom tho!

The last pic is the seeded branch I hit with OG’er’s pollen :wink:


looks just phenomenal.


Looking awesome bud!


Very nice. I never saw buds with such large calyxes in any of my SSDD. I may drop a few more. Seems like the one I have, did have a strong smell the other day. I gotta get a clone from her in the morning and will take a pic. I saw you were looking for a male and I just cut them all about 3 days ago. I have a hard time letting go of males so I did it without thinking about it, lol. Man, I’d love to run into that one pheno again. We’re about to see!


Yeah I just went through a pack and a half of SSDD F1’s and I only found one Sour Butter, “Wizard Hat” pheno out of all those.
SSDD F1 #4 - Day 36

Looks like she has the fat calyx’s too. I thought I had multiple cuts of everything but as it would figure, this is the only I didn’t have cuts for :see_no_evil: I took a couple clones around 30 or so days in when I realized… Likely going to reveg her immediately. Sadly the closest male to her I’ve found has the wrong smell. I still have one pack left to go through to try and make F2’s of the butter pheno. I have one other F1 I found that’s structurally similar to this girl but it’s reminding me more of bubba kush in flower structure and smells.
SSDD F1 #5 - Day 40

Figures on tossing the males already :sweat_smile: no worries! I had a match to the bx1 #14 girl I just finished up and freaking tossed him as I just didn’t have the right feeling of using him… but man… after seeing her maybe he could’ve been really nice! :cry: So yeah, I’m on the lookout as it could save me some time, but otherwise I’ll be popping more before too long here.

Hope you find what you need in here on this first run :wink:


these babies are vigorous! I over fed I believe and have some messed up fan leaves, but they’re all still doing well. I just ordered 15 7 gallon fabric pots for them. I actually think I’m going to add a new 5x5 tent and light for this hunt!
Thanks to the man @HolyAngel


mmm I can see the mom all over those plants.:heart_eyes:
Looks like a few with the crinkly leaf like the one I just flowered too…
All pretty uniform overall. Thanks for sharing, they look good!


I’ll keep you in mind when I pop more. I may do some right away since I only got one female and she’s small. I’ve been using the Roots Terp Teas (dry, micronized, Grow, Bloom, and Booster) that they have now that replaces the old Uprising line of dry nutes. I’m thinking this stuff isn’t the same. I’ve had lackluster growth since I’ve been using it. Nothing else is different.

The old stuff was more granular and the microbes had to munch it up to make it available for uptake from the plant. It had sort of delayed results but I guess I just learned how to use them to be effective.

This stuff now is supposed to be used in teas or top dressing. But, it’s hard to get wet when it’s top dressed.

It may be time to try something new. I want to get some KNF going but I’m so busy, it’s hard to start something new.

Anyway, rant over. If I get some males, I’ll send them your way. peace


Oh awesome, thank you!

I’m really unsure on soil stuff unfortunately. I spent like $500 and messed with soil for a year or so before I gave up and went back to hydro :sweat_smile:

I’ve been growing them in coco+perlite or straight perlite with solution grade gypsum and maxibloom in flood and drain tables with very good results. They seem like heavy feeders to me and like a lot of aeration in the media…

I will say that these are not the most vigorous plants I’ve ever seen so don’t stress too much if they seem a bit slow in veg. Inbreeding from backcrossing is going to slow things down on every cross back to the same cut. I also wasn’t selecting for vigor, I selected for effects, flavor, and structure. Think BOG’s Sour Bubble BX3, it’s notorious for being super slow in veg. Thankfully these aren’t that bad :sweat_smile:


These two girls are starting to turn into some nice looking young ladies. Both are similar in structure with wide branches with lots of long secondary branches. Trimmed them up one last time this evening. They’re 8 days since I flipped them.

#1 A little shorter. She has a stinky chem with buttery undertones smell

#2 She has more of a buttery smell with a little chem underneath


:heart_eyes: Very nice! Those look more like the moms structure than the one I ran out here. Its the same look the ones at my in-laws house have, that I couldn’t get pics of the other day. Smells sound on-point. Especially for that #2, she has multiple traits showing from the mom. ^^


Yeah, I’m gonna start more. I want them to be that size right there. Mine is small. I did put into a 3 gal felt pot and gave extra nitrogen one last time but I doubt it’ll fill it up good since I flipped them already, too.

I grew an f2 ssdd 2 years ago outside. It was a monster. I’m still smoking on the last buds I had left. I gave away a lot, too. Good yielder. It just didn’t have the normal terps from the f1s.