Starting a NEW chapter

Looking great.
Could you please give some more information on the vinegar soak. It sounds like a good thing to know

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I told all of what I know lol .more of a diy and find out if it’s worthwhile or not!

I came to wondering when I remember using vinegar in my tap water to asjust pH miniscule amount yes but that led to further investigation peroxide on tough seeds why not vinegar I thought


Two days the ABC seeds r looking pretty plump hoping to see life here soon or a waterlogged seed😅
Idk how much longer can i wait …joking

The ICC #5s1 plants r deff looking like they could use a topping …I said lifta but what fun is that really…

Also picked these suckers up at lowes $5.49
Planted three in one pot …she should fit in nicely

My buddy also ordered ladybugs and got 1000 he asked if I could use some …I seen some thrips on my plants …so mise well


I FAILED on the ABC germination project all seeds were mush and smelled horrid …

…I feel as if I tried to hard with them . Or the 18 hr soak and the wrong scuffing method :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
So who ever scuffs seeds lmk some pointers …ASAP that is my next move for these …I Have not gave up !

I got the lady bugs it was a nest experience …may even order some for the orchard next year

The ABC seeds r waiting to go swimming


How’s this working?

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What do you mean ?
The previous post says it all lol
MY attempt at the vinaigrette soak did not work


I was thinking acetic acid might be a bit strong for any big length of time, but I didn’t want to interrupt your experiment.

In any event, it gives you data and you learn something. Just let me know if you need more seeds. I have a ton of the ABC 2nd generation crosses that you can experiment as much as you want on. They aren’t fems and only about 25% will be ABC leaf type, but they won’t get used for anything else.


Exactly !
Live and learn brother
I did scuff them a tap root showed up a couple days ago but never progressed…

Tomorrow morning I shall drop some ABC and use my normal method of germinating…should I scuff the seam line of the seed …I did the points last time :sweat_smile:


Unfortunately, I can’t advise on physical scarification (or any type for that matter).

Give it a try let’s see how it works.

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Here we go …
Just like your not a breeder LOL
I’m going to do the normal method this round…

Holding onto something that small at 5 am would just irritate me.I already gotta deal with it when I take a piss :rofl:


I post before reading the post above😂. I do appreciate you sharing your experience with us.
I can’t promise I’ll not do this again though

I use sandpaper in a plastic bottle for scarification. Just shake for a minute or 5


"That’s why they call it dope " lol
All good here bro at least you’re engaging!

I have no doubts the vinegar soak is valuable method for certain tough to crack seeds …

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Well I got to work this am then I remembered…

How glad I was that I rembered to drop 5 more ABC seeds before I left the house :crazy_face:


I’ve done the same with seeds that wouldn’t crack. Use medium grit paper though. :slight_smile:
I learned that right quick. lol
Fine paper just shines them up real pretty. :rofl:


2/5 on the ABC seeds so far …four days in paper towel and water brother !

We have a third one sprouting a tail

So stoked !!

Into the cups they go

Aslo I ended up topping all of the icc#5
One in particular seems to really wanna stretch …
I’m almost ready to tie em down .they deff have some nitro tox but I knew that was coming…this soils potent shit lol

Strawberries seem to be coming along well…idk if I should transplant them or not

The ladybugs you ask …well there is one left…the rest succumbed to drought and the Venus fly trap


If you gently crack the ones that didn’t start, you might get one or two more.


A good way to feed your plants. :laughing:

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6 days… and I’m calling it day one for these ABC seedlings
I had to use my “gentle touch” slight casualty
Finally they r on easy street from here …we hope
One in paper towel still is questionable

The ICC #5 are chugging along
Again my gentle touch led to some snappage

Which it led me to Supercrop and tie down the apex shoot of the plant that is stretching way more then others…I think imma go no lst this time and just top and top and top


12 days
Wow a lot has happen to the ladies since then
Alot of hight stress training and some lst …

The ABC seeds r taking some time but they r deff picking up the …pace…

Also hot off the press we have
5 bubble gum fast buds
5 purple kush
3 chocolate trip

Four icc #5 clones …lazy man method

Thinking about setting up my 3x3 tent and putting the seedlings in there and trying to go for a perpetual


3 bubble gum seedlings down …
Alot of helmet heads this round!
Replaced the 3 casualties with 3 bubble milk #5 seeds
I’m almost ready to fill that 3x3 with as many of these little pots I can