Starting my first outdoor grow next week

Will be mephisto wedding autos. I’ve never grown outside but I figured it’s best to grow in soil. I was going to use 3g cloth pots with some fox farm soil. I’m not sure about nutrients yet, I only have experience with general hydroponics. Was wondering if anyone could give me some tips about running these autos outside in soil with synthetic nutes. Thanks for your time


Can’t answer the nutes questions as well as others but not much to it. Mega Crop is popular and I used it part of the season last year. Feed maybe once a week, for the autos I ran half dilution rate. Water other days. If you already have GH that should be fine. Not familiar with their particular line but it’ll probably be fine.

@ColeLennon is running Coco and Mega Crop 2-part to great effect.

I’d be more worried about your heat if you are in AZ. I’m in NM and the heat is taking a real toll on my autos and late starts. Partial shade seems to help. I wrapped up my pots in mylar bubble wrap to keep the soil cool.


If you are running foxfarm soil. It has some nutrients in it. I would keep it simple and use some.

and Bloom.

A lot of synthetics to use. I would on my first outdoor use something that is PH Perfect.


how effective is this mylar wrap? im thinking of building a box type thing to keep my reservoirs cool outside.


didnt want to take it off topic or not try to help you, wrote this out and thought maybe someone who had experience with these nutes would chime in since many people use them here as im sure you may have noticed.

im using jacks outdoor (18-8-23) salts in both a hybrid system and a coco/perlite mix (tupur) in bags. never used it before, can’t find evidence of anyone else here using this specific blend. however one thing that intrigued me was the higher levels of sulfur in it (1.6%). obviously this blend is not for you, but some of their others could work…
many people here use the jacks 20-20-20 which has no sulfur content, but @Calyxander and @OldUncleBen seem to have great success using the 20-10-20 “citrus” blend. it has a very high level of sulfur (4.9%), but it does not contain calcium and has no bump in magnesium.

in the past i have only used organics from bottles or ammended soil, which could work as some people have had great results with autos simply by ammending with miracle grow or dr earths and only using water.

hopefully someone with more experience with these nutrients (or synthetics to soil) can chime in to help.


I use ProMix HP or BX, and I always amend it with additional dolomite lime which contains
plenty of Calcium and Magnesium, I’ve never used any other source for Cal/Mag,as this has worked quite well for me.

Good Luck.


Yeah keeping the pots cool this summer in NM is a chore. I’m at 7200’ in the mountains and now it seems nights are back to normal (50s) but days are still much hotter here than normal.


@RustyChem for me I run in a 3 gallon fabric pot with promix BX + earth worm castings.

Weeks 0-2 (seed to day 14) with ONLY the Promix BX + Earthworm castings and then from day 15 onwards I ramp up my nutrient salts from week 1-3 (normal hydro strengths) in a 2 week period vs 3.

4 days week 1 veg
5 days week 2 veg
5 days week 3 veg

Around the 28 day mark I pause nutes and give some superthrive too!

Then I do similar maths with my flower nutrient salts where I calculate the dates left in flower and then split the difference for the nute schedule.

If pistils show at 28 days for a 75 day strain: 75-28 = 48 (days) ÷ 8 (weeks) = 6

So in this example i’ll make up week “__” flower every 6 days. :ok_hand:

Keep that curve nice and low yo!


Seems that way here too, 80-88 degree days here , 58-68 degree nights . More humidity too, way more

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Thank you everyone for commenting, I’ll make a log for the autos when I start in case I run into any issues

Good luck with your grow @RustyChem youve got some great advice here, I’m sure you’ve got this but regardless I’ll tag along and help if I can.

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