Starting in the Middle

Quick update.

Purple Auto Bastards. The cold night(s) hit them harder than I first thought. They’re still alive, but the samples I’ve taken have not shown any seeds that are anywhere near mature. And most are probably not even viable, except plant 5 which was the last to flower and get pollenated. But we shall see in a few weeks.

Plant 1 :arrow_down:

Plant 2 :arrow_down:

Plant 3 :arrow_down:

Plant 4 :arrow_down:

Plant 5 :arrow_down:


The 2x4 for bud (the only tent not going for seeds right now). These are at 8 weeks of 12/12.

Trainwreck x GG4RIL :arrow_down:

88G13 x Sour Blutooth :arrow_down:

Unknown plant:


The ABC first generation crosses.

ABC x Dragons Blood Hashplant :arrow_down:

(88G13 x SBT) x ABC



Last but not least; the ABC fem seed run. The new batch of STS is working.

Reversed plant :arrow_down:


Very cool work, love seeing the ABC variants.


Quick update on the ABC crosses; no pics, but I may try to get some tomorrow:

Of the 11 (88G13 x SBT) x ABC, 8 are male and 3 female. One male is already starting to drop pollen.

From 12 (TW x GG4 RIL) x ABC, it seemed that 3 were male and 9 female. However, over the last few days, a lot of them are revealing themselves to be intersex. Two of the males put out a lot of pistils at the top, leaving me with 1 good male. So far, 4 of the “females” had at least one pollen sack, a couple had a lot more, so that leaves me with 5 good females, but I’m watching closely for more pollen sacs.

I haven’t been able to flip the ABC x DBHP yet because I don’t have a tent or room available. I just got a light for my second 4 x 4 (that bargain Oprui from Amazon), but it’s in the same area as the (TW x GG4) x ABC, so probably not a good idea to put them there. But I might for a bit, just to get them flipped before they get out of hand. Then hopefully in the next couple weeks the (88G13 x SBT) x ABC will be pollenated enough for me to cull the males, consolidate the females in another tent, and use that one.

As for the reversed ABC for the fem seed run; no pollen at all in any of the sacs that have opened. I’m thinking this run might be a bust and I may have to try again later. Even if the the reversed plant starts dropping pollen soon, I think the others are over a month into flower and the two from clones might be past their prime for pollenation pretty soon, so the timing might be way off.

That’s it for tonight. If tomorrow doesn’t end up as hectic as today was, I’ll try to get some pictures.
Have a pleasant evening all.


Some pictures:

Purple Auto Bastards 1 thru 4 got chopped. 5 is the only one with green leaves, and was the last to flower and get pollenated, so I’ll leave it in the ground a bit longer.

All the brown on the chopped plants are non-viable seed remains. But there seems to be plenty of seeds deeper in the bud. Several mature seeds fell out when I was chopping and moving them.

ABC fem seed run; still no pollen on the reversed plant. Not much more time left if this is going to work.

The only plants without seed.
Trainwreck x GG4RIL

88G13 x Sour Blutooth (being photo bombed on the left by the TWxGG4)

Those are both just shy of 10 weeks but still have a good many clear trichs. Both are putting out nanners.

The ABC crosses.
ABC x Dragons Blood Hashplant (not flipped yet) - 8 plants.

(TW x GG4RIL) x ABC. Just one male remains. Of the five remaining females, it looks like one has a couple of pollen sacs. I’ll verify over the next couple of days and cull if necessary.

(88G13 x SBT) x ABC. 3 females in the middle, surrounded by 8 males.

These are under a Viparspectra, which I hated at first, but the plants seems to like it. Hopefully the pollenation will be finished in a couple weeks and I can cull the males and move the females out so I can finish the pollenation with the ABCxDBHP.

Thanks for checking in.


Looking great. What smells/terps are you getting from those purple auto bastards? I chopped one last week. She had strong grape smells and a melancholy high.

Although i hit her hard with pollen, she only produced 5 seeds that i could find. I put two cherry tomato seeds next to them for reference. I found mold on her this morning. :cry:


Man, I hate that question. Sometimes I think I’m hard of smelling (Seinfeld reference). Since you asked, I just went out and smelled them. The four that are chopped smell like hay to me right now. The fifth one that is still in the ground does kind of have a grape smell, but not too strong. Something else there too that I can’t describe.

