Starting a NEW chapter

Deff is a pita …deff don’t plan on grinding it up like my first try …Well I noticed when I rubbed the green nanners with my fingers pollen came out …where exactly does the pollen come from ?


I use a metal strainer to sift that out from the pollen. Again try to not use bare fingers to get the pollen from the nanners.


I know for the real extraction I won’t ! This was just a test Prolly use a fork or order a sifter we shall see !


You might be interested in getting one of these @Rabeats2093 .
I use one and it works absolutely awesome.


I was just looking at them tbh !
We will see how the collection process goes ! I’ll keep you In mind MO! I remember when I was looking for auto fem pollen on here It was a bust .
Wich led me to try my hand on a reversal then the story just keeps going from there lol


Thank you bro. :slight_smile:


A photo taken today

Gttc in the back right take a zoom into the room !

Started to pluck off the dying fan leafs to open them up for some light to the lowers
Accidentally clipped a lower nug and damn she looks frosty!


That’s a nice forest you got going on! Excited to see some nug porn.


This is all the loose pollen I collected still gotta rough the pods up a bit


Does this look like a decent way to dry out the pollen ?

Jell-O shot container with desiccant beads on the bottom pollen is on cupcake liner and then it’s sealed with lid ?


Thanks I appreciate yah stopping in
If I’m not in the woods I’m not doing it right :joy:
I’ll try my best to get some good pics .
Hopefully I can get a good enough picture of the 2 Mountain temples and the mother here at some point !
Just hit them with nutes and some Recharge so we will see how they like that !


Sometimes I just walk up to this tent and literally just go wtf as I laugh

two front big pots are the mountain temple clones I received from @HighTilliDie a little bit ago !


That’s how I feel about my veg tent lol I’ll post a picture in a bit, my mountain temple mom just bushed out like crazy.

My mountian temple is front left next to the blueberries.

The little guy is a g13 haze that’s going to be my mom.


I do not see why not. looks fine to me.


@AmnioticBaptism I’m curious if you see good harvest with those blueberries indoors? I have blueberries and blackberries I started last year but the chill hours on them lines up with my zone so it’s really best to leave them outside to get the chill hours in to produce fruit but curious on if you see good harvest indoors or just bringing her in for the winter? Those mountain temple are taking off for you guys! Good job! The MT can be a handful thats for sure. After trimming everything back a week ago she’s still the biggest in my mother tent


So I bought the blueberries in like October? Somewhere st the end autumn but because I don’t have a schedule for them they just kinda grow. My plan is to take them to my parents place once spring rolls around so that they can be pollinated.

Yeah I’ve barely touched my mountian temple mom and she just went crazy, she is really pissed because she’s rootbounf but I can’t repot due to lack of space.

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Ahh see I got legend blueberries they are extremely hardy and I don’t think they need another plant to produce fruit. My blackberries are thornless Navajo. I’d love to get them planted somewhere but we rent and I want to take these with me so we’ve had them for almost a year and eventually I need to up pot to a 5-15 gallon so they can sit outdoors indefinitely. Something about porch fruits just amazes me nothing like a snack when your rushing out the door or coming in from work

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Tomorrow Im moving the pollen thrower out …where idk could I chop the branches and store it in a brown paper bag and collect pollen at later date …
I need room in the tent and I have plenty !


Thinking about chopping this strawnanna candy tonight or tomorrow !?

Been nine weeks tomorrow !

Broke down and bought another scope god I’ve missed it


Little clear I see but it all evens out on the big aspect of harvesting :crazy_face: