SSDD F2 BX1 Seed Run **Closed**

these girls are vigorous and growing fast!going to be taking a bunch of clones in a few days letting them recover a bit then it will be flower time :grin:


25 days since flip


She’s looking beautiful @VAkish !! :heart_eyes: :drooling_face: :heart_eyes:

Excited for @Vigor and @DesertHeartGardens too! You two are going to have some very nice girls soon, can’t wait to see!

I’m hoping to get pics of the couple at my in-laws place this afternoon.


Happy Sunday morning SSDD heads!
Got a quick update on my two, repost from my journal…

Got a few larger fan leaves showing this somewhat variegated-ness.
Good Vibes y’all!


:heart_eyes: That’s going to fill out so nicely :heart_eyes:

Oh interesting! I don’t have anything variegated in the lineage that I’m aware of and didn’t while making the beans :thinking: Are there any other plants in the area showing that kinda variegation? I have some kryptonite thats been showing that in veg and I’ve seen it spread to the other plants in the tray, but as would figure not to the SSDD F2 mom, she’s still colored normally. I haven’t had a chance to get testing done but after much discussion with a few other growers, we were thinking it was a PH and/or nute ratio issue. It seemed to go away if I cleaned everything out and reset the tray, or move them to the already good flower tray.

Couldn’t get pics of my in-laws plants, but they look real similar to all 3 of yours, dissimilar to mine. His seems to have the last half of the mom’s scent, just a dank blueberry muffin smell.


Good point, could be a PH thing. I did a little GnarBar/EWC soak watering the other day and noticed the ph was way low after the fact.
Don’t adjust PH for my bed cause it has so much buffers in it, but it could have effected the plants a wee bit anyway.
Good thoughts! Thanks @HolyAngel

Nope, this is the only one showing this.


I’ve decided on a new wallpaper for inside our place. Imagine your image below printed floor to ceiling.

Fantastic canopy you have there. You’re gonna get a literal forest of frosty flower tops!


Ha!! I should take one without the probe maybe lol
We should all have a beauty pageant once we have flowers :cherry_blossom:


I know it’s only been a few days since I posted the girls but I just love them there doing amazing 🥹 was tying them up this morning and the smells from the stem rubs and bending them is intoxicating the back left #4 has a pepper and citrus thing going on, back right #5 has a sweet berry smell, front left #2I’m thinking might be a sour butter pheno🤔has a herbal sour smell can’t quite pinpoint the smell it’s quite unique similar smells as #3 front right but time will tell :grin:


:heart_eyes: Always got time for more pics!

That’s definitely a trait I look for in the SSDD’s. That’s the spicy/citrus stem rub I was talking about. Led me to a pure Sour Butter pheno in the F1’s actually.

Very interesting on the other smells though, I can’t wait to see these in full flower ^^


Looking good @DesertHeartGardens!! What day are you on?


Just took clones letting them recover for a few days should be flipping by this weekend :grin: @CrunchBerries


Thank you for this info re diff. scents of especially desirable phenos. It’s refreshing to read your first-hand experiences with this cross you made.


Hello, Does anybody have any pollen from males preferablly a collection from multible males of this ssdd bx1? Im trying to make some seeds and would like to use this strain. Or a good cut of the sour butter pain killer pheno so i can hit it with some pollen from seeds im just germinating tonight. Thank you so much and your generosity will be returned 10 fold.


That is a good question!


It might be too soon for outdoor people to have flowered these out yet to find males that meet your needs. I bet this Fall there will be a lot more plants of this strain flowering.
But indoor growers might be able to help. Good luck in your quest!

(i will be saving all males that i find later this year of the SSDD f2 bx1. It’s an awesome sounding and looking strain that i’m excited about for pain relief potential.)


The girls are getting a little saucy!


Those look really nice!


@VAkish how was the stretch on your girls? Closer to two or 3x? Looking beautiful :heart_eyes:


They had about 2x in height and about 2.5 in width. I topped them 1 time 10-14 days before I flipped them