Starting in the Middle

Cool project, looking forward to watching.


32 of 36 above ground. Plenty to work with.

I was going to start a new thread, but there won’t be much to post, so I’ll just update here.


A quick update on the Purple Auto Bastards. They are pretty much fully pollenated, but I’ll let the males go another week before I remove them. They dropped a lot of pollen


A couple of the females look fully seeded:


Fully seeded is an understatement. :rofl:


thats more seed than plant material at this point


You’ll prolly get a couple beans from it :crazy_face:


Are we entirely sure that isn’t a cactus in disguise, though? Maybe you should be careful with those seeds… you can send them all to me for testing, if you like. :wink:


Well, PineTarBastard gave me these on the condition that I not distribute them. That’s because they are not stable. I was planning to cull any females with male parts, but I don’t know if being seeded will impede them in expressing that tendency. I would like to send a lot of these back to him so he can decide what he wants to do with them. For my part, I’ll keep working on them. I have five females, so I will keep the seeds separate and run the offspring sinsemilla to determine if any of the “lines” are more stable. It seems more difficult to work autos without the ability to keep a mother and take clones.


Agreed, you can’t go back and try a different male or do backcrosses - though I guess you could freeze some pollen and backcross with that for stability, if you get a really good f1. Still, definitely not as easy to handle, though you probably also get to run a few more generations a year. I’m glad you don’t actually want to take me up on that offer to test them, whatever the reason, since I have one more crop finishing up and then I’m shutting down my room again for a little while. It wouldn’t get done for ages. :stuck_out_tongue: I was just kidding around… am I the only one who thinks it really does look kinda like a cactus? With so many seed pods, they’re all very well defined and kinda seem to have pointy ends. I haven’t seen one like that before, maybe it’s because of the bastard genes…


Once you said it, I saw it. I think it’s because the buds are generally smaller on the ABC and when pollenated, it’s all seeds. Not much “filler” in there.


Idk if I was stoned when read it but …
A guy was taking early auto cuttings letting them root then hitting them with pollen from the same strain trying to isolate certain characteristics but like I said idk coulda been a dream or read about it somewhere .lol …might give you a idea


Update on some ABC stuff:

The ABC I’m using to make fem ABC seeds. The four smaller plants in the front left are 2 months in veg. Growing ridiculously slow. And after all that, I don’t even know if they are female. I know the three in the back are female. Tempted to just flip them now and start spraying the one in back I plan to reverse. I was hoping for more seeds, but I may just settle for whatever I get from two plants. (blurry because I’m not a photographer)

The first run of the ABC crosses:
(TW x GG4RIL) x ABC - 12 out of 12

(88G13 x SBT) x ABC - 11 out of 12

ABC x DBHP - 10 out of 12, but 2 are coming up ABC leaf type which tells me the ABC pollen made it into that tent. Those two must just be regular ABC. So, 8 out of 12


Blurry because I’m not a photographer :rofl:
Looking good lotta babies on hand !


Pictures of what’s going on today:

ABC fem seed run. The plant I’m reversing is the medium size one close to the middle.

An unknown seed from the fall box ended up on my counter, so I planted it. I think it’s Cheech Wizard, but not sure. (5 weeks into 12/12) :arrow_down:

88G13 x Sour Blutooth (5 weeks into 12/12) :arrow_down:

Trainwreck x GG4 RIL (5 weeks into 12/12):arrow_down:

The ABC crosses :arrow_down:

The two that were supposed to be ABC x DBHP but have to be ABCxABC :arrow_down:

The plants that are 5 weeks into flower look a lot better this run. The TW x GG4 RIL has a minor issue that’s been going on which I thought was magnesium deficiency, but I really don’t know. I’m not gonna chase it. I’m not really feeding the plants much (I just topdressed a little BioLive, but that’s about it). Just letting them use what’s in the soil. So far, they seem pretty happy. Makes me think the problems I had last run was overfeeding or excess of something instead of deficiency.

Anyway, thanks for looking.


Forgot to update the Purple Auto Bastards the other day. Should be warm enough outside now, so I put them in the ground to free up space for one of the ABC crosses.

This is mainly a record for my benefit, so I can come back and see which is which when I run the offspring. I chopped the males on March 26. Only one of the females is not “fully” pollenated, but she has plenty of seeds forming.

First off, group picture with numbers (shortest to tallest).

Plant 1 is the shortest, but she has a fat cola.

Plant 2 - not the fattest cola, but probably the most purple on the tips of the calyxes.

Plant 3 is right in the middle, not much to distinguish it.

Plant 4 is my favorite. She will have the biggest “yield” and she has a good bit of purple in the tips. She also has the thickest stem.

Plant 5 was the latest to flower and therefore didn’t get “fully” pollenated. She stretched to be the tallest, but also has the skinniest buds. They will probably get a little thicker, but I’m biased against her.

Since these are outside not taking up space, I’ll let them run as long as I can to make sure the seeds ripen.

@PineTarBastard just so you know, when these are done, I’m sending you 5 (small) bags of seeds.


Those look awesome! Truly outstanding! I feel like a proud grandpa. :rofl:


This is still just crazy to me


They sure do!

:green_heart: :seedling:


Some 4/20 updates.

First, the ABC that I’m using to make fem seeds:

The STS that I was using was apparently too old. The one I’m trying to reverse is putting out pistils - no pollen sacs.

I mixed up a new batch and started spraying, so hopefully I caught it in time.

The Purple Auto Bastards outside. Got down to 40 degrees last night. Doesn’t seem to have hurt them.

The ABC crosses:

(Trainwreck x GG4 RIL) x ABC

(88G13 x Sour Blutooth) x ABC

ABC x Dragons Blood Hashplant


A few more - the only ones not being grown for seed

TW x GG4RIL. I put one support stake in. Need to put one or two more in.

88G13 x SBT

The unknown (maybe Cheech Wizard). I accidentally broke the main stem last week. It’s still holding on though.