Starting seedlings indoor them switch to outdoor for flowering

Hello fell@s growers!!
I’m small grower, trying new strains almost every time!! I’m growing 14 different strains right now I’m working growing up…
Alien lsd
Alien pupil
Alien puke
Berry bomb
Big bud
Thc bomb
Lambo og
Devil headband
Spliff berry cbd
Girl scouts cookies extreme
Gorilla glue
Crippy fire purple
Northern light x thorsberry
They on week 6 veg on day 40 I transplant them to biggest pots 7gallons to start flowering outdoors!
I live in the Caribbean so the weather it’s not a problem!!
Growing in soil using coco coir x perlite
Nutrient general hydroponics trio and floralicious
Cal mag
Ph 5.8 / 6.2
Temp 80 / 85
Hum 55 / 65 +/–
In each transplant I add xtreme garden mykos mycorrhizae and guano…

Any advice on growing from indoor to outdoor I dont want stress the plants and deal with hermies!!

So far they look healthy and happy
Thanks in advance
And happy holidays!!
Here some pics of my lil garden


All are looking good only thing I can suggest is a transition from in to out but looks like your on the road to doing that . Shade for the transition is gonna be your friend till they get used to the outdoors shady spot up against the house like in your photo looks perfect.


Yes they in shade in the mornings and afternoon they get direct sun no more of 6/8 hrs. And in the middle of hot days I spray them water to helps them keep them fresh!!
Thanks ! For the advice!
Goods vibes!!

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I thought watering in the sun was a nono as it acts as a magnifying glass?


…as long as watering only the soil and not spraying it over the plants,it should be ok


Hardening them off slowly is good advice. I’ve also put them in the sun way too soon. They got a little sunburn and were delayed about a week but they were fine.


They do look great,they should make it under the sun!