Stacked Mother Lode . 2022 . The Genesis

That’s too cool @Rogue
I love me some dates


No, it is exactly the right amount of cool, thank you very much. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Dried dates and figs, combined with Belgian and French cheeses… here and there a grape.

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^ Rogue Vernissage mother.

All is well. :sunglasses:



Running the light more than 12 hrs now since I only have one that just started flowering.
Time for some bigger yields!


Since the new surge of seedlings I’ve only lost one or two sprouts.
They’re doing really well, the extra hours of light seem to help a lot.
Will keep giving more than 12 hrs of light until the auto’s are harvested and keep pruning and topping the regulars, then switch to less than 12 hours again.

Thrips have been nibbling on the leaves all summer, their numbers are shrinking now that it’s getting colder, the container is sitting right next the window which is always ajar.
They’re really quite harmless, the plants don’t give a fuck.

Pepper plants are perennial, so I’ll be pruning and harvesting peppers for a few years probably.
Bonsai pepper plants in the making! :smile:

Watered with pasta water today.
Pea pasta water a few days ago.
All with a touch of rough sea salt.

Happy days!

Edit: The flowering auto stemrub is complex sweet citrus and fruits with some white pepper and varnish.


Fresh batch of decarboxylated medicine.

Didn’t get many seeds and almost half of them were looking dodgy so I threw them all into my pots.


Topped the most vigorious ones.
Ate a couple of leaves from the flowering auto that were shading the seedlings.
Poured in a lot of water the other day, couple of gnats popped up, that’s alright.
LITFA again now.



^ So this works too. :+1:
Basil plants get very sturdy and woody once they’re a certain age.

^ Date palm still going strong!


Everything got a surge overnight, especially the most crowded pot in the back. :green_heart: :smile:
Those two big pepper plants definitely seem to be a benefit. :thinking: :+1:
I trim a few leaves every other day which I place back into the pots as topdressing.
Didn’t see any thrips today, I just let them have their short life cycle and that’s it.
It all takes care of itself. So fucking easy.



^ I suppose it’s a photo that revegged…

It’s single finger leaves at the crown. :upside_down_face:
Curious what kinda flowers I’ll get from it…

Been pruning and eating the leaves a bit, might strip her down completely and only leave the very new small leaves, maybe it’ll stimulate the buds to size up.

Back on 12/12 schedule now.

Already ate two unripe peppers that accidently got knocked off and the flavor was rich!
The basil has a vanilla touch to it, very nice!


^ Happy with how bushy she is, really started flowering now, more tops than I can bother to count, 20-30 range, and I only topped once! Gotta make seeds with this crazy branching vishnu of a plant… the main stem of the male is very sturdy, responded well to pruning, and the stemrub is smelling like velvety smooth citrus afghan… made me think of a Sensiseeds Afghan #1 auto I grew ages ago, which was an insanely good high. Welcome to the party BROMAN! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
In fact they smell very similar, but the female has an acrid touch.


going to be starting my own stacked pot journey going to be a fun time :blush:


You better make a thread and tag me! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Thank you for growing!


Will tag you in updates for sure this one I’m going to try and do a variety of peppers might eventually throw a few cannabis seeds but going to focus on other plants with it @Rogue


Harvested a couple of smaller, slower males and made tea with them.
The big strong male is doing the thing!
Identified a female that I topped earlier, score!
The others are vegging along and too early to sex.

^ Perfect time to drop pollen if wanting seeds but also good amount of flower.
Will harvest the male tomorrow probably.

Happy camper over here! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I keep pruning the leaves on the left side to keep the younglings in the light.
Very grateful for this bush! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Plenty ginger hairs now, the pollen has been well received.
4 females, 1 male (heavily pruned, keeping the small side branches to get some more pollen on the younger ones that are to flower soon), and 3 unknowns going on now.

I’ve been topwatering today into the smaller pots on top, the sounds just after pouring are quite something, you can hear it bubbling and popping and being absorbed almost agressively, that soil is like a sponge.

Rarely I also water the compost rings, mostly bottom watering into the container.


^ Second leaf of the date palm tree.

The thicc stem on the left, next to Babushka is basilicum.

Fresh apple core in the background below, sowing apple tree.

Behind that, in the green pot is nettle, I get stung every time I put the container in or out of the closet. One could call it an all natural wide spectrum vaccine:

The large stinging hairs are hollow tubes with walls of silica making them into tiny glass needles.
The bulb at the base of each hair contains the stinging liquid that includes;

formic acid (antibacterial),
histamine (works with our immune system, it helps protect us from foreign invaders),
acetylcholine (boosts brain function, treats ADHD symptoms, supports muscle movement, attention span, learning, arousal, motivation and REM sleep, and reduces stress and anxiety) and
5- hydroxytryptamine (serotonin, anti-depressant and mood stabilizer).

So twice a day I’m getting a health boost, and the tingling sensation only lasts a few seconds anyway.

^ Smells wonderfully potent, sweet smooth afghan hash with a soft complex citrus aura.


Container is roughly 44 x 33 x 22 cm.
The total soil volume is I’m guessing 18 liter, it’s two 9 L fabric bags,
one full with one smaller 2 L blue plastic pot on top,
the other one half full with two smaller plastic pots on top of 2 L and 1 L.

Currently growing;

  • 1 date palm
  • 1 nettle
  • 1 vetch
  • 2 woodsorrel
  • 2 pointy red pepper
  • 3 basilicum
  • 8 cannabis plants, all at varying stages of growth, mixed unknown genetics, open pollination, more or less permanent 12/12 light cycle with occasionally a few hours more light when none are flowering.
    Edit: not gonna do that anymore, they get too big and shade the seedlings too much, perpetual 12/12 for real now.

Threw in another apple core and some grape seeds with a whole grape too.
It’s a matter of patience until they sprout.

Fertilized with kitchenscraps, tree leaves, dandelion, grass clippings, and ocassionally some pasta water.

When holding my nose really close to the soil it smells like a forest, right here in this little corner of my bedroom.

This has been going on since October 2021. It all started here.