Third Eye Vision: Pre prepped to enter the Zen Zone

Yesterday my wife treated me for fathers(Australian) day by booking me an hour massage. Before the masseuse arrived I ripped a big bong to get in ‘the zone’, I’ve always done this whether it’s going to see a physiotherapist or osteopath for treatment on an injury, having a sauna or hot tub or in this case a relaxing massage. I also really enjoy smoking before yoga and breath work like Wim Hoff. Cannabis has been proven to slow the heart rate and expand the lungs, because of this I truly believe it can speed up the healing process. I’m able to stretch deeper and I feel I have more breath control after consuming.

It’s not great for everything for example I meditate daily but never after I’ve smoked, always before. My mind runs too much otherwise.

Anyone else like to open up the third eye through movement, breath and Cannabis?


Probably should of added these are all practices I adopted when I was going through cancer recovery a couple years back, before that I was pounding rum daily and smoking excessively, I wasn’t always a boring “hippy” cunt


I use Vap before Advanced Hydro Fit Class twice a week, it’s a 50 min class its sort of like yoga/pilates/areobics in deep water. I agree with you on it the lung expansion and stretch deeper and breath control. Yep :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


that’s the whole population of Eugene, Or :peace_symbol: we all drive Subaru’s :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Toss in a steady diet, restrictive diet, or fasting. Proper hydration from natural sources.


I know @Shadey lives a pretty holistic live style, I’d like to hear your views mate


That’s sounds epic, thanks for sharing bro

Fasting is good for sure, good water with minerals is 80% of my diet


Toss in some nootropic compounds. Lions mane, cacao, MCT oil, mixed into coffee (At the start of your day).


Well now that you asked lol, great thread by the way.

I started meditating at an early age without realizing what it was, probably aged 8 or 9.

When I got into my late teens, I would come back from a hard work out at the gym, smoke half a joint lay in a hot bath for an hour, get out, smoke the other half of the joint and lay on my bed dozing and relaxing. I would go into a deep relaxed state and have out of body experiences.

I usually vape before meditating now, 42 years on, I have just actually started to do more intense and regular meditation recently, as life is changing again, and I want to strengthen and enhance my psychic abilities further, now I don’t have to focus a lot of intention on making money so much now.

Weed definitely gets me in what I call the extasy zone faster, where I connect with source, higher self, universe, god or whatever name you want to give it.

My third eye chakra is being pushed hard atm, it gets a lot of energy pressure build up. I am getting lots of colors with my eyes closed as usual and can now create different colors at will, these colors have started forming geometrical shapes now, as well as faces appearing and telepathic communications.

It’s getting interesting again like when I started doing long 3 hour meditations to achieve astral or etheric projection instead of it accidentally happening, and I am constantly evaluating the information to make sure it’s not just an ego self generated thing to make me feel better about myself lol.

I find weed shuts down the mind chatter for me but this could also be auto suggestion from past use that weed will help me achieve certain states when used.

Really the best thing is achieving altered states of consciousness without any substances to help, but it’s a good way to know you can achieve a state, that might not be acessible for a person without a substance assist at that time in their development .

Once you know it’s possible the thought process changes, and the law of attraction starts creating a higher level of vibration, provided your thought process is positively focused and then the state can be accessed more frequently with less effort or substances to help.

Weed works well for me when doing the Wimm Hoff breathing technique as well, it definitely opens the airways and helps get those cannabinoids deep into my bodies cellular levels as well as the breath work resetting my autonomic nervous system, as well as improving my empathic and intuitive senses as well.


I found fasting increases my energy vibration a lot.

If you meditate and focus on positive feelings, thoughts and emotions while holding water you can physically change its structure. I channel energy into our water filter unit for health and love, this should affect a change in any water added to the filter as well, so long as its less than what is in the jug at that moment.

Stopping eating meat will also increase your energy vibration, because meat is a dense food that can hold negative energy from when the animal was killed. This is why people used to say grace or gave thanks which blesses the food, before eating and changes the vibration of it.

Sensitivity to energies around you can be a double edged sword though, as you pick up other peoples negativity and problems easier. If you are not aware of this you may think you have a problem similar to what you picked up else where from someone else.


Exactly. Manichaeism.




@Shadey thanks for sharing your experiences and knowledge, I knew you would have some killer insight. I especially like how you mentioned the vibration of water and that we have the power to manipulate its molecules. Seeing as the human body is around 60% water this makes complete sense to me. Astral travel really interests me too and although I do have outer body experiences during some meditation sessions it’s not quite astral. It’s amazing that Wim Hoff’s techniques are now published in medical journals, I honestly believe it’s a key element to longevity and quality of life. I’ve been taking cold showers lately but ideally incorporating regular ice baths would be the next level and then resulting in the homeostasis of the autonomic nervous system. I also agree about meat consumption and the negetative energy molecules that can be held in the cells of a stesssed/neglected animal. I eat meat once or twice a month but that’s it. Have you much experience with lucid dreaming? A friend of mine who’s a yoga master says she can make concious movements and decisions whilst being in a lucid subconscious state.


Thanks for the links bro, all very relevant and interesting information. The Chi is something Western society basically ignores but it should be talked about and taught in schools more now than ever. Whether fact or fiction I’ve always loved the stories of ancient Kung Fu masters vibrating on such a high level that they could literally adapt the form of their molecules to walk through walls and other hard to believe feats. I’ve always thought that these levels of higher vibration and conciousness is what allows the Shaolin Monks to do such amazing things.


Great thread topic @FattyRoots! :grinning:

I’ve love some meditation. Early morning deep breathing Wim Hof style in a cold shower is the best way I start my day.

I’m a camel, at least 98% water. I was gonna star as Aquaman, but they didn’t want it to come off as a documentary :joy:



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the woke crowd doesn’t approve of this in 2022 - fine by me though

@FattyRoots great thread ; I suggest thinking in terms of wholeness - separation is an illusion, a really persistent one.

Consciousness is whole and complete - yet we describe and feel separate e.g. sub-conscious, un-conscious, hyper-conscious, etc.

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Kick rocks.


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Perfect start to the day bro, a Canadian cold shower is way more hardcore than one in the tropics so props to that. I just got gifted a session at the local sauna/ice bath, I can’t lie I’m kind of scared haha cold water is one thing but an ice bath is going to shock the whole system… in a good way though

60% water 38% bong water :joy:


I have tried many times and been successful on some occasions. I have been able to move and make decisions in them, mostly flying. In the lucid dream state I know I have to make a certain noise pitch in my head like humming. when I do this I can levitate and move around through the air and make conscious decisions where I want to go.

I also have lucid dreams about UFO’s and meeting aliens and I sometimes decide to go for a run in my dreams as it was fun not feeling out of breath or tired, and can take giant bounding steps like I am on the moon.

In the dream state I recognize this is not possible to do in the physical world levitating and bounding running, and try and work out how to do it in the physical reality when I wake up, by practising making the high pitched noise, still working on that lol. Weed seems to inhibit dream states, or at least, remembering them when I wake up. When I fast and do a weed tolerance break, they can become quite intense.

I have tried the cold water showers and breathing, it does stop the cold feeling fairly quickly, but its the initial cold shock I hate. I used to ride a motorcycle all year around, to get to work, in the UK before emigrating to Canada. I used to call it my dry cold shower in the winter lol. It would take 20 minutes before the pain in my hands and legs would stop as I thawed out.

After being in Canada doing construction in the winter here in anything up to minus 25C all day, I could walk about in a Tshirt outside come March when it was only plus 3 to 5C. I would have the house heating turned down to 16 or 17C because it felt to hot any higher, the wife and daughter hated me lol. I would say, I cant understand why you feel cold, go and put a sweater on lol.

There are different things you can do to prep for a lucid dream, once I am becoming aware I am dreaming I look for a light. You cant turn off lights in the dream state so this helps start the process of becoming lucid.


Just don’t consume anything with lactose if you’re using lions mane for the nootropic effect.

Agreed though

Also on the subject of third eye awakening….after all the people I’ve talked to about it along with my own experiences, both mushrooms and DMT are in my opinion the best way (more so than a lifetime of meditation and practice) to truly access that wavelength. That’s not to take away from those who have mastered their minds. It’s just that you cannot replicate what DMT unveils. You cannot replicate the mother goddess within the mushroom.

I’d argue it’s almost a disservice to tell someone “oh yea just meditate and practice and there are ______ number of ways you can activate your third eye with time” as it’s robbing them of truly experiencing those other realms.

I spent three months on a guided journey with mushrooms after some heavy depression due to a back issue. Every two weeks I would have a progressively higher dose trip with a set structure and purpose of each trip. It changed my life completely and I can confidently say it’s translated to my relationships, my career, and my passions.

With the mushroom you bring that knowledge and reflection back with you. With DMT it’s more “hey this exists and it’s right in front of you so let the hell go of your ego and enjoy your time on this dimensional plane”