Stoner’s Weird Dreams

So I sleep pretty badly and it’s mostly because my dreams wake me up. It’s not that they are scary, it’s that they’re so vivid and lifelike that they get my adrenaline pumping. Yes, while asleep.

Last night I dreamt I was in Russia in a poorly designed hotel with a shitty shower that sprayed onto the carpeted bathroom floor. They built an aftermarket plastic lip but it didn’t really help. Then I left the hotel and took the bus to the airport but forgot my passport and had to go back. Then Al Pacino dressed as a monk gave me a vintage Alfred Hitchcock poster. I then thought I should walk Nevsky Prospect like Raskolnikov but then I said fuck it and went to the airport.

There’s more but that’s what I feel comfortable sharing.

It felt like real life.

Anyone else dream in high definition?


Every single night I have the same- ish dream… im always in a big house, I have my hunting rifle and we are hunting game in my dreams, they are so vivid I can feel the rifle going off, I did a ton of reading and when I notice something ascue in the dream I am able to change things that happen in the dream and also pick choices for different outcomes. Whilst in my dream we take down all legal animals, I sometimes wake up, from being awake in my dream only to find my trophy bull was just a dream… real cool, and it’s odd but it’s been the same dream for 10 years.


i do at times, unfornately for me the most real vivid heart pounding is a nightmare, its exactly like when i was trapped in a fire, right down to the last detail. I cant go to sleep smelling like smoke, cant enjoy camp fires anymore or i have that nightmare or if i get burned during the day, awhile back i burnt my wrist on my harleys exhaust that night had that dream. In fact i dont cook because of it,when wifey aint here and im hungry its micro wave time


This past year I was very crazy. It was like I was tripping on mushrooms. It happened I think maybe about three nights in a row. Outer body experience fevers chills and it was nightmares which sounds and lights it was so real but I knew that I was something. I’m not sure what it was I normally don’t dream because I smoke a lot. When I have a dream that I remember it will usually be bad. I hate to say it I’m not. Let’s say I have problems. It’s not going anywhere I’m not going to hurt myself or anything like that at all I just like staying to myself. I do enjoy coming here because I can cut it off and turn it on anytime I want to. I wake up in rages things that happened to me in the past especially what happened to me in the military. Not sure why this one person.


I have had some like that before. I had one one time of me being a kid with four other people the names of the four of the people I met two weeks later.

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My grandfather had malaria from WW2 I live with him I always felt like I got it from him something. I kinda grew up in this won’t. I remember walking out my back door and then the next thing I remember I was taped to a bed with needles all in me all in my body so yeah I have some nightmares. Bugs I hate more than anything I was trapped in a storm one time. Sand fleas all over me. For three days I don’t think I could handle another day.

I had a dream similar except well, it sucked. I was dreaming and my mom passed away in my arms. Later 2 weeks it actually happened. I was 17. She’s not in pain any more. _ love you mom!!!

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I’m sorry man. I’m ok now. Not sure what it was from. With the virus out. My dr. Had 19 so I would see a different doctor every time I would go. I don’t take pain pills. More mind stuff. Heart medicine and all this other kind of stuff. I’ll stop taking it. I think it messed with me.

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I’m a heavy sleeper and rarely remember any dreams. If I smoke before bed, I sometimes get weird thoughts/almost-dreams just as I fall asleep. But once asleep, it’s all over

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Tonight I dreamt I was in a movie with Burt Reynolds and Ben Stein and I won a glass swan as a prize but I broke it in my backpack taking public transit home.

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Neat. The human mind is amazing. Maybe the Airport was an exit strategy.

Had some crazy nitemares when I had Covid lol first 2 weeks of it,had some crazy dreams but my sleep in back to normal now,my wife has crazy dreams she be rolling all over the bed

I was gonna start a thread on dreams till I saw this…we all Dream it’s just a matter of remembering…I just a had dream I was fighting this guy for dealing drugs in a bar which looked like a kid from my elementary school…everytime I punched him packets of cocaine/heroin would fall from his pockets and I would pick it up so it won’t be sold in the bar…he had his girlfriend there just watching and egging him on…there was also a small kid there who was punching me but he was too small for me to hit him so I just pushed him away…this fight happened close to the pool table…btw, I haven’t been stoned in 5 days…the guy I was fighting looked like a classmate of mine named Cedric, I found out 4yrs. ago from his son that Cedric has been dead for over 10 years…

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before i kept having dreams where i was telling snoop dogg about the strains i made, lol.

i miss having lucid dreams, those are really cool. they mostly happened when my sleep schedule was all fucked up from work.

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Disagree. They are the worst.

Last night I had a Hitchcock type horror dream that took place in a subway with a running fire fight. Think the birds plus the movie heat. I ended up befriending a homeless man for some reason and we were running from the hail of bullets together. Then I bought him a specific brand of sherry that the homeless people drink around here.

Kelly’s sherry. Most bang for the buck.

Edit - I also had a dream about a guy from grade school the other night. He was 20 years older and I didn’t recognize him until he told me. Don’t know if he’s alive or dead.

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you may be thinking of vivid dreams. a lucid dream is a dream in which you become aware that you are dreaming. Sometimes you can control the dream when you are aware it isn’t real.


Oh yes. You are correct.

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Now I try to be polite and usually ask around about the back story before doing anything wild in my dreams.

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I have no control over my dreams. They control me.

They’re fun sometimes but they wake me up just the same. It’s the intensity not the content.

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I only get crazy dreams if I take a tolerance break for a few weeks