Starting a NEW chapter

Just harvested the mountain temple and you’re in for a real treat my friend! Super ripe mango to really intense citrus and ends on a raw knob of ginger. I can’t wait to smoke it. You’re gonna need to stake her up she’ll throw some dongers when done right even my baby one need support lol. Best of luck!


@AmnioticBaptism Awesome if that’s not a description that will pull you in idk what is .! Right now the mountain temples r still in solo cups I’m gonna repot them into 2 gallon pots give ‘em a week then flip …the flower room is pretty crowded atm …with some plant’s receiving less then par :crazy_face:

Oldest ladies in flower are almost 5 weeks !


Here’s the deprived MT clones soon to get new boots

If I were to keep them in the solos they would be fed again,root pruned and topped …
I’m actually starting to keep tabs on what I do to who in the grow room ! I’m advancing :joy:

Here’s the Mountain temple “mother”
She’s been topped 3-4 times maybe more

I have to find the best method to collect pollen in a crowded place :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Here we go again

Been phing feed roughly at 6.0
Have not done a full flush yet have been bottom watering plain water for the past two weeks …thought they were over fed …
Been using fox farm at week 5 application now not sure if I should flush them salts out …before feeding
Any recommendations
All is for a better understanding
And is much appreciated

@Papalag @George :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


@AmnioticBaptism what a terp profile eh?! Sounds amazing I can’t wait to run her next! Waiting on the last couple clones to be ready then ill throw them in the tent and get rolling


So after drying for about a week now the crazy smells are calming down to an extent like it’s hard to describe, really citrus and astringent diesel up front with hints of tropical fruit and ends with the faint smell of ginger. Hopefully it’s better after curing! And holy shit the resin on that bitch is so fucking oily that it’s almost wet feeling. I’m gonna run my mom next round I think same with the stardawg.


That’s awesome @AmnioticBaptism! This chemtek I recently harvested has thrown me for a loop. Right off the back before harvest it was a diesel gas taste. Once dried and I got a sample it was straight diesel with a bit of berries and cream on the exhale. Now that it’s had a bit to cure its straight chemical with very little berry and almost no vanilla creaminess anymore on the exhale yet very smooth. Very much so a head high and sativa! The smell is like a brand new pool floaty chemical rubber plastic smelling. Hoping for a more fruity profile and head high from this mountain temple although the chemtek is a good sativa the terps aren’t exactly what I was hoping for but the high is amazing and long lasting


I’ll let you know in about a week how mine came out. I’m hoping it tastes similar to what it smells like now. The chemtek sounds right up my alley though! I all about the weird tasting and smelling strains.


@Rabeats2093 brother it looke like tips are burnt and some yelling on the edges

A few things come to mind
Burnt tips either soil way too hot nutrients
burn or lights are too close =heat stress
Check ph

Also add more potassium and magnesium

I add Epsom salts and a pinch of cal net to each feeding


I was personally thinking single digit ph shift leading to leaf crisp.

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That’s what has been crossing my mind
Lately …I water till run off but the run off just gets sucked back up by the plant …

Is it wrong to assume that a table spoon of baking soda will bring me in the parameters of where I need to be each watering ? PROBABLY I’ve mixed up a batch of nutes and have to use a tablespoon of baking soda to get me at that 6.2 range …so that’s how I’ve been running it this round …

If I were to mix the nutes with water and then add the tablespoon of Bs would the ph differ compared to adding baking soda to the water and then nutes

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On a good note !
Bro I seen one pollen pod opened up I grabbed it …spilling so much pollen it was rolling off my fingers …I froze seeing that much from one pod
I got cold chills haha

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You will be surprised how much pollen that a single pod can drop. Good to hear it is working out for you.

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I have a scarlet grape that is just about to prefliwer so that will be cool !

In about a week…probably tomorrow :joy:I will be popping the last two fog dogs !

He/she is deff well over 3ft
I bent that top down


Here’s a full shot of the cluster funk tent
Idek what to call it anymore .or did I just unintentionally name it :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

All nasty leafs were plucked of after the photo shoot !


I would definitely test the ph. The baking soda could be building up in the soil.

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That’s one of the problems let it drain out don’t let it suck back in


Test the ph from the runoff of said plant…plants ?
Just heard this from someone today at the center…think I’m gonna flush and start over :thinking:
With phd water but I have no ph up/down only baking soda haha wtf


You know it I was trying to just have a free ride this grow I guess :joy: