Your worst bad trip

Hey folks!

We all have that terrible experience, right?

I’ll describe mine in a few words. I took some extra puffs and time slows down, i’m getting depressed and angry, really want to stop it but i CAN’t, sucks. And it lasted like the whole night in my head but in fact it was for about 2 hours. I don’t even how to describe those feelings. Do you have sth like this? Tell me guys, pls


Nope, not I…


Personally I have yet to have a bad experience on weed or shrooms. I do love it when time slows down. Probably one of my favorite experiences.

I will say that recently I witnessed the end of a world while smoking. Just a flash and it was clear as day, a world, much like our own, literally split in two by a collision with a large object. Time just stood still and I could see everything. It was frightening and amazing at the same time. I’m not even doing it justice in trying to write it down.


I got a weird cannabutter trip,After using half of the entire butter batch to make 8 pancakes,that I and my partner ate vigorously with empty stomach.It started to kick very very later,2 hours later.I felt It coming and every minute I felt more and more High,like I was kinda floating,time was very slowed but not stopped.I absolutely got a bad trip cause of the other Person,not me,I was so peaceful,but was guided through hell since the other Person was experiencing racy Heart,shivers and very cold.Bad trip ended up in me taking care of the other Person,while I was crying in silence to not alert.I was scared my partner was alergic and was about to die if I didn t call and ambulance.My head was lucid and rational on cannabis,It cannot kill or overdose,but an alergic reaction can.Bad trip ended when finally my partner recovered and I was quite lucid.She throwed up in the sink to try reject the thc but It was too late and digested when It all started to hit


What does “padded rooms” mean?
Sorry I am no english language native


Removed. This was dumb lol


Padded rooms sound a lot more fun then they are. Years ago I was in one, those walls were still hard as fuck lol


Sister in law made hash cookies out of a REALLY potent Sativa… told me to ‘only eat about 1/4 of one to start with’… Even THAT would have been too much…
BUT: I’d never done edibles…ate 1/4of one at bedtime, and nothing happened before I went to sleep. Woke up with the munchies- and 'oh look- a cookie!" and ate the whole thing…went back to sleep.
Woke up an hour or so later (don’t remember much!) Got up to go get more munchies and a drink for Draig-- got to the kitchen, and lost my shit 100% !!
Freaking out-- don’t recognize where I am, who any of these people are (Draig and My Kids0 and don’t understand why they are holding on to me… They ere trying to help me, I had been screaming and crying, totally tripping… Draig Luckily gave me a coupe Xanax and after about 20 minutes I was calm enough to be herded back to bed.
I only eat my OWN edible that I make myself and know how to dose (and not leave where I can see it when I have the munchies!!)


Smoked a huge hit of Salvia…wont even go into it, was 5 minutes of pure Hell and Terror.

How could they sell that shit to kids??? Whoever sells it should be hung in public!


I got something that was not what it was supposed to be and wound up awake for 3 days but felt sober the whole time, smoked 2 ounces of weed , even scraped the pipe because I wasent home and still couldn’t feel a thing. Contemplated going to the hospital for a minute , was having weird thoughts that somebody gave me something that made it to where I would never get high again , that was depressing I love weed. Finally managed to get a few hours of sleep on night three and it all went away slowly but it was beyond strange.
There was another time in Vegas I ate this little triangle that was mescaline, molly and some other substance that started with a d I can’t remember. It was not a bad trip but a un expectedly strong one that was one of the only times I had to sit down because I was border line losing it in a good way. Music notes flying out of speakers , me laughing asking strangers if what I was witnessing was part of the show or part of my show :rofl: I also lectured a drive threw worker at McDonald’s once about how the coffee grinds from there machines would make the trees outside happy, I was asking her in desperation to feed the grinds to the trees, I don’t think she or the people behind us were amused.


Seems like edibles are very different than Thc we smoke,It lasts longer and Is more intense,and we know that,but also It Is a different experience I cannot predict every time even though the edibles contain always the same strain,It Is more prone to be affected and change effect also by the situation you are in and the people.


That’s absolutely terrifying and a good reason to completely abstain from hallucinigenics in general. Back in the late 90’s when I was into acid (couldn’t ever get shrooms, shrug - and even the acid was not readily available in Montana) all I ever really got was the slow-time movement, the ripple effect and rainbow skies. Guess God has protected me in many, MANY ways I never thought imaginable.

Glad you’re ok now @Pawsfodocaws scary!


:joy: :rofl: :joy: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I literally laughed out loud, thanks for that @Heritagefarms


I don’t know if I agree with that. There’s a difference between taking 3 to 5 grams of shrooms (typical dose) vs. 8 ounces (!!!).

The conversion that takes place in the liver with edibles creates a stronger version of THC, so yes, it’s a stronger high and a different experience.


I was not wrong though the trees were showing signs of nitrogen deficiency and the root crowns were exposed from soil erosion in the beds, the coffee grinds were right there but nobody wanted to listen.
I also spent a good 1/2 hour on that drive convinced that we were on some road I had never seen before and telling the driver he had no idea where he was and was taking us to some unknown location, this was based on it taking far to long to come down the altimont pass and there being far more lights up there then I remembered :rofl:

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A friend and I gathered a grocery sack full of shrooms and we ate them all. I ended up in the ER. I thought I was dying until an Asian doctor came in and saw my eyes. “Oh I see by you eyes you eat mushroom.” A shot of atropine and a saline drip brought me down in minutes.


Not to get off-topic, as I’m enjoying reading these stories.

I never used mushrooms until my 40s when I started growing them myself. I did lots of research before my first dosage and came to the understanding that they were to be respected. I continue that tradition and haven’t (knock on wood) had a bad trip yet. I do slowly increase the dose, trying to get the effect that I am after (ego loss), but do so respectfully.

I guess my point is that I’m reading these stories and the quantities taken (half a pound, a grocery sack full) and am like, “Oh, well that’s why.”


Legit - I’m just more like <<Keep those doors closed, no thanks>> but, that’s just me! :woman_shrugging:




Craziest trip I had was frying balls at a Dio concert. There were little demons running around on stage and a lot of satanic stuff.
But the kicker was when a 50 ft tall dragon rose up, and started fighting with Ronnie James. Lasers shot from the dragons eyes, Dio would jump to the side, there’d be an explosion. The dragon would rear its head and shoot fire from its mouth… Finally he pulled this huge blue sword out and plunged it into the dragon, spilling blood and killing it.
I’m like, I’m outta here. Left a few mins before end of show, upon exiting San Diego Sports Arena, cops, flares, and Christians trying to push Bibles in my hands.
I fled into the foggy night, walking home to OB, I saw a guy in a wheelchair apparently emptying a bladder bag. When I turned around there was a film crew, asking if I came from the concert. When I said yes, they asked, ‘Did you come for the Satanism, or for the music?’ I said the music man.
Then I could see them zoom in, and then he said, ‘Let me ask you this, what do you think about God?’
I flee into the fog.
I’ve taken my share of blotter, liquid, shrooms and peyote. For me, what was once fun and exciting and experiencing things others would never, my trips slowly became, well, darker. At that point, I’d decided I’d learned all I could from psychedelics. I did love the Don Juan series, ‘he made his mouth into a trumpet and spoke into my ear…’

Now cannabutter is as close as I’ll get.