Star Dogs grow moving forward

Recently I’ve been doing some air layering (rooting clones on the plant)
One plant to dice up, that’s only just recovered after being lost in the post,

It still had life in it though after a week lost in the post, i left it sitting in the bath for a day to let it get accustomed to light then put into the corner of t5s.
FFWD about 3 weeks it’s recovering fine.

The green ball is part of the air layering, you need some moss/coco/root its any medium I’ve tried works.

1st i wrapped a piece of wire around the stem and tightened it enough to bite in but not completely cut off the sap supply.

Next i removed the shoots above the choke point clonexed them, i them put 3 root it sponges into the ball and closed it around the sites I’d prepared.

11 days later we have roots.

I cut it off and potted it up yesterday.

I’m doing the same with a plant 60 days into flower, it was reluctant to root and failed the 1st time, after a 2nd application of clonex i teased a root out.

It’s way too early to cut away however it’s got a healthy basal, it’s started rooting and it’ll save me time having to re veg the plant if I can get that rooted before the mother is finished flowering.

im not entirely confident but I’m hopeful.

Heat matt, 24hrs light it’s got good odds i think.
I got a tester that might save me all the trouble of re vegging if it’s mids.

Let’s see what happens?

Eta… A strip of plastic, cling film works fine the cloning balls are just convenient for me.

I forgot to add, when I originally potted the lost plant I buried a stem with the intention of cutting it away at a later date as new mum.

The 1st sign of roots last week.