They aren’t dry yet, but I wanted to check for viable seeds, so I shucked a side branch from each of the four. Here’s what I got:

I’m thinking I’ll be able to get you at least 100 good seeds from each of the five plants. I want to let number 5 go a couple more weeks though. So, I’ll get these to you within about a months time.

Damn, I wonder why that happened. I got you covered though. If you want a couple flips before I chop number 5, let me know and I’ll send them to you.

Was it indoor or outdoor?


Dang man. You really hit it out of the park with those.
The one with mold was started inside and placed outside after flowering had started. I suspect the mold is from caterpillar damage. This is mother nature’s way of telling me i need to spray. I’ve got another growing outside and it’ll be done around the end of the month. I won’t be growing any more of these out for awhile. I have another auto bastard project that uses other parents, both of which are ibl’s. The PAB is a poly-poly hybrid. I thought i could isolate what i was looking for, and every step takes me further away. :rofl:/ :cry:
Are you going to take those to the next generation?


Well, regardless, I’ll send these seeds to you when they’re ready.

Well, to the extent that I can, I plan to. I’ll keep the seeds separated by mother and grow as many as I can in the hopes of seeing if any mother has better offspring than the others. If that ends up being the case, then I’ll breed from those offspring. I don’t have the patience to collect pollen and do specific crosses (1 to 1, 1 to 2, … 2 to 2, 2 to 3, etc).

The good thing is that I can run these outside and they’re autos. The bad thing is that I’m working the photo ABC crosses and they have a couple more generations just to get to ABC leaf type. Then, I have to select for bud.

That’s the plan, but I know things often change, so time will tell.


I’m going to declare my ABC fem seed run a failure. The reversed plant has plenty of pollen sacs, but not a speck of pollen. Some open green, some open yellow, and some just turn brown. There are a lot left that may yet produce some pollen, but the other females are past their time. Most of the pistils are no longer white. These are at day 47 since flip, so I probably could have called this sooner…


Don’t give up hope yet. Female pollen from a reversal is different than male pollen. Remove a few of those pollen sacks and let them dry out. Then rub them between your hands, crushing them and spread that over the plants you want to pollinate. And do it again next week. I bet you get some seeds.
Just curious, did you use sts or colloidal silver? What was your spray schedule?


Well, I haven’t given up hope for the pollen, it’s the other plants that are just too far along to be receptive (7 weeks into flower).

I used STS. This plant is a clone, so I knew it was female and that allowed me to start spraying a few days before I flipped. The problem was that I was using a batch that was a year old. It didn’t work. So, I had to mix up a new batch. I was using Sebring’s written instructions and spraying every 3 days. In the past, I have only done every 5 days, three or four times.

It’s alright because I have plenty more ABC seeds, I just don’t have time or space to do this again right now. Since they veg for so long, I might start some and just let them go outside until I’m ready again. I don’t know.


Updates on the rest:

Purple Auto Bastard. Shucked plants 1 thru 4

I’ll give plant 5 another week or so. It turned out to be as nice (or nicer) than number 4.

ABC crosses.
ABC x Dragons Blood Hashplant just starting to show sex. Of the 8, at least 5 are female, 2 male, one undetermined.

(88G13 x SBT) x ABC. It was a little soon, but I chopped the males and consolidated the 3 females with the 4 (TW x GG4) x ABC females in the ABC tent.

(88G13 x SBT) x ABC pollenated top

(TW x GG4) x ABC pollenated top

My goal is at least 200 viable seeds from each ABC cross. Since about 25% in that generation should have ABC leaf type, that will give me enough to work with to find them.


I forgot to post this one of the plants for bud. They look like hell, and I really want them down, but there are too many clear trichs. These are over 11 weeks into flower. Regardless, they are coming down next week.


Chopped today:


88G13 x SBT @Indoornesian

I moved the unknown plant to the ABC tent because I think it still needs another week or so, despite being at almost 12 weeks already.


They both look marvelous :heart_eyes: and gummy too


I chopped Purple Auto Bastard #5 today. I think it turned out to be the best one. Might be because it wasn’t fully pollenated and was able to produce some unseeded bud.


@PowerpackGenetics sent these rooted clones my way a little over a week ago. I’m very pleased to have received them. Big thank you!

Grand Traverse Tart Cherry :arrow_down:

Kushmints :arrow_down:

I also started several more seeds of stuff. I’ll post pics once everything is up.