Starting a NEW chapter

Thanks bro I truly appreciate that do !

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Some plants have mites,some don’t,some have a bit more then expected …tomorrow I might bring them all out and give them a deep dish soap bath soak em really good …
Anyone object to doing this procedure on plants a month into flower ?

Having a hard time keeping everything in check watering is the hardest…probably isn’t helping the mite situation …trying to keep mothers lol …hopefully the lady bugs do their job


Knock them back! I’ve used Safers pretty far into flowering. You can rinse it off after 30 minutes or so


Interesting! I just learned about trifecta crop control as well …
Was looking into parasitic mites but they want 20 bucks just for shipping!?


Safers is effective for control and you can rinse it off. I’d absolutely take them outside to spray. You can get a much better coverage outside.


I have been battling a bug, im waiting on the cotton seed oil and im making a batch of One and Done.
I don’t know how to link it. Do a search @JohnnyPotseed has the recipe there. All natural ingredients.:green_heart:


Here ya go cuz


The ladybugs seem to be doing work …
Imo safer seems more phesable and less of a goosechase for all the items !
How did the plants react ?


15 fricken days damn …
Well this has became a chore
Between clones in a aero cloner,rooted clones .reveg plants now in veg from February clonesibrecieved and since have rooted …just out of spurt I popped 11 auto flowers …alot going on lol image000009 image000008

Some clones are showing signs of being uncomfortable I noticed it’s all the same strain …
Any input ?

The ladies in the back are needing some better light and bigger pots I’m trying to keep em all happy in one environment…but soon enough they will be headed out the door can’t wait !!

Some flower pics as well …I was messing with my uv light trying to spot a spider mite image000005 image000001 image000000 image000003 image000006

I was gonna post about what’s been happening on the homestead but I don’t think my fone has enough ink to type all that out lmao

Hope all is well OG


Your not fooling around got a lot happening most of those destined for outdoors ?


Yes sir !
Couple rows in the cloner are going to be mothers …I’m going to be putting six of the ladies in the back outside …hopefully flower some I’m undecided about that yet though …some are going on fishing trips some are going camping .lol
Plenty of people are going to have a headstart this year that’s for sure


I’m here !
Will post updates of what’s been growing on eventually!


Felt like I haven’t seen you around for a bit. You well?


So busy bro can’t even fathom It between the 22 pepper plants 16 broccoli plants 8 cauliflower 75 onions 7 potatoe plants . Got a pig first time ever ! Just harvested 17 meat chickens just got 5 meat ducks …I can keep going but you get the point lol I’ve been good back to work steady again …for the same company mind you haha! Hope all is well brother …looks like you’ve been busy


Well folks it’s starting to simmer down here a bit or I’m just use to it by now !

I have had a really bad itch to start some seeds !
Might flick on a light indoors…Even though there’s some bombers plugging away outside …Il

First off
Popped three of these bad boys

Generously offered in a trade from @ItsintheGenetics

Next are some mephisto genetics .first time growing mephisto!

I decided to pop three

Forum stomper x forgotten cookies x forum stomper x samaquantch
Thanks @CerebralMeds !

Next off we have 5
Purple candy cake regs that I landed in a giveaway hosted by @greenbeans506

These are the op’s

Next off and this is a big scoop for me I am going to be trying my hand at reversing …just have to figure out what spray I wanna use …

The strain I will be using is FOG DOG auto Fems

they were deff a big hit on here a while back and I have kept my hands off them for a while now in hope to create seeds …I only have four and figured if I mess it up my plans were toast but @darkillusion stepped in and saved the day by Generously offering me the last of his FOG DOG seeds ! They will make perfect seed bearers!
Glad to have such a great community that stands side by side with each other !


The seeds went out with todays mail.
My last 5 FogDog seeds and a good bunch of my FogDog x Cherry Brandy cross are on the way.


I appreciate you brother !
I went forward so a plan shall arise soon


Your busy as sh!t :joy:. And adding a new project


I’m exited to see how those seeds turn out for you!!


Psft I know i was just sitting there staring at the seed box like it was calling out my name :sweat_smile:

I soaked them two days ago and they already have a inch tail deff the front runner out of the bunch ! They r gonna hit soil today ! Still debating whether or not to do them in the hoop house :thinking: