Stoner’s Weird Dreams

I dreamt I was on a bus and got bitten by a crack head and had to go to anger management classes for some reason.

And then I ended up on a network tv show food contest.

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The weirdest thing is if you dream of a certain scenario, or see a certain face in your dreams, and later on it becomes reality. I have that happen often lately.
It is very strange. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :confused:

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Omg I can’t believe how many of us are having the vivid lucid dreams.
A lot of my dreams come true, so they tend to worry me some. I don’t know where to begin. My wife thought I was loosing it until it started happening to her.
Those COVID dreams are the worst. I was talking to God for a whole month. This was going way beyond my usual out of body experience. It’s so real, every sense is involved. Even smelling stuff while dreaming. Or feeling the wind blowing on my face. Reality is definitely obscured. Shid I even thought I was loosing it.
Lately I have been dreaming in 3d. I’m outside of my body watching whats going on. It’s like being in “it’s a wonderful world.” For real, I’m looking for the Christmas ghosts. I thought it was the weed doing me like this and I haven’t smoke anything since it started happening. Which was a little befor Christmas.
That omicron had me waking up within my dream like Freddy Krueger was messing with me. It wasn’t good this time, but a nightmare of sorts.
I was laying in the couch watching tv and saw a shadow. Next I see a creepy hand slither around the room divider. Y’all, I’m sleep but i thought I was awake.
When the hand disappeared, I got off the couch and was looking across the living room towards my bedroom. Then people started coming out of the floor with their hands in the air like they were worshiping something, someone. Next I hear my wife come out the bedroom and go into bathroom near me.
Here is where it gets really creepy…. I’m talking to my wife and telling her about what I just saw…
man, you could have never told me that I wasn’t awake. But as I was telling my wife the story, I hear the bedroom door open again. And my wife proceeds to the bathroom like she did just a few miniature earlier. I had a “wtf”moment.
At that instant I was back on the couch and just waking up as my wife came out the bathroom to tell me to come get In the bed. I started hyperventilating. I don’t startle easily, but the event had me shook. The thought of not knowing if I was awake or dreaming rattled me for days. Then kept thinking, what if I don’t wake up. I was so shaken up, I didn’t sleep for days afterwards.
And I’m still not sleeping as I usually do. I’m scared to smoke. Hell I don’t need any weed because there is no telling what I’ll be dreaming and seeing then. I don’t want anymore of those dreams because I’m already fux’d up. Pleasant dreams brothers. Hopefully it doesn’t get as bad for you guys.


A scene from Twin Peaks season 3.
Drawn by Dustin Weaver.

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Sounds like hypnogogic or hypnopompic hallucinations to me. These sorts of things often go right along with sleep paralysis and/or suddenly jerking awake. Lots of things can trigger episodes; illness, medication, exhaustion, sleep apnea, diet, or stress. If it happens frequently it could point to an underlying condition.

I used to fall asleep in front of the TV with the volume turned down just low enough that I couldn’t make out the dialogue. The barely perceptible background noise drowns out auditory hallucinations and helps anchor your conscious awareness until your brain passes into the next phase of sleep.

It becomes very disconcerting when you wake up from a dream a several times in a row. I hope you sleep better soon.


Fear not, there’s nothing wrong with you.
There’s no such thing as linear time when your awareness starts vibrating at a higher frequency. You’re transforming, your DNA is transforming, you’re going into higher frequency states where your experience of linear time changes.
See it as you exploring your own powers of manipulating reality, like an artist.
Practicing in your “dream state” which is really just your awareness shifting to other frequencies of experience, which are infinite.
No need to worry. Be clear in your intentions. Write down what you want to create.
Perhaps choose and describe benevolent experiences and adventures you would like to explore in the dream dimension, which you control, if you choose.
Be clear with your intentions before you go to sleep and see what happens.
What have you got to lose but your anxiety?

Some affirmations that can get you started:

“I am in control of my perceptions of reality.”
"I choose to experience and co-create benevolent, fun, peaceful, wonderful, loving and exciting adventures. I am aware of the fun I’m having in my dream reality (which happen simulaneously with all my other lives at all other frequencies) when I return to my waking state. "
“I choose to elevate my consciousness to the state that brings me the most joy!”

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man, i forgot all about this thread. i haven’t had lucid dreams in ages. sometimes i would just “start” in my house and wander my neighborhood but it was creepy because i would run into people in the most random places. the trouble was staying in the dreams and trying not to wake up. knowing you’re in a dream makes it harder to stay in it i think. i missed out on so many cool experiences by not staying “asleep” some people say you can change your location and whatnot, but i only did that once, i was at a football game in the crowd and tried by saying “let’s go to a hockey game instead” and immediately transported to one. weird but nowhere near as cool as some of the ones i had.

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I can’t even remember my dreams let alone train myself/ be lucky enough to lucid dream. Every single night is I’m falling asleep tired, there’s nothing, poof I wake up. It’s reality, blackness or lack of memory and then more reality.

Do you guys understand what it’s like existing solely in THIS reality? Never getting any type of break from it?

LSD and psilocybin are sort of dream like and I liked to use them as a sort of substitute? but I can’t even find those let alone the time to do them anymore

Sometimes I consider a break (that never happens) so maybe my brain would level out but who the fuck wants to be normal anyways


yeah, if you take a tolerance break you’ll end up with crazy vivid dreams after stopping, that’s what i’ve heard anyway.

i’ve heard vitamin b6 helps a bunch. i used to take it to help or possibly help with lucid dreams


I dreamt I rode a motorcycle to a denim factory and was overwhelmed be terminology like polydurathane which is made up.

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Just woke up, I dreamt that I was playing a dice game ship, captain, crew and I was gambling with my elite/clone only cured buds instead of money…


just had a vivid dream (not lucid) that stuck out as very memorable. i was in a plane that was landing in Indonesia, and it overshot the runway landing in the water. (i remember staring out the window and the pilots front view, it was pretty foggy) but there was a rubber lift type thing that could raise the plane so we were all just supposed to grab our bags to leave the plane. separating into groups for some reason. i saw people on the plane that i hadn’t seen in ages. i think i’ve seen parts of this dream a few times but never the exact same situation. anyway… weird.

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