SSDD F2 BX1 Seed Run **Closed**

Cool. They both have the same kinda smell. Just flip flopped with one have more buttery smells and the other more funky. Definitely been nice plants to grow without any bad traits so far. I’ll try to get some better pics next time. I’m really looking forward to hitting them with some pollen from my OG Chem x Casey Jones males. Seems like they might match up pretty good together. Think I might call it Sunshine Funk Train


Been waiting on my other plants to show sex 4 are showing pre flowers one ssdd is still not showing today is day 9 on 12/12 of the cuttings hopefully my strawberry temple old soul and snow monkey show soon so I can make the final decision on what to throw in the 20 gallons if they don’t show soon looks like I might be doing a all ssdd run in the tent



[/grid] Got ssdd 2,3,4,5 transplanted doing all ssdd in the tent :innocent: all transplanted into the 20s now the real explosion happens will get these girls back to tip top shape then get them flipped to flower​:grin: @HolyAngel


That perlite flood and drain table sounds epic, can we see some pictures? This thread was also epic, thanks for the ride :peace_symbol:


“i love the smell of POT PLANTS in the morning!”
And to quote another movie, “we’re gonna need a bigger TENT!”


Girls are settling in nicely @HolyAngel

They are pretty much identical as of now.
Thanks again, really looking forward to watching these shine :star_struck:


Thanks! It’s pretty nice! :relaxed: Still got some things to figure out on it but think I got it mostly there.
Here’s the initial setup

It’s a White Botanicare 4x4 tray. I’d really recommend black, but stick with whatever color you get, don’t try and paint it.

Reservoir is a 27 Gallon “HDX” Tote from Lowes/Menards. It actually holds about 20 gallons of water. I cut a rectangle out of the lid to fit the hoses and pump and have an access port. Water pump is an 800GPH Pond Pump I picked up for around ~$50. Cycle timer off amazon, pump runs for 1 minute every 2hours.

I built a stand for the tray so its not just sitting on top and I can actually access the reservoir.

I initially ran some air stones in there, then tried “Flooming”, now I don’t run anything in there but the pond pump on the cycle timer. The constant flooding every 2hrs is enough to thoroughly oxygenate the water. And my reservoir is more stable from not having oxygen pumped into it 24/7.

I ran it like this for a few runs but noticed the roots would wanna grow out of any pot I had in here and were getting air pruned and such. I had a 50L bag of hydroton left so I put that in there as a trial

And this has worked really well! Only issue is, the hydroton gets stuck in the root mat later, so reclaiming is a pain. I’ve thought about boxes and such, Mapito style, but unsure on that actually fixing my issues or just moving the goalpost.

As is I need to chop the plant at the pot and then wait a few days before taking the root mat out if I wanna keep a majority of the hydroton. Still thinking about ways to improve it ^^

I’ve used 1 gallon fabrics with pretty good luck but the roots grow through the fabric pots and there’s no saving them really after a single run in them. So I switched to ~5inch aerated pots and those have worked much better. I will say, anything that has the chance to herm, has hermed in this setup. But everything else has been 100% stable.


Thanks for showing how you run the F&D system

Impressive root system


@BeagleZ @DesertHeartGardens
Some beautiful girls you guys got there! :wink: Can’t wait to see how flower goes for all of you running these! I’m gonna have to pop some more myself here soon. Still on the lookout for a nice male with the mom’s structure, if anyone is in the states and wants to share. I’ll give you all the credit for him lol :+1:

In other news, here’s the first mostly dried(12 days) side-branch cola of SSDD F2 BX1 #14

Smells like Sour Butter and Haze! Totally comes through on the flavor too, especially the Sour Butter flavor, can take one hit and know its SSDD. Flower structure is very much NL5Haze imo, once you break it apart it looks extremely similar to my NorthStar line. Little more airy than it looks too, but still dense enough. Also doesn’t help that I chopped her a bit early. She feels greasy af. Smoke is smooth af and the buzz definitely gets me going. No anxiety or paranoia but can tell my blood is pumping for sure. Nerve Pain relief is definitely there too. She makes me a bit torn between tossing her for a more SSDD looking pheno, or toss my NorthStar cuts as she’s a bit better than those in the area’s I need :joy:

Wasn’t really expecting so much of the Starlite to still pull through after two crosses to the pretty dominant SSDD, but I’m not complaining either. I was told the Starlite, and especially the A5Haze in it, is really dominant so shouldn’t be too surprised. Still was hoping for a more SSDD looking girl to keep around. I see a bunch of you with the mom’s pheno though so should be great. Just not the one I pulled out to show off :sweat_smile:


My current theory is: If your bx1’s have 7 or less bladed leaves, preferably 5, the flowers will likely come out like the mom. And if they have 9+ bladed leaves, they likely will come out more like the Starlite, like my bx1 #14 which had 9-11 bladed leaves.


Jesus Christ, man, this sounds like sooooooo much work haha, with the pumps and the hydroton and the trays and shit… I dunno how you do it haha!

I fucking love the way that nug looks.


Nah this like one of the laziest ways to grow imo :joy:

Set all that up, stick the pots in the tray. I make a 5 gallon bucket or two of nutrient mix every 2-3 days of the same stuff all the way through from start to finish.

2ml TPS Silica Gold
2 Grams Solution-Grade Gypsum
5 Grams Maxibloom
Per gallon.

Comes out to 10ml silica, Just under 1 Tablespoon of gypsum, and 1 FAT tablespoon of maxibloom per 5 gallon bucket with a default ph around 5.9 depending on the time of year(tap water), and ~1.5 EC. I adjust the PH and EC as needed for veg or flower. Veg can use this mix as-is without touching it, maybe lower the PH to 5.7ish, flower usually needs ~2.3-2.6 EC and PH of 6-6.1.

I top off the reservoirs every day or two. Sometimes I only need to top off with plain water, sometimes with the nute bucket. But that’s it. Takes ~5 minutes out of a half hour to make the nute bucket. Less than 5 minutes to water everything. Walk away for a day or two and repeat. I can leave for 3-4 days in the middle of full on flower with a full tray and not have to worry about it. Just need to have the water mixed up before hand for when I get back :sweat_smile:


Hope I find that buttery goodness in one of these 4 girls those nugs look stunning if I find anything like that Me and my dad are going to be happy campers and that flood tray setup is quite interesting haven’t really looked up much about hydroponic growing might have to look a little more into it as a organic soil grower hydro is quite Foreign to me


Couple of quick pics of the girls tonight




Thought I should post this here for everyone. I think this is day 6f. Thank you again @HolyAngel for making dreams a reality. You’re a real dream weaver!


few days later after transplant and there doing great starting to shape up and get there health and vigor back I’m guessing 2 -3 weeks to fill out the tent then time for flower :grin:


Such an exciting time!! So stoked to see all these going at the same time.
I think we are just about neck and neck @DesertHeartGardens :).
I’ll have to update later…


It is so exciting to be able to see a bunch grown out way cool to have that experience with others and to be able to compare and see what’s in those beans! Can’t wait to see your update and looking great there @CrunchBerries can’t wait to see her in a few weeks!


A little later than I anticipated but none the less here we are…


Looking beautiful there no kidding almost neck and neck in stage of growth!