Starting a NEW chapter

I could send you some of my Sobriety Check Point’s, if you wanna give em a try. They are ABC x Drunken Bastard. They are reg’s and I have worked them a few generations, all have kept the leaf mutation :v:t4:


Hey brother might just take you up on this offer!!!
I just popped a bunch of regulars …hopefully female to male ratio is high lol …gotta get my good jar count up haha
How’s the buzz ? Have been reading and many varieties with the mutations "lack the punch "


Thank you for entering your pictures into the OverGrow POTY contest. Looks like lazy man method is working good for your plants. Extra good luck to achieving perpetual growing.


No THANK you and the Miss as well!
I would have not been able to participate in the contest if it wasn’t for you and the folks from overgrow making it happen.
Take care :slight_smile:


The ladies have deff taken a turn for the better after getting some new boots and alot better soil…the shit from outback I call it lol …even the one problem child from the start seems to be leveling out… its been almost two months since the seed sprouted…

Four purple kusk
Three bubble gums
Two monkey bubbles
And oneeeeee lonely chocolate trip

I think maybe more to but idk

One ABC plant in moving along could use some new boots as well

Mmmm Strawberries


Plants are looking good.

Don’t hurry on up potting that ABC. They are the slowest growing plants I know of.


Thanks brother ! Glad to hear from yah really !
Deff turtle mode on them suckers lol but I’m in it for the experience!


Dang cuz, I missed a couple months since the last visit! Time flies… your gals are looking spectacular though! Very nice indeed.

lol changed to ‘watching’ so i don’t get so far behind anymore!


The Damn strawberry plant took a hike into the snow!!

I think imma puke I just woke up the lady bugs from the fridge and dumped them in there …

Next step is spraying …just figuring out what I wanna use …

Better watering practice Beats !!

Fingers crossed


They are everywhere :slightly_frowning_face: Sorry
On a different note. Have you tried that ny strain you did this summer?

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Yes sir …I watered the strawberry plant this am severely wilted …perked right up revealing the net of nasties lol…I’m not taking it taking it hard …it’s nature…I just flipped to flower three days ago …

Yea I’ve been smoking on it …deff interesting…I’ll smoke one rn to get more in depth

Super dark purples and reds and alot of orange hairs as I mentioned and agood yielder and did the best with mold and finished early

…gold ball nugs got two seeds so far but about fifty gifted to me

Halfway through a du -be me and her feel the buzz it’s deff a head high…like a floating feeling feel like i I just gotta do something to keep control of myself lol I feel ready but I’m not …she just says she has a light head and feels spacey …the one day in the stand my head was nodding a diff way and it started tweaking me out…the brownies r worse … lol but deff good smoke
The guys use to grow regs and forget about patches but get the seeds and it happened year after year occasionally for at least 15-20 years
I hope you test it out this spring just to see similarities …if I had space I’d like to see what she does Indoor!!


A quest to find a great outdoor strain for ny.
Maybe I should start some so they’re sexed for outdoor.
Definitely sounds more sativa leaning as far as the high

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This March probably I plan on to do the same depending where everything is atm…veggies r most important to get a jump start on lol

It’s a never ending quest …a path with many trails


So as for the spider mites …
Last night I tore apart my room vacuumed.
Washed everything …and sprayed almost a whole bottle of this

on three plants …and tomorrow I’m showing no mercy and spraying them again …

Where I sprayed them down was in the room they grow but literally soaked that mylar film and all surround areas till the carpet was wet nowhere to escape …I then vacuumed again …

After I did what I did It dawned on me…the ladybugs
Now I’m a hunter butcher my own chickens gut fish yadda yadda …but them poor things …almost melted them …seen the casualties in the am lol

The younger squad is in a tent…
I haven’t stressed it to much …

Anyways look at these four purple kush :purple_heart: almost all identical …but they r regulars hmmmm three females or three males lol


She showed me this song and it’s deff a catchy one

What in Tarnation
Toxicity of some sort
Gave em the usual…
First time they r receiving a flower blend
Maybe it’s that insecticide soap
Hmm any thoughts from visuals
Burnt tips new growth …shriveled and deranged

Don’t forget to leave some thoughts :grimacing:


I see nothing wrong there. Beautiful plants!


My plants did the exact same thing when I treated them for aphids with Safers and Bug-B-Gone. It didn’t take too long to recover. The newest growth should come in really nice!


Thanks Mike they have quite the life …I wannagetin there and tie them down more but imo they look distressed lol

Okay awesome thank you for that input!..hopefully one dose did it but boy it was a heavy dose …

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looking really good, they will be tasty

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