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If you get some water which is ph 7 and pump that through see how the ph changes when it soaks through the medium and runs off. It’ll give you a rough idea of what is going on.
If you want to flush the nutrients out of the soil there are a couple options:
25% solution, RO water or distilled.


Got any white vinegar? It works as a pH down.


Could be damage from too much sodium.


@JoeCrowe salt buildup That’s what I’m thinking just did the sledge hammer flush ! 2 gallons worth then Followed by a dose of recharge ! 1/2tsp per gallon will follow normal feeding next time they r dry !
See how that works I need to get some cal mag to add to the arsenal as @Papalag suggested


It’s at 7.13 from the tap ! Baking soda brings it to range but worried about buildup in the soils gotta break down and get the right solutions to raise and lower !


You guys are not gonna believe this
I’m at 8 weeks today … I lost fricken almost 3 weeks somehow damn I need to keep better track wrong nutrients to the plants and everything I should’ve caught on earlier then I did :joy::joy:just figured it out for myself yesterday I flipped December 5 th …maybe a couple days after :sweat_smile:WOW


@Rabeats2093 @HighTilliDie

So my mountian temple is dry and curing now, I tried a tester out and to me the effects of the William’s wonder really come through, really mellow and comforting head high and alleviates tension in the body, I felt really light, calm, and happy. When I was transferring the nugs from a bag to a jar, the bag reeked of ripe mango and pineapple and when broken up an intense tropical citrus blasts you in the face. Overall I’d say 8/10. Comparing it to the silver sunshine I have it’s very similar but the sunshine is more potent and intense but both are really effective at helping my anxiety and ptsd. I will post a nug Pic when I get home.

Edit: Mountian Temple nug shot


Looking great @AmnioticBaptism I can’t wait to grow her out for myself!


Nice work bro ! I have mine in three gallon pots waiting for them to get comfortable then gonna flip !


Placing this in a centerfuge tube uncapped in a ziplock bag the some desiccant packets for the days ?
Any other tips/hints
First successful auto fem reversal !!


Thank you! And man those are gonna be some monsters if I did that I could only fit one in my flower tent and probably have to raise the light too lol. Really excited to see how she does for ya, she seems like a chill lady and just goes with the flow.

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Let it dry out good for a few days before you put it in long term cold storage.
Any moisture will destroy the pollen.
If it looks like it is starting to get clumpy, moisture has already affected it.


Thanks I will keep that in as I said or …how do you do it ? There’s gonna be a shit ton bro .if you have any interest in some let me know …I’m starting the two fog dogs tonight .


I place all my collected pollen into paper baking cups that I then place into a plastic container with a desiccant packet put the lid on and let it sit somewhere out of the way for a few days. After that I transfer the pollen into centrifuge tubes and place that into again a plastic container with some rice and place that container into a larger plastic container seal the lid tight and place it into the freezer until I need it.

If you have some to spare that would be great. Thank You.

Right on. :grinning: :+1:


That’s a beautiful looking nug man, great work. Digging those nice colors.


Heck yeah imma do it the same way for sure ! And imma run it out for another week or so and see what I get out of it then chop it to make space


Now the green nanners they have pollen in them and drying them out would make for a better collection ?

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Also keep in mind the moisture and oils from your skin will harm the pollen as well. So be careful on how you handle the pollen.


You can separate the nanners out of the pollen. I find that to be the biggest pain about pollen collection.


If that is the case… I would not let some go unused if you were inclined to send some this way. :pray:t4:
Or am I too bold in asking? lol
My dad always said the best things in life come from being bold.