SSL certificate re-issued

dang i did not know there was a discord. got a link?

Link in the first post of this thread.


Won’t let me sign-in or register…says my email is already registered, but thatI do not have a valid invite to enter…


@toastyjakes deals with the Discord server so he can likely help you get that sorted @Lady.Zandra63

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Are you registered on a different discord? Or what is you discord name and I can send you an invite


Got it figured out! It is my daughters old laptop-- and it was trying to auto-log-in on her account…and because it didn’t match what I was entering, was having a hissy fit.


That’s good to know at least. I had a weird time with it, too. At least I was able to get on long enough to read that it was the certificate. After that I messed it all up. It’s on the pile of “fix this soon” things.

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Hey TJ, is that avatar from the AI generator? What a kick that was.


That it is … I have a lite version that doesn’t like to make anything but nightmares so glad @Northern_Loki got a plethora of cooler ones than mine made lol

Plus it’s been a couple years… Time to change up a bit


I’m waiting to see this one put to use :laughing:


Lol now that’s my of avatar


But, but, I loved your cute toast avatar.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Posting here rather than PM to bump the thread, in case other people end up with this issue and have forgotten; I had to do some searching for it myself, two months later. I just got the Anniversary badge two nights ago, but not the Devotee badge. Currently 367 days visited and I joined on 10/1/21. Even more odd, I’m fairly sure I logged in on the day the SSL cert was expired and still didn’t get the badge…


I guess you were gone for a while, @LemonadeJoe, but just recently saw some activity by you so I’m giving this bump one more try. :slight_smile:

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I had a similar concern all the way back when the server downtime was announced!

just followed up with @LemonadeJoe about this very thing about a week ago. He said he would look into it at that time. Haven’t heard back from him yet, but it’s nice to share this boat with ya @Cormoran :purple_heart::+1:


Yeah, unless somebody found a workaround to sign in on those days, nobody was able to get the “devotee” badge last year because of the downtime.
I joined Nov 23rd of 2021, and visited 484 days since then, so every day except the certificate days, same thing for @Cormoran and apparently for you.
It’s disappointing to me because I think the “gamified” forum is fun and I really made an effort to earn the Devotee status, but @LemonadeJoe has many other jobs beyond verifying whether we should have gotten a badge, so we’ll have to wait another year.


Yeah, that was a bit of a bummer for many. People do love their badges, lol. Perhaps LJ can work this out but either way, it’s coming around again :slight_smile: I was one of the few that logged in during the outage so I got my badge but still, I appreciate folks being a bit disappointed they missed out over the SSL issue.


Same here… but that’s all right…devotion takes….well…devotion…


It’s mainly because I wanted it for my first active year. I liked the idea of joining, and visiting every day for a year to really get a feel for the place.
I may not have gotten the badge, but I certainly got acquainted.


Sounds like someone got a new pad, best of luck🌲